
Events "Oasis of Awakening" for 2024



New! Announcement of the Remote Game: Mahamudra or LIFE NOW.

At the upcoming Sixth Winter Remote Games, a game of formless level "Mahamudra or LIFE NOW" will be available.

This D.I. was written by Rama during his visit to Ladak (Lesser Tibet) and visits to the place of Knowledge - "the heavenly gate".
This is a Game about the development of Clarity of Self-Consciousness.

The basis, the path and the goal of the level game is an unformed player - this is Mahamudra.

Mahamudra - consists in the immediate presence of the practitioner in the state of the true nature of the mind in the clarity of Self-Consciousness Always.

Immediate stay in the essence of the mind - the inseparability of perception and emptiness, is achieved through the adherence to Mahamudra, that is, preserving the clarity of Self-Consciousness always, in whatever state the body and mind are, in particular:

  • Meditation (the theme of this remote game)
  • Waking (the theme of this remote game)


In the spring and summer Remote Games of 2017, which will be updated from mid-May to August 2017, players of the Lila Academy will be able to access a new remote level game. Formless player:

108 Conscious Incarnations.

  • 108 conscious births.
  •  108 conscious Lives.
  • 108 conscious deaths.

This is a game for ...



Announcement: New Remote game level Warrior: Pedigree. Psychogenetics. Capabilities.

In spring and summer the Remote Games 2017, which will take place from the end of April to August 2017, the Academy of Lila players will be available a new level of remote game Warrior: Pedigree. Psychogenetics. Capabilities.

In this remote game, we are with you, my dear friend, zaymёmsya study of hereditary transmission of psychological properties you as a character (personality). Hereditary factor (genotype) in conjunction with the environment has an impact on the formation of various mental characteristics.

During the game we will make Remote genealogical tree of your family are going to do an analysis of the practical life of our behavior and the laws by which our ancestors lived, and now we are living.

Often this analysis gives us an understanding of what led us to the current state and how to direct their lives to success and harmony, especially with yourself.

As can be seen from the title: "Psychogenetics", the key word is the root of this gene.

The genes responsible for congenital characteristics, psychological and human health. Genes transmit a program to a greater degree to the next generation, and a generation, that is, your genes are not your children, and your grandchildren have. And your children - the genes of your parents ...


Shiva Nataraja - symbol of the Remote Winter Games.

According to the ancient texts of the Maya (illusion) is pushing us to an erroneous decision transient pleasures of the world for permanent, while only a spiritual communion can help a person get rid of illusions. Self-esteem (ego) is considered one of the most pernicious evil. Only He (Gd) is in control of all souls. This is symbolized by the act of trampling the demon (ego). Shiva Nataraja embody the joy of life, ecstasy rhythmic movement, the perfect balance, symmetry, grace and harmony.


New Remote game of 2016-17 season.

Everyone knows that the fundamentals of education, spiritual and physical development, it is necessary to lay a child. Like the principle of prevention, which must always be carried out long before the emergence of the disease, the foundations of spiritual upbringing and outlook, it is necessary to lay in childhood, until the moment when the case of complex life and spiritual crises. This implicit in childhood knowledge base, will provide a firm support for the rest of the child's life and will guide him in a variety of situations.

The most secret desire of any parent - to see how their child has achieved success in life, but how many of us realize that the most direct way to success is through the spirit?


Remote game • Time • Self-awareness

Another remote game, the players will be available on the formless levels of the Remote Fifth Winter Games.

Awareness - is the queen, and all other practices only subservient awareness.

Our every word, our reckless idea, our imagination, our plan to create a reality and already our inner universe is constantly being rebuilt, according to our reactions to situations, drawing tunnels reality of our future self.

When we realize the jewel of consciousness, we are in the present, without fear.

Everyone who came in this game, there is equal time: 24 hours a day, which you can control how you want.

Remember !!! Time passes quickly. Time - it's like a swift river.


Remote play · Creativity · · His work Spirituality

All players Leela Academy live social life and, moreover, the training program at the Academy of Lila offers players to use social aspects of life as an excellent catalyst for development.

 In our development we gain a certain level of courage and ability to act and not a template prepared to do in this world, based on their desires and talents. Few of us are able to take risks and to organize their business, and organizing successfully run it for many years.

But for a player, any social activity is the only way of development and Remote game:

· Creativity · · His work Spirituality

it is the guide to have reached a certain level of personal power players who can integrate their activities (their job) with the work through the prism of spiritual development in Leela Academy.


I can feel GOOD.

Meena Lee has invested in the creation of the book a lot of love and warmth of his heart, as well as a profound belief that it is necessary to share their talents and realize them.


Academy Lila. Training News.

In the 2016-2017 year, the Academy of Leela, will develop a number of new training projects.
