Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 5.

Saturday 24 January, 2015

Prayer ...

Greetings of the reality in which

all the elements and all the living and nonliving

creatures appear as if by themselves

itself, to which they awhile

exist and which then returns ...

How soon will you long, but some of the participants have already exceeded the mark of the 5th game.

To clearly understand the game that we play, the following is a brief explanation:

Nature of the Absolute is a manifestation of a subtle spiritual vibrations. These tonic spiritual vibrations induce a Supreme Consciousness shine and radiate energy out of ourselves.

No collective prints (karma), no innate tendency to Absolute ignorance or concern on the movement of energy or compassion are not the cause of the creation of the universe.

In the absolute sense, nothing is ever born, not created, not destroyed. The manifestation of the visible universe in relative peace has an illusory act of the dual mind.

Visible energy of the universe appear gratuitously. The visible universe is a play of the Absolute, it is unmotivated, spontaneous play demonstration.

As the Enlightenment and Nirvana and samsara-clouding of the nature of the Absolute Mind. They are a manifestation of its incomprehensibility and the shape of his game.

Lila - that exceeds the purity of Nirvana and limitations of samsara, it is pure consciousness is the Source of all duality.

So, remember that the game of consciousness is causeless, below you can read and understand it as the players according to their level and play the game.


Today was the funeral of a colleague in the morning ... I was told about the transfer in which a woman talks about a deceased relative - in a good way! And here we come to the house, where the farewell in front of us comes out the cat out of the house with one blue eye, the other - green and then is remembering about the game and pops up the phrase "Good luck," and during the entire time we were there She sounded strong parallel to the other subjects - in a good way! And the state - the feeling of freedom and infinity.


I study deliberately Delta selection woke up, I decide - you need to get up - what the consequences - I will go about their business - it will give me - life ... brush your teeth - what the consequences - the most favorable - it will give me - a fresh breath ... I'd like to eat candy - any consequences - me delicious - it will give me - overweight, candy delayed ... so I try to be aware of all his actions.


Especially freed himself night to pee blog, sit on the site. But stupidly I sit playing cards and watching TV. Rises irritation, sit down to the computer, all the irritation goes into psychosis. What are you doing? - I resist. - What and why? - I do not want to do anything, because she was tired. But I can not relax, because you have to play. - So this is your game! Stop resisting and rest, let go of all the "necessary" ....


While riding, I continued to read the book 4, that Omega when he felt better, he went to deal with the usual chores, rather than to make an informed choice of oneself. We got the idea that I often make choices on autopilot - reflexes or intuition. Only when you have to take the fateful decision, then for a long time thinking before making a choice. A good practice, especially as regards the relationship m / d people. It is interesting to observe the reaction of the person when he sees the answer is not what I expected.


Recently I celebrated my lucky draws are replaced by "a failure," my inner state - the feeling of joy and growth, the sadness and the fall in the same "bottom". Every fall there is a desire to "fix" to do so in the future, such situations do not arise. But it began to come the realization that in fact I can not affect it. I can only watch and take. Everything changes, and can not only be "good". This assessment and the division of the world.

Today, reading the book "Remembering who I am": "Consciousness in the events only shows the law of rhythm: the destruction replaces creation, creation is replaced by the destruction."

I realize - I do not figure all incoming neither good nor bad, it just is.


 What draws: to see how I create myself outward. All - in me. Identification with the body consciousness plays, giving an external force causes. But outside - a consequence. Cause inside. Seeing the play of Consciousness, I see how my inner state is reflected on the outside.


Suddenly she leaned awkwardly and part of the walls of our fortress collapsed. First daughter was upset, and I started to recover all. But Alexander did not want to build everything from scratch. Start smash and trash. I have a desire to lightning stop her, narugat all recover. But I saw the draw: Consciousness showed me how everything in life flows: creation, harmony, destruction. Now, when I saw I was looking at the destruction of the adoption, and even with pleasure. A. sat on his scooter and I told her that everything flows and changes, that it is in harmony, and in the outside building have an hour, hour and hour of breaking harmony. A. listened) All of this, of course, by A. I told myself)


Weakness in the body there, looking for an exit in the household. All day I cook, clean the house. I refuse to live a weakness. By the end of the day I'm exhausted.

I can not afford to be weak, we do not accept fighting. The draw? I do not see him. Note after the fact - proigrala.Kogda saw a loss, returned awareness ...


The game opens more and more. I began to notice all the time in conversation, the print media the word "game." Caught books telling one way or another about the game of life.


I am sitting at home alone, with no one to talk to. I try to be in the moment here and now. Immediately comes the peace and rasslablennost.Eto is reality: the time of Genesis, which flows from moment to moment. Filled with love and gratitude. Grace.


During the conversation, trying to stay in the here and now, and to realize what happens to me. Fears strongly manifest even at the level of the body. Consciousness does not sleep, shows me as I still believe in the reality of the situation.


She screamed offended and said that would be at her house I no longer had. Continuing silent recalling that this is a dream, do not be afraid, after a pause, I said out loud, I'm not afraid of you! And yet somewhere vanished


I noticed that my intuition became brighter to emerge and did not let me ...


Of tension in the lower back (sadness, abandonment, loneliness). He comes to me insight into why the warrior erases the history of life. From the history of my life I only needed experience. Not lived feelings that they did not let as a suitcase without a handle. To leave it needs determination and resoluteness for power. The strength in the moment right now.


Sleep, little strength, awareness is low.


 Who am I? Consciousness. And everything is not so important, the importance of coming up with the mind.


In the morning practice felt a light inside, the body was filled with peace it was a very pleasant feeling, he decided that it is necessary to work with the memories associated with her mother. Submit it, our relationship, there was an unpleasant sensation in the throat, I ask that this - the negative thoughts, irritation. I imagine my mother and watching sensations miss them, the body is filled with peace again.


Trust is the main theme of each day, the job I got was a spontaneous acknowledgment of my main theme to work, trust, every day, the credibility of everything going on and releasing control. I notice that as soon as I manage to get out a little bit beyond your mind, once the game is animated and it happens plyuhane currently in joy. But if I continue to follow the trend of the mind, even the invisible life becomes a set of actions from one result to the next. Focus.


In the morning I wake up with the familiar feeling of anxiety, which is necessary to run that you have to do to prepare and plan and so on. The concern, though not strong, but it is-track and wonder what I'm concerned, can not be ahead of plan only jokes and spontaneous events, they have to wait, rather than their plans.


The first reaction of protest and defend, but now lack the strength just to talk, to explain his situation


Morning woke up, I feel powerless in the body, well, that familiar feeling, they are even as it is pleasant) I feel that sitting will be to no purpose, stretched out on the bed and start to listen to the body feel as impotence spreads hands feet from the body becomes heavy, but I did not feel as if I watch it from the sidelines. These feelings do not seem to be some special, they just came to experience and move on. After a while I sit down to practice.

After breakfast, I go back to bed, I work with the same thoughts about the background rush back, sinking into a peaceful sleep for 2 hours, wake up fresh.


 And I see greed (or rather feeling in the concept called greed) appears only in the mind, I saw only greed in mind.

It's all been due to the reality; kontseptsii- name notation. But in reality, there is so much, and I quietly let go of this moment, seeing all set already seeing more clearly how occurs and disappears. Now only beginning to understand the game. And in the same drawing is not giving food to the mind, I saw that there is greed, and it is there at all? That feeling that arose and disappeared. And runs all by itself on. I see that it is not. That to me is something new (the experience felt). And it is this feeling as calm-it is gone. At that time, it was real, was felt by the senses - and to let go. Other Thinking (giving names, suggesting variants, etc).


I want to confess my weakness. In this game I specifically covered Mayi forces. I had a resistance at all to the practice, to the description on the movement and breathing. I was irritated all. I wanted to hide from everyone from everything, but I realize that I'm hiding from you, and it's probably silly. In general, the game I'm not playing, I was watching him, for his body, doing meditation, but did not write and did not play. Stupidly asleep !!!


 1,5 years my child sleeps at night intermittent sleep ie wake up every 2-2.5 hours. It is a reality, so it is, and I understand more and more what it is! I am of course also I have trouble sleeping. Before the Great strength I am weak (I was sleeping part). It would not be in my opinion, and will be as you will be given. You fell bad sleep at night - that play these cards.


The daughter did not wake up as usual, in a dream, I felt it touched my check next to me or not. After making sure that the next - continued to sleep, do not worry, it was amazing. At night, I get up every 30 minutes to an hour to put it in the toilet, drink, change clothes. I no longer know what a restful sleep.


 Currently serene state of trust and acceptance. The mind become silent, there is no desire for happiness, success - all exactly as it is and does not accept all the affected illusory. But this time, the mind is not going away, but his faith less and less - there is joy (this is a manifestation of reality through the senses), survived and were released, rather it is itself somehow released. There is no binding, it feels like all the others. And again quietly. Does Anger, joy there, what a difference a manifestation of residence, it is temporary.


Let this "bad" uberёm and take "positive." Awareness that everything is me: bad - well, no better - worse. What am I - Consciousness, so play, sending of satisfied and dissatisfied, as if sending "assistants", "sympathizers". All these roles are played by myself. You do not need anyone to change the state. Everything will happen as happen. Take it as it is. The search stops. In the absence of duality.


But as I try to take everything and to be open to the whole experience, the personal history ceases to be a support, protection and guide. It just does not need ...... ceased to be necessary.


I do not shy either their appearance or clothes or English. Class !!! When the group left to me the woman also in English to help decide where to go near because she had only a few hours before departure. And this conversation also gave me pleasure.

I was in another country and not to not leave. I was at home. Wherever I am, I byla- house and the house is always with me. My dusha- my house.


I remembered that there is always the excitement of flying experience. I "I take myself into the hands of" distracted to finish the flight seated in a suspense until the plane landed. So it was during a flight at the beginning of vacation.

And now I have a different feeling. Calm. ABSOLUTE complete tranquility !!! And this despite the fact that the plane Sausages and sausage and when it will stop no one knows. I'm at home!!!!! What would have happened to me this is just part of the dream !!! And I told myself I really feel peace !!!


All in order: first, apartment cleaning and restoring order !!! Here it is a personal story of past experience. A good hostess is always at home must be clean !!! OPPA caught !!! I turned and made a not-doing the opposite We went for lunch in a cafe with friends and in return I started to give everything in order. And the principle of "first, then work entertainment" sailed. Dwarf wiped !!! Another piece of personal history is erased without a trace.


Approaching the house called out to my mom and sister hugged them and felt as I love them !!! This is my mom is such as I need. Only she could make me what we have! Thank you Mom !! I love you. We had a long talk and drink tea. I do not feel disgust as before from her kitchen and tableware. Everything suddenly became clear, delicious and home, as earlier in childhood. I'm at home. What changed??? I went !!!! Now I look through the glasses of love and not of disgust and arrogance as before.


Mind your own business !! I did not touch you and you do not bother me !! I tried ppodnyatsya usual wave of indignation, but then retreated. MAN is. Way to do as he wants. Who cares how he cuts ??? Another "correctness" of the old personal history erased. The provocation occurred but found no response in my feelings.

Now he is the chief. Cool fucking gone fry fish leave it alone, without the irritation and resentment. Dwarf loss and this time. Command in my kitchen ?? It never happened !! And now there !!! I see the game, have fun !!!


I did not like their pictures before, I leave an awkward, funny and fat. The pictures from this trip I'm beautiful !! This is progress for me. I changed inside and out. Both inside and outside !!! Wow !!!!!!!!!!


I do not play a dwarf, but I'm playing. It becomes docile and pliable. Waiting joker probably go to sleep when a little bit to throw a new trick ... .. Well Well PLAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And other not less important - the feeling of the new role of my character, which corresponds to my mission, and I finally found the trail, which was previously in the fog and now more clearly visible and clearer ...


In the pool I get to be in the moment here and now. In the steam room where I was alone, a woman comes and says - "Joke, circle just a joke." The next day, remembering his angry face, I was funny, funny how it is distorting mirrors in the room, because he is also a part of me. I was also warned in the steam room "The joke, circle just a joke."


 Stop! Old script. What's happening? I again the victim or the victim's husband feels that one and the same. I asked him: "Do you want to be a victim or you need a knife?" He replies with a smile: "I want to be a victim." "You got it, and if you still need a knife, describe what it looks like" - I smile back at him. "This new buy and then you will see" - the last word for him. Discomfort in the solar plexus subsided, I relaxed.


Consciously compliments itself - should start with yourself, because I do not consider myself beautiful, clever ..... and stop! It wants the ego! I such what is, what God made me, it means he likes me so, so why I do not like myself? This template -stroynyh hudyshek beauty - who invented it? I love and accept myself for who I am!


The whole day I was watching the game, his head was a bit hard (I think it's not a habit, or higher vibration was reset)))), but the evening came a clearing head was light, the body does not feel tired, for the day time ten less said and what is at work thanking customers. I caught myself on the fact that I do not want to talk. The feeling of hunger - it was the need of the body, the observer is not necessary, but we went to meet this need, the taste of the food did not seem so good as before, if not strange, were more interesting smells. As a result of this experience, I got a lot of merging experiences, emotions and sensations. I do not have an ego, personality, when totally am here and now I'm living, and I have the Spirit - domestic observers!)) The next day, I decided to live well, my head was not serious, the whole day was joyful and fun, and by this time I forgotten and engages in practical jokes, but then I felt the weight of the body - in this way the observer brought me back to myself-awareness.


Familiar praise for a clean and comfortable house (it is difficult because walking with a cane after surgery on the leg), and she answered me immediately justified by the fact that I have three children and a lot of cases ??? Praise, so that people do not come to see me at home, I thought that at my house a mess ?? It is interesting-protection works, or I praise? We must learn to praise, often I have is the desire to praise the man, but I'm afraid to look flattering, and, accordingly, be rejected and alone. And often I choose what is better to remain silent ...

I rarely praise, and when I did it on the basis of jobs gameness, seen in people (especially relatives) and strained stupor, like well, what's next, then? My children just ask what I want? Yeah .... !! It is necessary to rake and rake ...)))


It was so funny and easy that I still use this belief and constantly self limiting. How does this affect my life, either go to the things that I did not feel comfortable and resentment, or buying expensive thing feel a sense of guilt.

The belief: it is necessary to save money and be more modest.

Kontrubezhdenie: I like to dress up, and for this I have both money and time.


Business before pleasure! This belief could be heard from their parents and from teachers. Therefore I went to walk safely, leave everything as it is. We take a walk, get some fresh air, and then for an hour together remade all the affairs, and even cook dinner. Firstly, the joint work teaches to appreciate cleanliness. Secondly, I have a claim for lost loved ones, I worked there, and you do not appreciate. Bad mistress thus I did not, and in the relationship appeared more understanding and love.


 Once again, I stumbled upon an idealization itself, identify the role. Past grievances and fear of punishment. There is a new kontrubezhdenie: Error - this is the experience gained. When I think that I am mistaken, then I argue with reality, consider myself a doer. Consciousness is never wrong, it just creates the conditions for the self-awareness of who I am.


Ha ha! Rediscover a sense of guilt (the idea - from me depends the fate of a man). I am a point of manifestation of guilt (absolute reality), to live a lonely and rejected, and the character is doomed to live the experience, regardless of me that as a result of a matter - as there are no characters, no problem.


I hatched the idea after seeing the weakness of one of the players, to hold a consultation with her (character). Today saw his weakness, which stubbornly refused to notice. The result came anger, guilt. The concept that I (ego) must be the Almighty, always. Manifestations of relative reality. Ha ha! The mind fantasized I (ego), resting, losing strength. In meditation, let it be spread out like a jellyfish on the beach, in the severity of the temples, in the present moment to be weak, as a manifestation of ultimate reality at that moment.


 In any situation that happens to me immediately catch the reaction of the body-I in the body! or soul-I in the shower! And play lottery After explaining the situation of the soul from the perspective of the mission; the problem becomes a task and has already co-SOUL body and spirit it decided not to defend the hassle; surge of emotion; removal, etc. And then I'm in the flow (I say usually): there is always a parking space; seeking access to the wholesale supplier, meet a whole brand machine from this supplier; talking about someone - he arrives at the office, and so I say: Have you noticed how you all will go up)))


I realized that every soul its experience and they, the children do not get it if I run headlong aid interfering with the natural process of formation of both parents (or the performance of their roles))) So the soul - son needs a wife: Emotional receptive - she also teaches him. Teaches softness care calm response; I learn from them, respectively, if it is now pronounces CONTINUOUSLY AND SO SOMEONE SOMEONE TEACHES


Being in the present moment is not sticky and see the continuity of the time you see one another and reflect the unity and realize that no one is around casual all interconnected and that all Ya.Mladshy son I always show me. Just starting his notations read, just say no; I realize - I say to myself))))


Apparently ill-defined situation with the loss of a purse: the morning has lost 1,000 rubles. Then he accidentally found. At lunch forgotten administrator keys to the car - thought an hour later, when about to leave

I know that the reason is that I can not get into the practice, but I can not get into the practice of dwarf overcame What to do?


Now Tamas energy enveloped character and being in this state is home to the illusion of the character representations of themselves. Gratefully accept it and have fun laughing at myself, oh, character, stop, or Consciousness Consciousness laughing ...! That this is happening in my life! Consciousness itself entertains and then watching and what the reaction would be in this situation!


Game - punishment, to identify the major of that, which I do not agree.

This all my beliefs and tendencies. The accumulated not only in this life, but conscious just now! And that I'm stuck, I hung like a computer that does not have capacity to work in the accelerated processing mode informatsii.Eto happens with the technique, which I hope in the Game - PC and a laptop. They do not work. For no apparent reason. All tested different master something mend, viruses chase, repositioned ... But technology sotrudnichat.I refuses it to me to take. And not to be against it! Everything comes to an absurdity: the buttons do not work, hangs page, the Internet is not loaded ... and you need to give up, not to overcome ...


Surprised to learn that wrong and soberly assessed his actions. And earlier I was sure that I was doing the right thing and unjustly accused ... It was as if she lived in fear for his own skin, blind and deaf ...

Knowing myself, I understand the other. I apologize for my oshibki.Prihodit calm, courage, cheerfulness. On such evenings the whole family gathers around the table, I serve with joy and gratitude for the fulfillment of his awakening Characters role in my game.


Kapets, it is not easy, this whole trip reminded me all my holes and weaknesses, more people got exactly mirrors, unrealistic difficult, seemingly normal fear of rejection, he is such a powerful and an inveterate just stupor and all, but courage in flight It turned out to overcome ...


And then "caught" ... she sold Uzbeks paracetamol, and he said, "this child?"

She zaoret, not children, and that we must learn Russian, and then go to the pharmacy, and so on .. confused man backed away, and I began to ask her to give it to the child antipyretic ... because there is a child is sick (again, saving, and in fact I was not even asked ..) this woman "poured out" on me such a flurry of discontent life and me the world .. that last for three days of work on the mistakes and self-exploration .. the brain shrank walnut .. to work with a 'crawling' ...


How do I react when I believe in that belief?

I am angry, my brain "compressed", on the understanding that it was "my reflection," I mean the same ..

I believe in this concept ...

When I began to understand that it is my choice that I dumat- same hysterical, racist, occupying the place and is not daunting his behavior all around, hating people and always cranky ...

or understand that people are what they are .. and do not have to try everything to him .. you can just "go crazy" as an all-analyzing reflected ..

Moreover, even if all my reflection .. from what I thought to be the ideal?

It is necessary to change the belief:

I'm not perfect and never a perfect world .. I will not ever be perfect. Everything just happens. And in these events does not make sense .. no laborers, no one is to blame ..

And I choose to just watch .. and I choose to do this in as much as it turns out .. not blaming myself in a bad work on himself .. now I can only what I can relax and exhale ...


Difficult to give meditation .... Very. Something like setting yourself up for something to catch, of course, dozens of reasons (I have no time, tired eyes stick together ...), then - the constant reflection on the leakage current in the vicissitudes of life, somehow focused on themselves,


And I thought that if I could swim, then it would be easier to look into the eyes of the rest of your fears. In general, the situation offered me to do unusual for me - and to agree to do something that had never done.

Everything happened by itself, and the company and found a place to swim - off. We arrived, stood in line, dived, got dressed, went home. Emotions - of course! Shivering - yes! BUT IT DID NOT SCARY !!! That's the problem. It's just a different way than usual, it's night and extremely smelly water - but it's not fear, it's another to fear does not have any relation. Fear of cold water in the winter - it's my illusion)))

About stinking water - also an element of trust. We felt a strange smell, but decided that the time had come too, do not care about the smell, the whole life will not stink, laugh. Then in the locker room, a woman told me that it is the healing power and hydrogen sulphide in the war wounds of the water instead of treated with iodine and in general it namolennye places and all that.


I notice in myself that stupid syndrome excellent pupil and a good girl and stop berating yourself for being so long was going to - I'm a woman and I needed it, so get ready. Even if late, the world prevernetsya. All had found a parking place and close to the theater.


Definitely feel yourself become better understood and, most importantly, no longer ashamed of some of its features, it took them - and bitchiness, and the love of material things, and aggressiveness and the desire to travel and relax in my field of interest.


Just how consistently play players say the points accumulated by the end of game.

In the reports it is clear that someone is playing every day and fixing his game in the records, is not lazy to describe the drawings, thus locking in their minds the skills to play. Someone sits down on the last day, and wrote a report generalities ...

What do the points, which players gain by the end of the game in the game?

Accumulated points can be used only if the player has shown discipline and high performance. At the heart of self-discipline is the will, commitment.

At the end of each game, you have to admit that is weak, if you can not make a regular practice (and not illusions passes through justification). Well, see what your level of personal power to add, if you can do the practice regularly.

Remember the players how much effort you give the game is directly proportional to your back and as gifts and powers :)

But the same Notice the rhythm of the game, after a period of ups followed by downs, as well as after periods of inertia should be time activity.

So, this week, the most stable game show (previously, the reports still come):

Rainbow 23 points - 95% of the return game

Volcano 23 balla- 90% return game

Flower 22 points - 80% of the return game


closes the game in this game three of the players (in advance, reports still come):

Wind 7 points - 72% of the return game

Aura 4 points - 1% of the return game

Hati? -ballov -? - The return game

ARTICLE IS STATUS game passed.

Play it!



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