Magic cleaning: just to put things right in the house

Saturday 07 November, 2020

"Order in the house = order in life!"

Tired of indefinitely bringing order to the house? Do not need! There is a way to clean up once and for all.

Today Japanese Mari Kondo is known all over the world: her book "Magic cleaning. Japanese art of bringing order home and in life "in a short time became a bestseller and was published in more than 30 countries.
From the age of 5, Marie liked flipping through women's magazines, viewing photos of delicious dishes and reading about how to remove stains from fat or save money. "The articles on storage methods inspired me to turn cardboard bags from milk into boxes for my desk drawers," Marie says in her book. Looking at her daughter's infatuation, her parents thought that an ideal housewife would grow out of it, but she invented her cleaning method, began helping people get rid of the rubbish in their homes and earned millions on it. And all because "KonMari method" really works.
Cleaning: once and for life

Marie Kondo argues the opposite: "You have to clean once and properly. If you clean up every day a little, cleaning will last forever. " With respect to cleaning, Marie uses the term "special event", which must be fulfilled once and for all within a single period of time. "If you bring your house in order properly, you can maintain cleanliness in it always, even if you are lazy or slovenly by nature," says Marie. In the method of magical cleaning there is nothing complicated.

Effective cleaning involves only two critical actions: getting rid of unnecessary and determining where to store what you need.

But about where to put the right things, you should not even think, until you get rid of all unnecessary things. In the first place should be thrown.
Get rid of unnecessary one fell swoop

More often than not, people easily part with things that have ceased to be functional, (for example, broke), aged or out of fashion. But there are a lot of unnecessary things in the house for which there is no obvious reason for throwing. Marie Kondo does not recommend using advice such as "throw away everything that you did not use throughout the year", "you can not throw it away now - put it back in the box and come back to this issue later" - they do not work.

The best way to choose what to save and what to throw is to take each object in hand and ask: "Does it cause joy?" If called - save it. If not,


Get out of the categories

Cleaning in the house should be carried out not according to the rooms: "today is a bedroom, tomorrow is a children's room", but by categories, for example, "today is clothes, tomorrow is books". Before deciding what to leave in the house and what to throw away, collect all the things that fall into one category in one place. "Collecting all the items in one place is extremely important, because it gives you an accurate idea of ​​how many things you have. Most people experience a shock at the very volume of a pile of things, which is often at least twice the amount that they imagined, "explains Marie.

Begin the cleaning process with simple items, which are easiest to decide: clothing, then books, documents, "miscellaneous" (CD and DVD, cosmetics, accessories, electrical appliances, writing supplies, household supplies, etc.) and only in the very last turn "sentimental" items and memorabilia.
Do not let family interfere

The process of harvesting is akin to meditation, and therefore it is necessary to clean out in a quiet environment. Also, Marie Kondo does not advise in any way to show the things thrown to parents and other family members: "There is nothing wrong with cleaning. However, the spectacle of what their children throw out is a great stress for parents. The very volume of the rubbish heap can cause anxiety among parents, making them wonder whether children will be able to live with what they have left. "
Do not make unnecessary clothes in your home

Very many, starting to disassemble things, instead of throwing out those that have not been worn for long, leave them "for home." Do not do this!

It's not right to keep clothes that we do not like to "relax" at home. Our home time is a precious part of life. Its value should not decrease simply because no one sees us at home. So starting today, finish with the habit of demotion of clothes, from which you are not enthusiastic, transferring it to the category of home.

Part with unnecessary souvenirs

The hand does not rise to throw away gifts that were bought especially for you dear to the heart of a man? The situation is widespread. "The true purpose of a gift is to be accepted. Gifts are not "things," but a means of conveying human feelings, "Marie thinks. - If you look at the matter from this point of view, then there is no need to feel guilty, throwing someone's gift. Just thank him for the joy he caused you when you got it. Of course, the ideal situation would be in which you could use the gift with joy. But surely the person who gave it to you will not want you to use it only out of a sense of duty or put it aside, without using, tormenting with remorse at every glance at it. "

In most cases, mothers "save" things thrown away by their daughters, but they rarely wear clothes they take away. My female clients, who are fifty or sixty years old, invariably throw out the things they gave away to their daughters, even without ever wearing them.
How to keep things right

Once you make the right selection among things, you will only have that number that will fit perfectly in the space available at the moment. If your goal is an uncleaned room, then you need to store these things so that you can immediately tell where something is.

Keep all related items and items of the same type in one place and as close as possible to each other.

The main secret is vertical storage

Perhaps, the revolutionary discovery of Marie Kondo - in the convenience of storing things and objects not in piles, but vertically. This principle is applicable not only to books, documents and papers, but also to clothing in chest drawers.

It is very important to learn and correctly add things - to a simple smooth rectangle. And then they can always be rolled up and put vertically in a drawer, like towels in a bedside table under the sink from the IKEA catalog. Such a storage system will provide the most comprehensive overview, and you can always easily take out any thing without disturbing the rest.

Hanging things on the rail Mari Kondo recommends from left to right, starting with dark warm things to light and light.
The best storage device is a shoebox

In special devices for storage is not necessary - they are only a superficial solution to the problem of clutter. From unnecessary things you just need to get rid of. And the remaining ones are most conveniently stored in empty boxes from under shoes.

The scope of shoe boxes is practically unlimited. I often use them to store socks and pantyhose in chests of chests of drawers. The height of the shoe box is ideal for storing rolled pantyhose. In the bathroom they can be used for storing bottles with shampoo, air conditioning, they are also ideal for storing detergents and other household cleaning items.

See how Marie Condo herself packs a dozen items in a small box of shoes:

Order in the house = order in life

In her book, Marie Kondo writes that when a person tidies up his house, he manages his affairs and his past. As a result of "trial" with things, he begins to clearly understand what he needs in life, and what is not, and what he wants to do.

The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we do not need. To do this, no longer need trips to distant countries or unrestrained shopping. All that needs to be done is to exclude what is not necessary, properly approaching every object that belongs to you. Life really begins after you bring your house in order.



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