The project "Open heart" in action.

Sunday 22 November, 2015

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On November 16, the registration continues to retreat, "the Remote fourth Winter Games" and continue with the selections until 16 December.
It is the longest rally, hosted by the Academy of Leela that will last along with the selection of about 3 months.
Already, members of this DRAWING forces began to undergo selection. There will be four stages of selection to be time to go before the official start of the fourth Winter Games, the Remote - December 18, 2015.
The novelty of the Remote fourth games will be possible to play the participants receive during the game, on the first Skype-consultation, Sangha Oasis Awakening.
Because of the "Open Heart" selected six players that can advise and have the personal power to share-based service, karma yoga.
Advising all players were initially trained at the Academy of levels LILA Hunter, Warrior, Missionary, Formless Player.
What sent this new opportunity for the players?

  • consultants can help identify the blind spots (fear, protection, resistance)
  • Using technology hunters, warriors, Missionary, Formless players can send to the exact game in the drawings, through the transformation of deep-seated fears
  • in practice, to consolidate the three techniques hunter and warrior: Track, view, and do not re-doing
  • give feedback on the state and behavior in various situations

The "Open Heart" holds ranking advisers.
Players do not just come to listen to the counseling training, and active studying this delicate craft.
Last ranking was held October 31, 2015 See the rankings can be 


Autor: Сангха



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