Laughter therapy (gelotology). Fun treatment

Tuesday 29 August, 2017

Probably, many will agree that nothing so charges positively and vivacity, like moments of sincere laughter in the company of friends or relatives. Admit it, you noticed what mood you have after seeing a good comedy or a funny show? You'll laugh with all your heart, and then for a few more hours you'll have an elevated state and a feeling of almost flying. That's great, is not it?

But, it turns out, laughter can be used not only in domestic conditions and for idle pastime. There is a separate direction of science - laughter therapy, or gelotology, which is engaged in laughter professionally.

Laughter therapy (gelotology). Treatment with laughter is serious!
A bit of history ...
The science of laughter and its influence on the physical and mental health of a person - gelotology (from the Greek "gelos" - laughter) - originated in the USA in the 70s of the last century. It was introduced into the official medicine by American journalist Norman Cousins. Being bedridden, and, according to doctors, without a chance to recover, he decided to radically change his way of life.

Since Norman did not want to give up and despondently die of his days, he began to spend his time cheerfully: he spent whole days watching comedies, listening to jokes and funny stories and laughing without restraint. According to sources, a week later his pain stopped, and a month later he was able to move. Soon he began to walk and went to work.

Such an amazing story inspired scientists in Europe and America to focus their attention on studying the phenomenon of laughter and its impact on the human psyche. Gradually, the therapy was separated as a separate psychotherapeutic method.

Interesting is the fact that there is a special direction of yoga - Hasya Yoga. Followers of this direction happily practice group laughter, combining it with traditional exercises.

Laughter therapy. Benefit for health.
In the meantime, studies by foreign scientists have proved the wonderful healing effect of laughter, which extends both to the human psyche and to its physical body. Chemically, this action is explained by the fact that the so-called "happiness hormones" - endorphins - produced during laughter have a strong beneficial effect on the immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive systems of man.

It is our attitude towards life (positively we think or only see the negative) that affects our health, including our immunity. Laughter influences the brain region that responds to the Joy of Life.

From a psychological point of view, laughter helps to release repressed emotions. Psychologists know how difficult it is to "get close" to such painful feelings for a person as shame, fear, anger. Usually people prefer to hide them, to deny, not to notice.

But under the cover of laughter, all are equal - both the prince and the beggar.
Man again returns to carefree childhood, temporarily removing the mask of invulnerability and inviolability.
Gradually, strains and clamps come out of the body, it becomes literally easier to breathe.

Also, the state of relaxation, which follows the removal of tension, helps to look at the world with wide-open eyes. In such an even positive state of consciousness, a person becomes more receptive, flexible. Breaking his own attitudes, limiting his thinking and worldview, he comes to the ability to let his novelty into his life, find answers to previously unsolvable or complicated questions. This can be compared with how, for example, to go out into the fresh air and suddenly notice that the limits of the universe are not limited to your apartment and even the street. But in fact there are so many more interesting, unknown, desired!

Who is shown the laughter therapy? From what treats cheerful doctor?

As the experience of the "pioneer" of Norman Cousins' laughter shows, Dr. Laughter is able to perform miracles even in seemingly hopeless situations. Of course, no one denies drug treatment, especially in severe cases, but still the experience of foreign countries has shown the ability of the geolotyology to provide significant assistance in:

  • lowering of blood pressure;
  •  lowering of stress level;
  •  increased activity of the body's immune system;
  •  improving the work of the brain, as well as mood and overall well-being.

That is, it is directly shown to people suffering from depressive conditions, hypertensive people, people with reduced immunity, and just those who want to be treated fun and easily. After all, except for all the bonuses listed above, laughter unites people, helps to relax and look at your life in a new way. And this means that in various doses it is shown to everyone!
What happens when a person laughs?

  • There is hyperventilation of the lungs. They are saturated with oxygen.
  •  The blood circulation increases.
  •  The muscles that are located in the pelvic region work very well.
  • Activation of the cardiovascular muscle.
  • We activate the zone of happiness. We influence the mood.
  • We increase our immunity.

Contraindications of laughter therapy

There are no scientific data on contraindications to this method. How can laughter prove harmful? What do you think?
Smehoterapiya. Exercises at home
Exercises used in laughotherapy, a lot. Let's look at the simplest ones that you can easily do at home:

  • In moments of fatigue, read a few anecdotes and laugh heartily.
  • Try to make yourself faces, standing in front of the mirror.
  • When something annoys you - try to smile and switch attention to some kind of pleasantness.
  • More often allow yourself to watch humorous programs and comedy movies.
  •  Participate in fun quests, games, friendly sit-rounds.
  • Take a piece of sugar-refined sugar and pinch between your teeth without closing your mouth. Now look in the mirror.
  •  Listen to the record of a contagious laugh.

So, it's time to draw conclusions. It seems that laughter is really not only pleasant and joyful, but also extremely useful. How and when to use his help in your life - of course, you decide. But what prevents to try?
Laughter is the only thing that can actually help out of any situation. Even the most, it would seem, deplorable.

  • And the exercise "Smile" - to the world, to life, to people - can become for you a daily and very favorite practice. Like periodic watching comedy films. To catch a glimpse of life is FUN!
  • Yes, and we must admit that, in comparison with traditional pills and injections, Dr. Laughter is very pleasantly surprised by his methods of treatment. And this, you will agree, is a very pleasant bonus! Love you, health and laughter! And at the end of the article, we all just want to smile!



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