Reasonable mode of the day.

Thursday 15 September, 2022

What is the sensible mode of the day? It's a daily life "in step with the times."
It is not for nothing that the vast majority of living beings are awake during the day, but sleep at night, they want one in the morning, others wish in the afternoon, and in the evening others. This is due to the influence of the planets. The sun gives the activation of processes in the body and the strength to act, the moon gives relaxation and the ability to relax. The influence of the sun does not allow the body to fully rest, and the influence of the moon does not allow full-fledged action without harm to the human psyche.

So, what are the consequences of violation of the regime of the day:
The mind and mind rest from 9 pm to 11 pm. Therefore, if you did not go to bed or fall asleep at 10 pm, then you will suffer from the mind and the mind - mental faculties and intelligence will gradually fall. Reduction of mental strength and intelligence occurs not immediately, but smoothly and often unnoticeably, negative consequences can accumulate over the years. When the power of the mind decreases, a person can not understand what to do well and what is bad. It is difficult for him to understand how to act in certain life situations, he makes mistakes, which he then regrets. It becomes difficult to get rid of bad habits. When the strength of the mind decreases, anxiety and memory deterioration begin, mental instability.

The first signs of a lack of rest of the mind and mind - a decrease in concentration or excessive tension of the mind, increased bad habits, reduced willpower and increased animal needs - sex, food, sleep and conflict. Further consequences - chronic mental fatigue and tension, violation of vascular regulation and a tendency to increase blood pressure. The earthiness of the face, tired dull look, mental retardation, headaches are all signs of a disturbance of the daily routine, a person does not allow the mind and mind to rest in the time allotted for it by nature.

If you do not sleep from 11 to 1 night, then you will suffer from vitality, as well as nervous and muscular systems. Consequences - weakness, pessimism, lethargy, decreased appetite, heaviness in the body, mental and physical weakness. These manifestations, as a rule, are felt immediately. The activity of prana in our body is connected with the nervous system, so the latter in time will also begin to suffer. The consequences are extremely unpleasant and dangerous - the regulation of the balance of vital functions of the whole organism is violated, which causes a decrease in immunity and the development of chronic diseases. If you continue to violate the regime of the day, there may be consequences in the form of severe changes in the functioning of the nervous system, as well as internal organs.

From 1 am to 3 am, sleep is also necessary, otherwise the emotional strength of a person suffers. The immediate consequences are excessive irritability, aggression, antagonism. If this rule is violated, there is a strong emotional exhaustion, and attacks of hysteria can begin. Further consequences - the gradual development of manic-depressive psychosis, that is, a person for a while is overly excited, and then falls into a deep depression. Gradually decreases the acuity of perception of the world through hearing, touch, sight, smell, as well as the activity of taste buds.

A few words about reasonableness.

Reason is the person's ability to understand the forces that exist around us and affect our lives. A reasonable person understands that there is time, the power of time, therefore he tries to do everything in time, as far as fate allows it.

The one who did not want to be friends with time, life puts in such a framework that a person can not sleep on time - night work, it is difficult to fall asleep on time, the TV is obstructed by a wall or other people, etc. This is the punishment of time for unreason. If this situation occurs, then changing it can be very difficult, but there is one good way. And now we will talk about how to eliminate these consequences of long-term violations of the regime of the day.

Since man's desire is a huge force, if one constantly wants to change his regime of the day, after a while a person gets this opportunity. If the desire was sincere and strong, then there are forces to take advantage of this opportunity. There is only one way to strengthen this desire - communication with people who have already embarked on the right path and observe the regime of the day. Attentive and humble listening to such people gives rise to changes in the mind, giving enthusiasm for changing everything in their lives.
All other ways to eliminate the consequences of violation of the regime of the day are unreasonable, and lead only to further troubles. It's silly to yell at a neighbor or family members, hoping that they will turn off the TV or calm down, and they will not think badly about you at all. It is unwise to give up night work, if there are no other income options. It is necessary to humbly accept the situation as the consequences of one's own unreasonableness in the past, and to wish with all the strength to change the situation for the better.
According to the Vedas,

  • All the people who surround us represent our sins committed in the past. Life suits so that we live and communicate with those people who can return to us all the bad and good things that we have ever done against others, including in past incarnations.
  • When a person desires a better life and at the same time does not blame anyone for his difficult life, does not try to forcefully alter other people, he gradually works out his bad destiny, and his opportunities to live happier are improving every day.
  • And as for the unfavorable factors that prevented progressing due to their own bad deeds, they gradually weaken and eventually disappear at all.



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