Parable: Birthday God.

Sunday 05 March, 2017

One seeker of Truth once dreamed that he was in heaven. He saw a crowd of people. Inquired what was going on, he found out that today is the birthday of God. Seeker thanked his fate: at last his thirst to contemplate God will be satisfied!
He stood at the edge of the road along with the rest of the people waiting. It seemed a magnificent procession. Ahead of an important person riding on a beautiful horse. He was followed by a large retinue of thousands of followers. Seeker whisper asked his neighbor:
- It's God?
- Oh no! - The man replied. - This is Krishna.
I do not have time to pass the first process, as shown next.
- It's God? - I asked again finder.
- No, that Mohammed and his entourage - was the answer.
Processions were one after another endless series of: Buddha, Christ and many other great prophets.
- When Will God? - Surprised Truth seeker.
The crowd had thinned considerably. We have not heard much fanfare. Seeker tired. Finally, on the street, except for him, no one left. And then there was a modest, comely kind old man on a white horse. He was not accompanied by anyone.
Seeker looked after him, and suddenly it dawned on him: "It must be, and there is a God! No one is not alone, as God in the vast universe! "
He came closer and said:
- If you're God, why are you alone?
From these words of God's eyes filled with tears, and he said:
- All people are divided, and followed by those who walked here before me. And no one was with me, because there can only be one who should not be with me no one else.


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