Just one exercise for the royal posture.

Thursday 06 April, 2017

Saddle is not only an aesthetic drawback. Disregarding the exercises for posture, we are harming many important organs - the heart, lung, stomach, pancreas, which are forced to function in a "squeezed" position.

Thus, a beautiful posture is not only beauty, but also health. In many ways, for a beautiful posture, one simple basic exercise helps, which is widely used in medicine and sports training.

Initial position and implementation:
- Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the trunk, fix your legs.

On exhalation, lift the upper body from the floor, keeping the position of the hands and feet. On inhalation, lower to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Do this exercise 3 times a week - and your posture will be perfect. In addition, it additionally also tightens the gluteal muscles.

Additional bonus for girls:
- stoop leads to the fact that over time the muscles of the chest are shortened, "hiding" and a beautiful bust. This exercise allows you to fix this.

Ideal for all who sit in front of the computer.

PS. Important comment: beware of those with problems or pain in the lumbar region. Muscles responsible for extension of the spine, basically all in constant tension, tk still have to hold and stabilize it. And this exercise will introduce muscles into even greater tone and deepen lordosis. That, in turn, will provoke an even greater burden on the lumbar spine.



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