In the Academy Leela will hold skype-retreat, which will consist of Individual consultations.
will hold the players of the project "Open Heart", which continuously
over the last two years, trained counseling training system in Academy
Lila directly from Rama. From the project players "Open Heart" selected
players who are full and can share. All players carry out counseling on
the basis of karma yoga, and donations received from the players for
their participation in this retreat enter the Oasis Revival Fund and are
on the implementation and development of its projects.
Feature skype-retreats "Individual Consultations" .:
- an optional remote for the games, workshops, retreats form of
training, which is aimed at a deeper and more comprehensive development
of the theory and practice skills hunter and warrior, missionaries.
the consultation, of course, put the main task - the solution of actual
problems of the counselee current player. But it is important that
during the consultations, the consultants will apply the practice hunter
and warrior, such as tracking their status, recapitulating the history
of life, transformation and technology of non-doing. Thus, consultees
players directly on the experience, they will learn how to properly and
accurately perform three main base practices Player:
· Tracking of the condition,
· Recapitulation of the history of life,
· Transformation and technology of non-doing.
Registration on a retreat is open.