In this video you will learn exactly how to do the practice "Water in big emptiness" from direct student masters Won Gwang, Do Kuhn.
At the end of the video, Rama asks Before Kuhn, experienced the dissolution of the body of experience with this practice: "If you are not the body, then who are you?" What Up Kuhn says: If you do this practice, you will be able to answer this question! "
After the publication of the article on our blog "Water in big emptiness," a reference to the article, this practice is firmly established
in the Academy training program Leela and all the students of the Academy
took part in the full-time retreats with Rama, received its fulfillment
But we will continue to a more thorough and detailed familiarity with
the history of this practice, transfer it to a master, and the nuances
of the implementation of the practice itself.
video was recorded in September 2016 in Seoul (South Korea), and we are
in it will be about the wizard Won Gwang.
By fearlessness, I am calling you. Take heart, my friends.
Leave this terrible fear of prejudice;
What, who, where are you afraid of? If everything is just you?
If the One All - inseparable, like the ocean the same throughout the universe of Matter, Matter, fragmented into
separate beings, part of which is called the people.
Approaching the start of the third game trip, which will take place in South Korea.
In addition to the main program, which will be held on the island of volcanic origin Che Judith participants playing travel, will initiate the practice of "flow in the infinite void" from the direct disciple Wongwang master, who taught this praktike Kim do Kuyn.
In this video you will learn that the practice of "Water in big emptiness" was created five great masters, about 10 thousand years ago in the town Sinanju, which is on the territory of modern North Korea, near the south-eastern borders of modern Russia.
On the merits of the teacher can not be judged
the size of the crowd following him.
(R. Bach)