
Events "Oasis of Awakening" for 2024


Registration on retrit "Experience of Samadhi" is complete.

Registration and the statement of structure of participants of the Individual retrit with Rama "Experience of Samadhi" it is complete.

After carrying out a spring retrit of Opyt Samadkhi, the number of participants on this retrit increases, now 6 players of Academy Poured will go to deep immersion in themselves.

The schedule of participants of a retrit underwent some change... Samadh is an important and necessary step in the program of training in Academy Lila, but the condition of Samadhi-isn't an enlightenment, it is a magic step which prepares for full delivery and acceptance of reality such as it is, without certainly always the "correct" corrections of Mind :).


Modernization of the Site project in operation.


Approximately till August 10, on the site the technical works connected with completion of the site and its modernization will be carried out.

Upon termination of works, we will acquaint you with all changes, you will be able to notice some of which and already now, and we will need to tell about some to you.

The site will change without stopping its works therefore some technical failures sometimes are for a short time possible.

We will wish to the experts conducting works on the site of its successful modernization, and we with interest will watch its imperceptible transformation.


Registration on retrit is close to early end.

Registration for Internal Retrit to Rama who will pass in Vladivostok on July 24,25,26,27 is close to end.

Today applications are already submitted and the 1st stages of selections are passed by the maximum number of participants who can accommodate on the basis of a retrit.

Perhaps in the next few days, registration will proceed through a waiting list in case someone from players, isn't able to pass any stage of selections, on its place the player from a waiting list will be enlisted...

As already becomes tradition, on retrit PLAYERS from the different cities of Russia and even the abroad submitted applications. GAME is the reason for that....

That who by the nature the player, starts hearing its CALL... Leela brings together those who is ready to PLAY it!

Yahuu! Play!

With Love, Team of the Oasis of Awakening.


On June 24 registration opens on retrit with Rama

In game there are no stops, output … game of Consciousness doesn't wait so far you will prepare for developing :).

To us it is so poorly released time for one embodiment which flies, especially after 30 years, it is prompt and imperceptible to final draw in which everything will occur as you will play. In this final draw someone will die, and someone will make transition...

Such intensity the rhythm set by Lila's Academy the held events within a year allows players to jump out of a wheel of "samsara" in the center …

Only high tendency, improbable devotion, courage, heroism, endurance multiplied by devotion of a way promote receiving in Gift – KNOWLEDGE! Your efforts on this way to you also come back in the form of SILY-Znaniya.

REGISTRATION on retrit will be takes place on the Awakening Oasis site, action in a calendar:


Modernization of the Site project.

Dear Players!

We thank you for participation in the Modernization of the Site project.

We received your remarks and offers. The register of completions consisting at the moment of 40 points is made. Soon the register of completions will be sent to an assessment a web. the studio which was engaged in creation of the site and further work on modernization of the site will begin.

So one of improvements in work of the site, is planned creation of mobile version of the site in order that it was possible to look through easily the site from the mobile phone, and players could playing remote games, it is simple to send reports from the mobile phone.

With Lоve, Team of the Oasis of Awakening.


Registration for Skype-retrit with Rama, is complete.

All June Rama is engaged in consultation of PLAYERS and carries out Skype consultation in the mode of a retrit that means besides consultation the player makes a certain internal work according to preparation tasks before consultation and after.

To consultation it is necessary to be ready...


Started Individual consultations of Rama on Skype-retreats.

Started Skayp-retrity with Rama which will pass from June 1 to June 30, 2015.

All participants already passed or continue pass selections on Skype-retrit. All pupils of Academy Lila can be divided conditionally on: Sleeping Wakening Awakened Sleeping - is what know about awakening only intellectually so far.

Wakening - is what endured Samoosoznaniya's flash, but not able to see THIN EGO*.

Awakened - is what endured Samoosoznaniya's flash, found the THIN EGO, consciously are given through GAME with Consciousness. A thin Ego * After experience of flash of Samoosoznaniya when the person realizes the answer to question Who I, together with it, its identification with that whom it isn't remains.

From this point it is possible to name false identifications THIN Eg. Why the THIN? Because Knowledge Who I am starts blinding false identifications and wakening it seems that it is enough this knowledge, he understood everything (KNOWS). And on manifestations of the THIN Ego, it intellectualizes, claiming that all this does consciousness.

Yes everything does consciousness - but in case of a thin Ego, through, still false identification.


New project "Modernization of the Site".

For further development of our site, we ask you to take part in the new project of the Oasis of Awakening "Modernization of the site".

It is important to us to receive from you feedback in the form of remarks to work of the site, the description of difficulties which you experience, offers on change of design and information filling of the site.


Second Game travel. Registration on the site.

The second Game Travel will take place in a form 15 of a day retrit: "Secret of Great transition" Players the first stages of selections, acquisition of air tickets corresponding to criteria of participation in this retrit and passed, have to be registered on the site in action the Second Game Travel with Rama to start the subsequent stages of selections.

The main part of a retrit will pass on the island of a volcanic origin, Cheju which was once independent country under Tkhamn's name. For surprisingly beautiful and unique nature, the island it was defined by UNESCO as the world natural heritage. And Koreans consider this island the PEARL of KOREA.

In this place, in one of Temples of the island, the Consciousness, prepared all conditions, for contact by players with "Secret of Great transition".

Great transition of the master is carried out at the end of life when there comes time to leave this world, and only units from them pass it, remaining in this world.


Registration for the retreat

Retreats "Dive into yourself" will be held in the city of Nakhodka in the center of individual retreats). Participants who have submitted an application to participate in the retreat were able to choose the date and retreat leader. The later application is made accordingly ruled choice of dates and master. Check in at the retreats will be carried out on Fridays to 18.00, Saturday the main day of the retreat and departure on Sunday after 9.00. Conduct a retreat group will transfer players, past personal retreat with Rama "The experience of Samadhi": Swan, silence, Hikari universe.
