Academy Lila. Training News.

Saturday 23 July, 2016

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In the 2016-2017 year, the Academy of Leela, will develop a number of new training projects.

1. Parents and children. Now.

Because while studying at the Academy of Lila, many players had children, while others are rapidly growing up, it goes without saying becomes relevant the question of how, their knowledge, players can intersperse in the education of their children system, forming their worldview, laying the foundations for the formation of personality and relationships with oneself and the world.

Already in the upcoming Winter Games Remote, will be a new Remote game for parents. This game will implement the following tasks:

The development of spiritual relations between parents and children. And the main question that should answer every parent: How to conduct the spiritual education of children.

And in the future, the Academy of Leela, will conduct retreats for parents and children together. To do this is very well suited as a form of "Game of Travel" and holding "the games" at the recreation center.

It is common knowledge that all the foundations and bases as the education and spiritual and physical development, it is necessary to lay a child. Like the principle of prevention, which must always be carried out long before the emergence of the disease, the foundations of spiritual upbringing and outlook, it is necessary to lay in childhood, until the moment when the case of complex life and spiritual crises. This implicit in childhood knowledge base, will provide a firm support for the rest of the child's life and will guide him in a variety of situations.

Already at the Academy Lila I appeared book I can feel better, which is recommended reading for adults with children. Read more about the book, visit the link above.

2. The next area of ​​study at the Academy of Lila, associated with the development of philosophy Players nutrition.

We need to respect the basic principles of cooking. One of the principles is: you need to cook with an open mind, positive thoughts and be able to peace and quiet.




The project is associated with proper nutrition have developed in Leela Academy. But it remains only to start the practical implementation of instilling the basics of right and healthy eating among the players.

3. Also in the period from 2016 - 2017, will be released book on Wongwan master and practice "flow in the infinite void."



Autor: Сангха



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