I - a little pencil in the hand of God, who wrote the message of love to the world. (M. Teresa)
The Oasis Awakening was held regular meeting of the "Open Hearts".
At this meeting, the players discussed the new project, the construction of the Awakening Oasis Retreat Center, which will serve as a necessary foundation on which to turn full-time education at the Academy of Lila and which will be home to all the players of the Academy. Players decided to completely come up with a project on their own retreat center.
Currently, employees formed a group of players to draft a retreat center and to assess its value.
Well, all the participants of "Open Hearts" continued training and counseling were introduced to each other in a trance for the purpose of immersion in a long-forgotten events that were driven unconsciously and forgotten. Remembering pleasant events bestows players resources and accommodation unpleasant, opened reserves.
Players summed up the 1.5 years of occupation and subjective rating of the players held the "Open Hearts".
On October 31, 2015 rating of "Open Hearts" is as follows:
5. Universe
6. Joke
7. Aria
8 Om
9. Shanti
10. Music
11. Leela
13. Lada
In the upcoming fourth Winter Games the Remote "Open Hearts" will advise participants of remote gaming on Skype.
But more about that in due time, will appear on the blog information, and now Ha ha, continue to play!
With love Sangha.
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