Unfinished business takes away energy, completed - bestow.

Friday 22 September, 2017

Unfinished business takes away energy, completed - bestow.
That's why, when you have a creative stupor, a cast-iron head and it seems that even getting to the bed is an impossible mission, then get up and wash the dishes. This simple complete business will restore the energy balance and you will be ready to take on the next task.
Doing it - and more energy. Our body works like this.

Therefore, it is so important to put on your day a certain number of tasks of any kind and bring them to completion. Because unfinished business draws strength from us. That is why the people of the matter either do not set the task at all or bring it to the end.

You can not believe it! Then do this. Start writing a post and stop at the first thoughtfulness. Then start cleaning in the apartment - and when you need to wipe off a particularly corrosive stain, stop the business. Then sit down and work for 20 minutes. After all this, you fall on the couch with groans and moans. 3 hours were filled with continuous work and no forces.

But here's the nuance: if you finished the post, finished cleaning, worked until the result, then there would be a little magic. Despite the fact that you worked not 3 hours, but all 8, the energy would overflow you. Because all cases are brought to the status: checked. Goose bumps, when you realize that such magic can fill every day of your life.
We also remind you: In order for a person to be psychologically healthy, gestalt should be brought to a logical conclusion in time.



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