The World of Spiritual Development and the World of Spiritual Ministry.

Tuesday 02 June, 2020

As you can see, the development of the soul goes through certain stages, which are clear from the name of the steps, and as we see spiritual service at the top of spiritual development for the soul.
Souls that reach this level of maturity are turned only upwards (they do not look down the stairs, and do not get carried away by all the temptations of Life), but serve the Higher.
The people of this world are protected by the highest representatives of the subtle world.

It is important to note that in reality there is no clear transition from one step to another and of course it needs to be understood that these steps are conditional.

They are simultaneously present directly HERE AND NOW in each and to some extent manifested in activity, thinking, behavior.

In the Oasis of Awakening for players of the level of the Missionary and the Formless player, the Service program (Karma Yoga) operates.

Why exactly players of this level can take part in the ministry?
Because true Service requires the presence of inner maturity (power) and the actual going beyond the personal, individual, individual Consciousness. As can be seen in the scheme of the ladder - this is the top of development.

Great joy is enclosed
in dedicating oneself to
service to other people.
Mother Theresa.
(A soul who has experienced the experience of Spiritual Ministry).



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