Diary of the 5th Winter Games, the Remote. Game 11.

Wednesday 01 March, 2017

I congratulate all the participants of the Fifth Winter Games with the Remote their end and, in turn, thank you for the interesting experience that I get together with you by participating in them as a guide.
(Rama Divine Leela)
This year, the maturity of the games participants increased again. One can see the visual change of the game many players of remote gaming.

I remind you that you are in the Oasis of the Awakening and the methods that are used here are aimed at the awakening of consciousness, through the memory itself (not to be confused with medication, personal growth, success programs, etc.)

awakening process requires the utmost integrity players. This process is sometimes very painful, so this process all the players can go exclusively voluntary.

Mai forces are strong, and the awakening of a process rastyazhёnny in time, which gives way to sweet sleep periods and then re moments, sometimes very painful awakening.

At this point, some of you only just shuddered, pulled leg, turned to the other side, smacked his lips, spraying saliva, but so far have not even opened the eyes. Are you still sleeping sweetly, staying asleep illusion, but thinking that you are in this reality.

But who wants this delusion? Self Consciousness!

While your dwarf dances his magic dance "samsara" and you can not look away from the hypnotic attraction of this dance.

While dwarf still reigns in your psyche and the team ... you will not find time for yourself.

But sleep is not an eternal process, the day gives way to night, and then again the morning comes. No matter how pleasant or horrible no matter your sleep, awakening comes sooner or later.

I as a conductor KNOW that no one can wake up actively. Awakening - it is an internal process and it should start from the readiness and maturity of the awakening. And actively wake is entitled only to life itself!

Having been to many of the world centers of spiritual development and carefully watching the process of awakening of spiritual seekers, I can confirm that the process is not quick.

Yet AWAKENING - a process that never stands still.

Although it is well known that the process of spiritual evolution is slow, perhaps even in this lifetime your awakening process will enter an active phase.

What is important to understand? What's in this game there is only one player-consciousness.

Once his mercy descends upon himself, and it begins to free himself from the illusion that reigns due to ignorance.

When a person is ready to enlightenment he always have power.

You have to understand the specifics of Oasis Awakening ... is a place for those who are consciously ready to awaken. A consciousness gradually awakens ...

If you have finished the game and remote realize that at the moment does not have an adequate level of personal power, then just continue to be open. Cheer, approve of yourself and continue to gain wisdom by all available and known to you the ways, and of course - Play!

The latest roundup of how the game draws players in the final game, read right now.

  • I saw and understood that I am not the doer, everything just goes through me, everything just happens and if relax and let it all happen all happens as it should. So how should it be? As there ... Today, I once again felt the taste of life, I'm in the flow and the flow in me.
  •    I'm ruthless, good or bad, maybe it depends, but I noticed it in myself, and I think I have become more rigid.
  •  I saw and understood that I am not weak, it's just an image that does not exist. In general, all is not as it seemed.
  •  Discovered that the fear of meaninglessness is the protection and the trap, I went into hiding from her helplessness and abandonment.
  •     I saw how I brake with chores and lessons is out of fear that I can not, but when I realize what is happening, all I can, you just need to think and make the effort.
  •   Last analysis homework showed that easy to stand notes and realize they need me.
  •   In his heart cold, winter, body movements want to, I want to shake off the unpleasant ... but who wants to, who do not accept that that is? ego. I know that I am not the ego, now I just live this period of winter in the shower or the death of any. I consciously do the cleaning in the apartment, and very carefully, and seeing the ego and just an event, and a sense of abandonment and loneliness and death. I was like no one I have, the resistance of the ego and the understanding I just live ... and go with the techeniyu..telo it in the reality of the relative peace and is also relatively real, at the moment of now ... which is very thin and deep love, but cold here and now ... .. I will survive! and who says? Ego game again.
  •     Practice. Yesterday's event. Chest tightness. I live resentment on helplessness. Who is helpless? Picture: a drop in the ocean has created his own world, with their toys, bindings, etc., and imagined it all, and it is limited to these limits... And the ocean has taken and blotted out the world, to show that this is not limited to all. Who is helpless? The little ego-personality, feels helpless before circumstances, ocean front, the author imagines himself as a workman. Now I (character) saw that I was not the author, and not a doer, everything goes through me, everything happens. No one is helpless, everyone has their own role. And who am I really? I am everywhere and everything ...
  • For I have no time just now. There was a desire to work with physical blocks, not to miss them. And all in my hands.
  •    In the morning I lived loss. I went in feeling and all dissolved, and I fell into a state of bliss. Feel the spirit, the connection with him was in this for some time.
  •   I saw it all I came up with myself in my head.
  •   B. does not consult or my opinion does not take into account. 2:00 practice dedicated to living the feelings of weakness. After living for some amount I suddenly saw that she did not always agree. And I think only saw her dissent, the other side is not noticed. And come to understand that you need in moments of disagreement miss feelings. What I began to do, when for example, in the morning V. asked that we cook and my taste different from the taste of others, I am not silent, knowing that they will not be persuaded, I said, and failure to live. There was a power play in this
  • .    Go thought that my level is lower than the other participants, I agree with that, if that is the reality.
  •   On day 6, rereading the report, and then walking down the street, I realized that a strong resistance, which has been in this game - is the resistance of the fact of a set of personal power. Fear of the power (even his own). Right enlightenment (which is thin and so much).
  •     My friend from the old school give me a letter that accuses me of treason. I do not understand: why is it so, because I told her that often going to see her. Pain. Resentment. A break up. For stays of resentment and betrayal, began a parallel perception of the past life of the character (the mother abandons the character and assigns it to an orphanage -. A traitor). In both cases, the betrayal of the fact that someone is following its own interests.
  •    I-Consciousness, live parallels: 1. Character traitor (I - school change and the mother of the last character) - understanding and forgiveness: 2. The character of the past and my girlfriend this life - understanding each forgiveness. There is a wholeness. Pictures both emptied, as if turned into a hologram and melt in the left shoulder blade blooming flower of light. At the heart of - ease. The idea of ​​the new: it is only important to follow the Consciousness, then there is no treachery, nor betray, nor betrayed. I'm a big, or breathing space breathing space with the body moving: expanding and contracting. (The work was a position I - Consciousness).
  • The day passed very rich. Involved in the preparation of scenery. First we collected part of the scenery, as planned earlier, but I did not like and not very reliable. Naparnitsa trying to convince me that all is well. Keep track of laziness, it is my mirror, I too lazy to redo. Watching my laziness, a little rest, I watch the breath, and suddenly comes a completely new solution, how to arrange and facilitate the arch, making the structure more reliable. Then again it was necessary to alter one thing, but this is easily passed without resistance. We came out of the tension and fun with humor finished. I feel the pleasant fatigue in the body. The day stretched out before 21:00. I knew that my assistant look at me and my mood. Therefore, trying to be in the present moment, not to go in thought, to communicate, to cheer cheerful words. And it was easy and fun to work with. Yes it is fun is really easy and it gives new powers!
  •     Again an early rise. Ahead of the wedding decoration and equipment. We need to carry a lot of decorations. Watching the breath, the thought of wedding a little grip. Dwarf trying to insist that it is necessary to reduce the practice to do everything. But an inner voice, my I calmly. And I feel this inner peace, no rush, dwarf pacify, slowly surrenders. The body of a pleasant ache in the muscles, after yesterday's work and exercise, even hands numb at night. The emotion of joy and anticipation of registration of marriage. I understand that during the time of wearing plaster, missed the work of his hands.
  •     Evening. Pain in the neck, behind the ears pressure, flows into the top of the head. There numbness. Emotsiya- sadness. fatigue, weakness. I do not resist watching. Nape Nemeth. I have not worked physically. These two days worked intensively. Today noted that once again involved in the process. Although he pointed the assistants. But I understand that it was necessary to teach the beginners. Thoughts; two weddings today. One last prepared almost the whole day. Today the second. A lot of installation work and transfers decor. He noted that there was no fuss. Everything was measured. And even if something had to remodel, it was not without irritation. She took things as they are. The boys were also at altitude. In the morning, when designed the car, talking with the driver. He said the cost of my decorations Auto. And he told how much it takes for the B-to. I was shocked by the difference in the price of 2 times. It was a sign for the recapitulation prices. It is necessary to carry out the task and monitoring of prices in the city for all the work. Indeed since the growth of the dollar, I almost did not raise prices.
  •     When we arrived at the airport, she wanted to, I stood waited until all gather (skaters had to come, to meet the winner). I feel that I was not comfortable and do not want to do that. Especially because they do not have to stand on the street can go to the airport building. And I refuse to self-love. Now the emotion is joy. I feel a strength and satisfaction. What is not led on occasion of public opinion. It is easy to go into fear, that might be offended, condemned, rejected. And it gave a burst of energy and understanding that love me, and no matter what people think about me.
  •    I overslept this morning consultation Sangha. After practicing lay pleased with herself and fell asleep. I was late for 30 minutes. Consciousness has shown that sleep. That's what I feel. Again I begin to be involved in the work process. The successes are inspiring, but also dulls the senses. Quickly forgotten lessons. I looked at my hand, and I think how quickly everything is forgotten. I am watching the breath. Sense of anxiety. Fear. I thought that everything can happen again. Life stricter approaches me. From this terrible and confidence in life. After each of my falling asleep, awakening all the more painful. But the lessons and get gifts that are going to become more significant. Ha ha ha. That's agreed . I love your life !!! You have me so interesting, rich, my dear, my love life !!!
  •   The emotion of anxiety. The feeling of excitement. Today the operation. Mind is so called. He tries to resist more, but the inner trust calms the mind. In general, this procedure from the surgeon-dentist. Yet this operation. Suppose that in the mouth, but 3 h. I am relaxing and watching. What I feel? Inner peace, mind silent. I'll be watching. interest appears. It is possible for three hours in a state observer. A three-hour practice. Ha ha ha
  • Evening. Wow it was over. We did it!!! And the doctor and assistant, and my body, and my dwarf ... And I. And in general, that there was no one. Ha ha. It was the experience of consciousness. It was a well-coordinated work of all the characters who gathered Consciousness. The observer immediately separated. The body was relaxed, controlled dwarf body. When the body was part of the tension, the Dwarf, hearing the observer team gave the body to relax. And there is a relaxation. And even when there was a complication and the doctor asked another doctor for consultation, the dwarf was so calm and listened to the observer that covered such love them all !!! What they rock! These young, such purposeful, such competent and dedicated. Only occasionally puffing on a busy doctor, I noted that it would be hard, but sent him all my love and trust. And he began to joke))) When sewn up, the numbness of the lips, it occurred to me that Her sewn too. And I wanted to laugh. ... Confidence is the main thing that I learned from this lesson!
  •     I want more of the Trust. Analgesics that have registered are not needed! Edema slept, instead of what he had to grow for three days, and then subside in three days. No bruises))) feel the joy of it all that has passed. I enjoy the moment. But I keep ears open !!! How to change the mood! Ha ha. No wonder they say: white stripe, black stripe, and in this life and it is not good not bad. THIS IS AND I AM
  •     Compared with the beginning of the game awareness has increased significantly (at the beginning of the game - 9 - 11hours a day, is now an average of 14 - 16 hours), especially the capacity increased by retreat, the players do not give my character fall asleep and stay conditions here assume ego surrender, t . to. here it is dissolved in the process of self-realization.
  •     The character gradually dissolved in the void of perception of the present moment. Life in the main flows naturally and without intelligence assessments. And therein lies the strength of fullness, as a result of self-realization in the present manifestations of various kinds of paints energy, which does not affect the one who observes, as a result of increasing efficiency, new ideas, freely open counter the wind, not afraid of change. Self-awareness enables the inner power of vision how everything happens, comes from emptiness and emptiness leaves symptoms present. Losses are no longer a loss, there is a vision of a different level of attention from the outside inward and returns converted to observation from the outside, allowing the entire flow naturally. If you develop the habit of observing the present moment continuously, without the distraction of some concepts and beliefs, through the prism of pure perception, self-awareness is constantly filled with the power of being satisfied with a small (short sleep, food fair, and so on. D.). Inside, light, purity of thoughts, love, acceptance, that gives magical power without effort. And this habit of self-realization is already gaining momentum. But just how are involved, you plunge into the darkness of ignorance, is de-energized, hung with the concepts of death, loneliness, fear of meaninglessness pleteshsya seek support from the outside. Then start all over again, self-awareness, personal power accumulation process has started.
  •     Living in fear of the practice was a profound experience. Disidentification with fear memories happened mission (I already have, and always will not disappear) and experience in this embodiment, when the consciousness of being found Hollow core foundation. The fear dissolved and transformed into goodness. A penalty, if any, they transformed into good. It is humility and trust in Existence.
  •     Getting to the island by boat, a strong wave in the sea breeze. Rolls usual in such cases, nausea. I watch and without getting involved, I'm not hurt. Who me? Um, of course, I wanted to intervene, rejection of himself, but he is silent. Nausea decreases. On the way back pitching more, notice of nausea did not. This is such a magical transformation. Smile Consciousness - the victim is nothing to do here.
  •  There was on the beach, pulled hard fatigue, heaviness in the head. It came out of nowhere a familiar loneliness, send it back into the void. Went energy, fatigue is gone. Ha-ha! Let's play !!!
  • Interestingly, I recently Consciousness says unpleasant things, and particularly from one person. And I feel that all, or rather my mind against me. I Came, self pity, tears welling in his eyes. It hurts! And suddenly, I realize. Well, the joke! Well, it gives Consciousness! It was so unexpected, it was funny. And I understand how to get through my mind as the pain is not over! Thank you budish. I suddenly realized that I was starting to see the play of Consciousness, I just know it. Consciousness earlier on television showed me in the role of women - victims marred by silly feelings and beliefs and therefore suffering, tormented by his thoughts that created itself. I say, how stupid! And suddenly I realize this consciousness shows me. Revelation.
  •  In physiological terms, many unpleasant bodily sensations are gone (pain in the heart, kidney, throat, in the last meditation: the head does not hurt, it helps fronto - occipital seizure), the shoulders become much crunch, the process went. Physically I became much stronger.
  • In emotional terms - at the beginning and middle of the game I was calmer now express their emotions sometimes violently, not always beautiful. He appeared hate, but did not tell myself that it's bad. I lived it. But the most interesting thing I see emotions, their flaws, but do not blame yourself, not your thoughts, not your feelings, allowing them to be, it's the law of rhythm, this is temporary. They are not me. I stop being afraid of what I look like in the eyes of others. It is easy to become. Now I no longer keep quiet and listen. For all his emotions, I became more confident, softer, more natural. I became more sensitive, I see and feel how the vibration, such as irritation, is passed from one person to another, and then to the third. I note your feelings, and bodily sensations, for thoughts do not always have time.
  •  I clearly understood that, if uncontrolled thoughts, especially negative create pain and suffering, and now I watch my thoughts. In the communication, the last time I try to change your mind negative thoughts about a person, then he can turn to me his best side. Inspire himself that pleased him, it was amazing; changing your attitude, change his attitude toward me. So I play with the Consciousness. I regret and repent when you do not have time to think better, because I forget about the game of consciousness. I attach importance to the idea that everything is consciousness, that in everyone and everything, God. I began to separate thought from myself of who I am. Clearly I felt and I know that I do not mind. Something inside is watching and sees "my" moods, feelings and thoughts. How do I feel about the idea? They create the illusion of this world.
  • Casual plan. Yes, it was something, or rather events, stressful situations, which were that consciousness awakened me. Today 2 days as calm. But I know everything can change quickly, and just playing and seeing that consciousness leads me - filled me with strength. This inner understanding - trust Consciousness. All the events I need. I am learning to accept life as it happens, just watching. With the knowledge I have become a different, still can not announce it in words. I love this state, a friend calls and says that any who do not need. I remember myself and now I laugh. I will continue to hone their skills by working along the same lines and put into practice the rules of Code Hunter and keep records. I want to study at the Academy. Thank Master - Consciousness of Gift - awareness that has grown and fills me with impenetrable strength and leads to an understanding of who I am. Who am I? I'm the one who watches.
  • During the game, I realized that the need to look for the real "power", but on the power of one will not go far.
  • Transformations allow a reduction of discomfort, but I do more to reduce the anxiety they cause.
  • The emotional background also depends on the thoughts. And if you notice the thoughts, and emotional background will be more calm.
  • The mental body trying to ignore "the prosecution and conviction of others" and to translate them into thought "this situation I for which it is given and these characters, too."
  • Thoughts are often generated by the "ego" (dwarf) and bring misery to the ego. Some thoughts pop up from the unconscious (especially in meditation).
  • Events are often changed, and we must all accept as a choice of life and "take it as it is." And life in response to the test gives you less. Everyday meditation - major changes in my life.
  • Purposefully engaged in their own development and identify itself with their fears. Today periodically manifested fear to make a mistake and do something wrong, so it is sometimes difficult to make the "right" choice. Talking about something, I'm still trying to get the story was exactly how things happened, controlling their words. Today, on the stone body no trace. There are sometimes more bowel problems (constipation), poor eyesight went from a past life.
  • I Came I., went to meet him at this point B. shouted that my phone is ringing. I ran up and saw Mom. Quickly enable and joyfully shouted, "Hi Mamul!", There was a pause for a few seconds. In response I heard blissful - "What are you, at home," replied that the house gently said yesterday called Fun said she saw late and did not return the call without waiting for an answer, said I. came Delighted, I?.... I. handed the phone. He invited her to visit us on the cake, "Let's celebrate Valentine's day." Noted as suddenly improvised, and shifted her usual behavior for positive emotions. Wow! I feel the playfulness and lightness. I understood what it means to change your reactions spontaneously.
  • Tune in to your breath, and then to the body. Interesting condition where living, a state of fear, but still bold move into it, did not believe in its reality, as it were, to step over it, then immediately feel so relieved. Focus on your breathing. I see the light. Dormancy and dissolution in the now moment. The last time this state goes observation of reality, like television. Someone there said, outraged, you just see the reaction of people who you can not affect. The body is relaxed. Have not had such a meditation state of relaxation, nothing disturbs. I feel gratitude for all that is.
  • She opened the job and began to answer questions. The answer to the penultimate two questions had to be put on a scale. She put 2-3 points since the last time I feel the lack of acceptance and struggle with their fears, because they manage to see more of the illusory nature and walk in them. Destructive emotions manage to watch more often than participate unconsciously. I accept them as they are, realizing that there is a trend-belief and habit of reacting as before. Including the dwarf and said, "What are you, what will they say? You can not feel, you still early! With the mind, whether that went?" For some time, I thought and felt the body clenched in doubt, creating uncertainty and mistrust of his subconscious. There was a fear of rejection "You condemn what you have written so" - compression in the solar plexus.
  • Subjects and checked again, only in reverse order. The answer is the same. So what happens if rejected? Nothing. I watch the game of the mind and live the feelings and sensations in the body, allowing them to be. Razotozhdestvlyayus with someone who feels it. She remembered his fortune in the last month. Immediately felt a lightness and acceptance of everything as it is. I click on the button and sent as is. The fear dissolved, body relaxed. Sense of freedom and lightness.
  • The game starts about half the time I was neosoznanna. Now most of the time I am aware of who I am. I'm not in a hurry, I "here and now" and it makes life full of important and, because my relationship with God is more important than any external tinsel.
  • Indeed there was some sort of inner strength. At first I thought it was mind again plays in vanity, but watching saw that the victim was less to live and watch the fears, not engaging in them, it became easier. This force can be felt on the level of the body: it flows along the spine and the body straightens, changing posture.
  • When I - Consciousness, I connect to the infinite source of life. I have this life. I see all the energy, all the knowledge. It -huge force compared to when I break away from this, and operates only on the energy of the physical body, we are in constant fear and protection.
  • I called mom. She once again the problem of "universal" scale. Watching his reaction. I see a manifestation of consciousness energy. The consciousness manifested in different ways. No mother, there is a game that tests my awareness.
  • The tension in the front of the head, hurt, "he did not hear" the conversation with his son. Abandonment, meaninglessness. And what am I doing wrong? It is clear that I have to make a complaint, wanting to learn to live. And I myself, as far as, I am able to live? And based on this, I can only love him for what he is. Of course, it is necessary to say everything, but hear or not is another question.
  • All long gone, and only my ego is nursing these feelings. What for? And then, so I strengthened in the faith, I do not these feelings, I time is now.
  • Aching in the abdomen, resentment, helplessness, "I do not understand what is happening," humiliation, meaninglessness. The unconscious recollection gives me 4-5 years, another romp with an average brother, he grips me, pulls off his pants to a painful lash strap on the bare ass. Now and brother left the body, and in my "files" kept this resentment. I live by the addition of orange color, I'm not the pain, it is not a feeling. I have the time right now.
  • And that his or her case? Summing up, I can say a lot done, produced a small, understanding what happened in my head as I want and just need to realize our plans, now I know how.

   Well, dear players, remote gaming Satvic energy flowed smoothly in your changes and transformations, and with awareness, with all the gifts collected by the players of the draws of life - turned in their transformation, which appear at the moment.

And now we traditionally hold a general meditation.

This year, our meditation is contemplative and brooding character.

Now you can open the front page of our website, link:
Website Oasis Awakening

Sit out, turn on the player and the song Mantra Gate, looking at the main illustration, think about his way, where are you now, at what stage? Where are you moving? Who you are?

Repeating the words of the mantra, it weakens your negative mind and thus makes invulnerable to any negative influences.

Once it becomes clear, and the path and about himself, cover his eyes and just be.

Let the music play, one song can change the other, and ye in meditation as much as you feel is necessary. Then, when you want to complete the meditation, just slightly open eyes and having stayed for some time in silence, go into the game!

Our journey for the main game and Gift of Life continues, Ha Ha !!!

playing :)

The Leela.



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