News from Game 2's travel. Issue 6.

Thursday 10 September, 2015

Back in Seoul, players accumulated Force on the island, we went to the rajasic events, attending concerts and plays, keeping the internal no involvement 

Continuing to open Seoul and visiting both new and already well-known places, the players train awakened vision, which is the ability to see the illusory nature of the visible.

... When the refuse from the division between the observer and the observed, when the one and the other "seen" as a single entity - only then realize the truth. There is no such object, which would be quite different from that of the subject. And the subject (consciousness) can not be seen as an object! Indeed, only the subject (consciousness) and is seen as a vision of what is seen (the object) - no other objects of perception. Again, if the subject or consciousness - the only thing that there is, then, of course, he was not even the subject of observation and not an observer! In this vision, there is no separation.

 As sugar became variety of sweets, without losing its natural sweetness, so it is infinite consciousness or Brahman Visualize yourself how all this infinite variety, never losing its essence. There is no limit to the things of this infinite consciousness.

The final news release from the second game travel in the next issue of news.



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