Retreat in the country of smiles.

Saturday 13 February, 2016

In Thailand this winter, Leela Academy conducts 21-day retreat, which the program is designed for players level Academy "missionary".

I must say that all Gaming travel designed for Academy players Leela level missionary, primarily because the players at this level in some detail at this time, learned the basic hunter practices, warrior, missionaries and received all necessary knowledge of the regularly performed practices and accumulated so much personal power to be able to withstand an intensive program of retreat and meditation is not easy to sit her part and make deep inner work based on the performance of the hunter practices warrior missionary.

On 21dnevnom retreat in Thailand, created such a situation that allows you to maximize and nourish body and soul players sattvic energy healing from Drumm and injury of this and previous incarnations.

At the retreat involving all natural, natural healing factors, which in Thailand is abundant:

  • Sea, sun, air, exotic fruits, plants (trees) ...
  • Thailand is a country of smiles and Thais can bestow you with its unique warm shower.
  • Power to retreat as close as possible to the sattwic: many exotic fruits, vegetables, herbs ...
  • Part of the retreat held in the sports hall, swimming pool with Jacuzzi.
  •  The program of the retreat also included travel to the island and walking program. Walking through the multimillion Thai capital.

The entire program of the retreat is held in a dive to a meditative level of consciousness and sealed practices hunter, warrior, missionaries.

About what kind of experience the players received in the hand strength, read the news at the end of this retreat.

And photos from the retreat, which will still be updated, you can see right now, from the following link:
Retreat in the country of smiles.

Leading the retreat: Pearls.



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