Sat Chit Ananda.

Monday 24 October, 2016

One person can be difficult to pick up a large rock,

but by combining the efforts of a few people do it easily.


Last, the third part, full-time retreats with Rama, in the season 2016 ended with a dynamic group.

At the retreat attended by players with a firm intention to move towards Games Leela towards the full realization of this embodiment.

The path has no end, and development on the Path does not stop. Whenever, development takes a new turn, a new form and new challenges.

It is well aware of all current players Leela Academy.

Lila Academy in 2016 has become more carefully selects the full-time retreats in order to facilitate the ingress of retreats exclusively PLAYERS.

In 2017 the full-time retreats with Rama, will be able to apply, only the players who are able to prove a minimum level of in-game hunter. Before confirmation of this level coming into the Academy Lila will take distance learning in order to develop the capacity of basic game skills.

... Every one of us wants it or not - must have lived in the circumstances of life offered him.

More mature soul, living life events when they meet with the pain, learn forgiveness and acceptance and thus mudreyut evolutionarily developing, while immature souls refuse to live feelings and do not take the experience of life, they do not want to part with your illusions, but because they are broken down, such people are in complete emptiness and meaninglessness of existence and therefore do not wish to live in such a case, trying to bargain in life everything that they lose.
The maturity of the soul acquire a very long time ...

Sometimes, in order that the soul has gained maturity - she must live life a whole incarnation, before he can, learn to accept the world and reside denied feelings, learn humility and love.
Each retreat from Rama, is not just a detached care in the abstract reality of the Absolute, but the actual residence of feelings that relate to direct the earthly life of each of us and manifested in a relationship with the inner circle: our parents, husbands and wives, lovers, children, neighbors, colleagues and other social manifestations of life.

This knowledge of how bright and dark parts of the soul and open bold declaration of errors in the first place to himself.
Where if not in each day of testing, manifested maturity of the soul, that is, its ability to make the world as it is and live with a sense of humility and gratitude.

Players celebrated, danced, cried and grieved, lived pain and happiness, learned the wisdom of life and of course to play!

But the most important instrument of the retreat remains meditation, which teaches players not to be identified with all the manifestations of life and to know that the one who really exists and remains untouched in eternal bliss - Satchidananda.

Sat - essence,true , truth.
Chit - knowledge, awareness of, eternity, immutability.
Ananda - Bliss

Play !!!
The Leela.



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