We won!!!

Sunday 25 October, 2015

 Last weekend at the Academy Lila ended another drawing power: Intramural retreat Concept and Reality. This was the third year of the full-time program of the Academy of retreat Leela and collected only three players have passed the stage of selection.

Players had to dive into the inner workings with a special tool "Dynamic Group".

All the participants came to the retreat with the inner willingness to work actively and understand their tasks, which intended to solve, using the group.

 Under reigned working environment, which is characterized by the fact that the participants are willing to accept each other as they are, and with the help of their vision of reflections in each other, and if changed, it is only yourself.

The combination of work at different levels, from meditation to present the analysis of interpersonal relationships, allowing the player not to be identified with social roles and seeing and understanding the role of a game.

The unique aura of the group, and the huge potential of the light allowed to unravel very difficult karmic knots together the participants and the group moved purposefully and firmly, courageously and selflessly, honestly and sincerely - out of the duality of Maya,

Meet to him.

Final motto sounded retreat:



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10.11 14:02

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