Diary 4 Winter D.I. Issue 13 Game 11.

Saturday 27 February, 2016

I congratulate all the participants of the Remote fourth Winter Games with their end and, in turn, thank you for the interesting experience that I get together with you by participating in them as a guide.

(Rama Divina Lela)

This year, the maturity of the games participants increased again. One can see the visual change of the game many players of remote gaming.
I remind you that you are in the Oasis of the Awakening and the methods that are used here are aimed at the awakening of consciousness, through the memory itself (not to be confused with medication, personal growth, success programs, etc.)
awakening process requires the utmost integrity players. This process is sometimes very painful, so this process all the players can go exclusively voluntary.
Mai forces are strong, and the awakening of a process rastyazhёnny in time, which gives way to sweet sleep periods and then re moments, sometimes very painful awakening.
At this point, some of you only just shuddered, pulled leg, turned to the other side, smacked his lips, spraying saliva, but so far have not even opened the eyes. Are you still sleeping sweetly, staying asleep illusion, but thinking that you are in this reality.

But who wants this delusion? Self Consciousness!

While your dwarf dances his magic dance "samsara" and you can not look away from the hypnotic attraction of this dance.
While dwarf still reigns in your psyche and the team ... you will not find time for yourself.
But sleep is not an eternal process, the day gives way to night, and then again the morning comes. No matter how pleasant or horrible no matter your sleep, awakening comes sooner or later.
I as a conductor KNOW that no one can wake up actively. Awakening - it is an internal process and it should start from the readiness and maturity of the awakening. And actively wake is entitled only to life itself!
Having been to many of the world centers of spiritual development and carefully watching the process of awakening of spiritual seekers, I can confirm that the process is not quick.
Yet AWAKENING - a process that never stands still.
Although it is well known that the process of spiritual evolution is slow, perhaps even in this lifetime your awakening process will enter an active phase.
What is important to understand? What's in this game there is only one player-consciousness.
Once his mercy descends upon himself, and it begins to free himself from the illusion that reigns due to ignorance.
When a person is ready to enlightenment he always have power.
You have to understand the specifics of Oasis Awakening ... is a place for those who are consciously ready to awaken. A consciousness gradually awakens ...
If you have finished the game and remote realize that at the moment does not have an adequate level of personal power, then just continue to be open. Cheer, approve of yourself and continue to gain wisdom by all available and known to you the ways, and of course - Play!The latest roundup of how the game draws players in the final game, read right now.

Today in the morning meditation to me, it is understood as the result of the game I was looking at the objects around me, desk chair curtains and realized it was Maya, her illusions, but in reality only the characteristics of the reader, rupa, setazika. What was required of me during the game, finally I settled down in my head, and I saw it. I looked out the window, there is a world, a world full of illusions is exactly the game, the game, my God how I perceived it all so seriously, but it's so amazing. There are people, everyone has their own ideas, goals, goals, needs, and everything seems so real. And what is the reality? emptiness? it remains to be seen. The wonderful world of ...

During the Games tracked that destructive thoughts body reacts instantly disease. And just as quickly be cured as soon as the cause of the disease is detected. This was observed during the entire Games.

"Rama, where have you been before? In the 10 years since our first meeting, you could say it before! What thoughts do not have to believe. What they do not really! "Hahaha. Here just scream. Indeed, when the ears are open, they hear. And when it is not ready and ears are closed. (Computer now he wrote it in big letters haha). But all these 10 years, you just talked about it. I now have tears of knowing. I remember my first notes of 10 years ago. It was the same thing. But understanding it's only now !!! I immediately think of their children - when I'm trying to tell them something of their knowledge, they push off and do not understand what I mean. And only some events lead them to understanding. My Mirror)))

Of course the biggest event of my life for the Games period, this change in the relationship with her mother, and change it the most. And any effort. Nothing special did not have to do. Just changed me, or rather my vibration. Not without the participation of the mind, of course. That part of the mind that helps you work, live, to recapitulate life, to watch and see.

I'm learning to hear the body at the time of stay. I found that often I do not feel anything, not because I have a calm nature, but because it has created a powerful defense against the pain and emptiness. The slightest "threat" and easier to feel. I understand that the hunting skill on body sensations have to turn out more, because the resulting depth (sensations + thoughts + feelings) inspires me.

I began to see both your reactions and your interpretation of the behavior of others towards me on the basis of their existential fears, and what is actually experienced by other towards me. The world is not what it seems)))).

Veil priotkrylas.Mne Games like the way definitely. Trust Consciousness to become much more than it was even 3.5 months ago. Stronger was felt communication with the Masters, including the frame.

During remote game began to notice how unfolded earlier received gifts. Beginning to practice to learn to keep track of bodily sensations, which for the time dozing in the body, especially not being shown, triggered a powerful protection, tried and tested over the years. With each annual report to watch as more and more start to open up feelings. In the first report it was impossible to name their feelings. Also, in some situations there is a tendency to insist on his own, that is, lack of flexibility, and thus the feeling of the game.

As you continue to play, significantly improved my perception of sensations in the body, too, has changed markedly reaction to jokes, often have time to notice the desire to react negatively. Often it turns out to watch draws detached.

Every posleduschim annual report to see how changing the attitude and understanding - Who actually plays ?! The reports were more or less describe rozygreshey a description of the day. Most began to hear what actually wants the subconscious, rather than the mind, as began to feel better body reaction.

In the second half D. Games, unexpectedly, fell in love with the process of writing the report, it took the stress out of the body after the awareness and acceptance of the reasons (fear of punishment and death) thought - Who really afraid of? :). Reading the report, I see every week more and more open up your senses, there was a lightness, and in some cases disappear fear surrounding the assessment.

More care about tele.Menshe desires to save someone. Most times when I see myself in the events by not identifying with a person, personazhem.Ne matter what, strengthened the determination to reach the end.

Better I began to see and understand that everything that happens has a mind game. Learn how to use the energy resources of positive memories. It has your weakness. Often I use the practice of "second attention", it makes it possible to transform any situation negative oschuscheniya.Spokoyno react to different situatsii.Chasche concentrate on the moment "now" - when I walk, eat plavayu.Vneshne my life has not changed, but changed my inner feelings and attitudes To her.

Now there is no fear, because there is no one who is afraid. But this point of course is prohodyashy, but I can see what to go, but not to achieve, but in order to go (I want to say that the way is the most important thing, not a goal I went to Cotorro). In the process of the beauty. I am not and never have been. This is what -That euphoria. And then calm. I can not see his eyes, but I felt, they smile, they know they are seeing.

Finally I can say is "With Love". It is noticeable how the ego wanted to, but could not. Disidentification. All erased all washed away, and at the same moment, everything is all fullness, sparkle, overwhelmed. Who? None. Around what? it is not clear is the energy. I see different levels of energy. I Love. I Love. I Love. Who loves? The energy of the chest. I reside. Razotozhdestvlyayus.

And one resting became angry, plaintive demand book. I looked at her, saw the game, it was so quiet (which is already beginning to experience the ego is why it is suspiciously quiet). I razotozhdestvlyayus with obrazom- quietly, gently tell her: "Of course, I'll get you a book, you write their wishes, their views, all I do is I will consider, I bring apologies for the confusion, and a pleasant evening to you." She looked nothing like not understand the confusion on his face was read, and left silently. At that moment, his chest was revealed. I will not say that I was free and easy, I was not easy - and I was easy, was not around people, was the energy, the flow of the interaction with vibrations. No fear. She looked at the faces crowding something. And so it does not matter What, who, why: just eat. And again tranquility.

For this game has changed so much! It changes the perception of life. I am not the ego, I razotozhdestvlyayus. This change, which aims to position the irreversibility. I'm in the change of which no one can not tell (and the ego apparently wanted to share, ha-ha-ha). This change, which is turned and reset everything before I knew what was convinced she believed - to lose shape, to erase the boundaries of the individual, to go beyond the mind - it is not scary ...

My amazing body knows exactly what, when and how. In fact, it has long supplied the signs and impulses, and I (ego) does not hear, did not notice, thereby causing irreparable damage. The body is very much to know; and fulfilling the needs of the body, you can see how everything is harmonious, sure, okay built. It wants to have -podaet signal does not overeat a lot (it's necessary to feel, to notice). It dictates what products it needs, in which kollichestve (if you do not get distracted by the mind, the body itself knows everything, and so naturally and accurately). I saw how the mind really distracting leads. I checked, even know the body, which means he needs (intuitively). The body is so much to know, I learned to trust him, to listen and to hear. It is because so many times hinted that it is not necessary or that food consumed. If the start list, then ... Lots of tips to give, and the mind continued to disagree. And it has now become clear. The body knows how to repair itself, how to adjust your balance. It establishes a strong link with the body.

There were jokes, which stalked greed - played, because this feeling and experiencing is only the ego. Disidentification -velikaya force.

I learned how to talk !!! Finding a common language, to negotiate, to respect another principle different from my view, to be able to listen to, and at the same time to finish the conversation (without injuring or hurting the interlocutor) - As it turned out it's an art. And all because there is no binding, no hard and fast views, the fluidity, the moment of confidence, ease. This is a holiday to deal with absolutely any category of people, with any character (and consciousness provide this opportunity). I am grateful for this experience, Razotozhdestvlyayus.

In general, the game was given to hard (the victim), but I'm glad I got to the end.

I have learned to deny people with compassion. Compassion opens more and more - especially for customers who swear. I work with love to give, to love to accept, with love to forgive.

Thank consciousness of love, for all that I have. It is the most beautiful gift to have the incarnation - the body - to play - to see - to know - to feel. Life is unimaginable. I split into atoms, rasstvoryayus. Game - it's only the best that could happen to me. But this is only the beginning ... I'm in the game!

Remembering her mission stradat.Proizoshel stop drawing "funeral". I saw that our life is an illusion, leaving only our body and anything with them not take.

Released on weakness, I give up what I can not., Humiliation, fear of poverty. I relaxed the head, the forehead area. I first noticed the different feel in this area.

I no longer pay attention to become a reflection, maybe I is not described in the reports, but for myself, I noted that if I do not like I angered some behavior, then I also reflected. In turn, perhaps I can not accept this (you also need to take yourself so), but am more vigilant, so that itself is not news.

Thank Rama for comments they made it clear to me where I should go, showing a state from the outside, and of course the game passed the mood !!!

Well, dear players, remote gaming sattvic energy flowed smoothly in your changes and transformations, and with awareness, with all the gifts collected by the players of the draws of life - turned in their transformation, which appear at the moment.
And now we traditionally hold a general meditation.
This year, our meditation is contemplative and brooding character.
Now you can open the front page of our website, link:
Website Oasis Awakening

Sit out, turn on the player and the song Mantra Gate, looking at the main illustration, think about his way, where are you now, at what stage? Where are you moving? Who you are?
Repeating the words of the mantra, it weakens your negative mind and thus makes invulnerable to any negative influences.
Once it becomes clear, and the path and about himself, cover his eyes and just be.
Let the music play, one song can change the other, and ye in meditation as much as you feel is necessary. Then, when you want to complete the meditation, just slightly open eyes and having stayed for some time in silence, go into the game!

Our journey continues!

Ha Ha !!!

The Leela.



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29.02 13:49

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