News from Game 2's travel. Issue 7.

Saturday 12 September, 2015

Program 15 day trip game "Mystery of the Great transition" came to an end.

This playground is losing because of their relevance and the players it's time to go to the other drawings that consciousness has prepared. The collected amount of gifts that players are able to win in the last draw will help them to play other lotteries, providing a seamless transition to new, more subtle levels of the game Consciousness.

Well, we officially declare that the program Game of travel in 2015 is exhausted and consciousness prepares new game trip that will take place in 2016-2017g. in Thailand and South Korea again.

To participate in the selection 2016-2017g., Lila Academy players must have a minimum level of confirmed with the Academy Leela warrior and to be an active player (play actively in the events of the Academy of Lila previous game trip 2 years.

How to confirm the level of play, link-  Here

Remember !!!

... The world is not created nor destroyed, it all just the vagaries of the mind erring.

Each has its own unusual world. As the dreams of others unknown to the world one person is unknown to others.

There may be goblins and demigods and demons - they are all embodiments of erring reason.

We all came into this world of pure power of consciousness, and we believe the existing non-existent. This is the source of creation in the infinite consciousness. Materiality is not a fact, it is felt in the void. Everyone imagines his own world, and when this truth is realized, the imagination of the world ends. This world exists only as visibility, or imagination, not because you see material objects. It's like a long dream or focus illusionist ...

Well, the players are preparing their resumes to participate in this season of Power, organized by the Academy of Lila, with whom you can meet in the final release of news about the second game of the trip.

 Play it!

 The Leela.



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