Open Hearts. The third year of study.

Friday 04 November, 2016

Suffering is your wrong perception of reality,

and as a consequence, wrong thinking.

It should not be freed from suffering

and change their distorted perception

and thinking.

Three years ago the project "Open Heart" was launched in Oasis Awakening.

Players level missionary, began to study counseling Academy players Lila, according to the program of learning the game through the levels of Consciousness: Hunter, Warrior, Missionary, Formless player observer.

Education "Open Hearts" took place in a continuous finding counseling experience. For three years, they learn counseling techniques and fix them in practice.

By the end of the third year, "Open Heart" still learning, but of the 14 players, Rama highlighted group practice consultants who have an adequate level of personal power, in order to play, but rather to serve now and to hold consultations on the effective level, and most importantly, at the same time to teach the players to use the acquired knowledge in remote gaming and full-time retreats in their daily practice.

Since January 2017 the Academy Leela Individual Counseling Igrokov- enters the mandatory training program.

As the realities of life, the players trained in Leela Academy, facing life with games, getting in their blind spots, sometimes not seen as falling asleep, and instead of playing may unconsciously duplicate protection, passing them off their game that actually their game on currently it is.

Remote play, full-time retreats, among other things, intended to protect the output to the level of awareness, learn to play every minute of life. But this is a fairly high level of personal strength (awareness).

And in order to obtain it, the players have to methodically step by step with the help of consultants in the individual mode, to be able to master the art of stalking their states, methods of transformation and delivery - under the direct supervision of "sober" of situations and motives, "learning" consultant.


Note that in the group practice of consultants selected only players who play on the formless levels of players. This suggests that the consultant sees the notorious game is much wider than consulted.

As practice shows, voluntarily to such disclosure, and accordingly to the consultation, the players usually do not go. Naturally Ego, unconsciously anticipating that his force "snout" to plunge to where it is strongly does not want to find reasons why not and need help (dwarf) persuades the player to remain in defense of allegedly working independently.


Skype - retreats, becoming a mandatory part of the training program will improve the quality of deep inner work, which once lead the player to complete surrender, and in the present, for delivery in each specific situation in the future (draw) the maximum fine.

Since 2017, the Academy of Leela, all students will confirm their status PLAYER annually. That is, the players that are in the inactive phase of the game, and annually certifying its status of the game, will go down to the level of the Seeker.

Well, the "Open Heart" continue their education counseling. Now is the time when to replace the training general counseling skills, the time came when the players hone fine details of counseling skills, which together with a properly conducted training to counseling (which is the selection) - lead to a continuous awakening Players and strengthen them in the experience of Genesis through awareness.

At the last session, "Open Heart" of the outgoing year started in July continued the study of psychiatry. Mental illness, as well as other diseases have a diseased organ. If a gastric ulcer such body is the stomach, then the mental disorder patient body is the brain.

Players have studied the symptoms by which to recognize the symptoms of mental disorders, and determined how being diagnosed with the mental illness known -Shizofrenii, as well as acquainted with the predictions of treatment of mental illness such as epilepsy.

The mechanism of occurrence of mental illness is identical in terms of the emergence of the concept of psychosomatic diseases with other diseases, with the only difference being that the psychic diseases of the target - is the brain functioning is disturbed, and dysfunction manifest symptoms of mental disorder.

To his surprise, the players found themselves in and their relatives symptoms of mental disorders, and here it must be said that the symptoms of mental disorders are found apparently healthy people, here is how the whole thing in the severity of symptoms.

For example, this symptom as an obsession, with mild severity of the disorder is manifested mild obsession that runs by itself (for example, lyrics), while in its extreme severity - this symptom turns into a heavy mental disorder - Delirium.

  • In recent years, observations of psychiatrists show that serious diseases such as schizophrenia and epilepsy are subject to a complete recovery and sustained remission. Of course, this happens in a certain category of people (just as some people can be cured of cancer). In the process of recovery from mental illnesses, a crucial role is played by the patient's environment. So statistics insists cure happened in those cases, where in addition to other factors, the inner circle shows to the patient's unconditional love, acceptance, respect and care.

    Summary of the last session.

    1. All active players can take part in a Skype-retreat, which consistently delve into solving actual problems using a consultant. Retreat consists of 3eh consultations.

    2. Actions consultants, leading skype-retreat at Leela Academy are:

    3. The remaining players are studying counseling group "Open Heart" can only advise each other (narabatyvaya practical experience). If to them for advice seek active players, direct them to the event Skype-retreat.

    4. If the players live in the same city, the consultations may be conducted internally.

    5. "Open Hearts" advice on the basis of service. This means that all donations received for consultation conducted in the Oasis Foundation Awakening.
The more distorted perception of reality, the more suffering. Alternatively it can be said that the release - when perceived reality without distortion.



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