Friday 26 July, 2024


Thursday 06 June, 2024

Rainbow body.

The practitioner can reach the so-called rainbow body when the body is gradually reduced and dissolved in the iridescent light, with the result that there are only hair and nails.

Through practice, completely exhausted when any grasping and fixation, five gross physical body elements dissolve in five pure elements, five-color light, so that the body is transformed into light in the space and disappears.

To implement the rainbow body enough just 10 years of constant practice.


Friday 20 October, 2023


Monday 25 September, 2023


Friday 01 September, 2023


Friday 04 August, 2023


Monday 05 June, 2023

Ayu Khandro (Implementation of the Rainbow Body).

In this series we will look at the great masters who made the transition through the phenomenon of dissolution of the body in glowing terms.

Today we will focus on the great yogi, the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, the great master Ayu Khandro Dorje woman Peldron (Ayu Khandro Dorje Peldron) (1839 - 1953).

In 1953, at the age of 115 years, Ayu Khandro left this world. A few weeks before his death, she had spent in communion with those who wanted to talk to her. She also handed out many of their valuables - such as his son Adzom Drukpa Adzomu gyeltsen Gyurme Dorje (1895-1959) she presented a precious statue of Padmasambhava, and Namkhai Norbu she left a gift in a little statue of Jamyang Khyentse.

After his death, she remained in meditation for two weeks, on completion of which, her body was very much reduced, that is considered a sign of successful completion of the Dzogchen practice.


Tuesday 30 May, 2023

Togden Ametrine (Implementation of the Rainbow Body).

In this series we will look at the great masters who made the transition through the phenomenon of dissolution of the body in glowing terms.

This wizard, make the transition to another world, says his pupil.

At the age of 84 years old then Amtrin quietly stepped Tashijong, India, on Friday, July 1, the 25 day of the fifth lunar month of the Tibetan calendar, the day of his last moments Dakini.V Togden Amtrin was completely alone, and left like a damped flame. From time to time he opened his eyes, while his gaze was direct and clear ...


Thursday 25 May, 2023

Nyala Pema Dudul (Implementation of the Rainbow Body).

In this series we will look at the great masters who made the transition through the phenomenon of dissolution of the body in glowing terms.

Our next story is about a famous Dzogchen master and tertön of Nyarong who attained the rainbow body in 1872, Nyala Pema Dudul (nyag bla padma bdud 'dul) (1816-72).

He turned to his disciples and said: "Sew the door of my tent, and do not come to it for seven days."

Some have said that the night was heavy rain and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Others said that by the end of seven days, three times there was an earthquake, the sky was in rainbows and rainbow spheres of light, heard the sound of music and the ethereal aroma filled the space.

When they went up the hill most of them must have known what they would find when they open the tent uchitelya.V a result, all that they found, it was the hair, nails and clothes that are still repeated body shape.

Having dissolved his physical body, master Nyala Pema sold Dudul rainbow body, which is the highest achievement in Dzogchen.


Sunday 21 May, 2023

Chetsun Senge Wangchuk (Implementation of the Rainbow Body).

In this series we will look at the great masters who made the transition through the phenomenon of dissolution of the body in glowing terms.

And the first of them: one of the masters of the transmission line Nyingthig, Chetsun Senge Wangchuk, who lived in the 11-12 century.

   He received this doctrine (the disappearance of space, dissolved in glowing terms) from his root guru adangme Lhungyal and also directly from Vimalamitra.

Chetsun Senge Wangchuk at the age of one hundred and twenty five years, disappeared into the heavens in a mass of rainbow light
