Diary of 6 Winter Remote Games. Issue 3. Season 2017/18

Sunday 24 December, 2017

We continue our release of the diary of the Sixth Winter Remote Games with the direction of Teun Marez.


It is easy to understand that as long as people are quite justifiably satisfied with how their life develops, they can not have any good reasons to change anything.

Instead, most people prefer to simply get acquainted with new ways to make their lives richer.

There is a huge number of people who are not at all against gaining the strength and abilities of a warrior, but only as some additional advantages enriching their current life.

However, you can not achieve the strength of a warrior without becoming a warrior, but in order to become a warrior, a complete transformation of the personality is necessary.

Only those who honestly admit to themselves that they have nothing to lose are ready to put themselves to the full transformation.

However, a person always has something to lose, and therefore the students resist change, but such resistance means that they unconsciously cling to the old way of life.

It is for these reasons that Teachers never take the time to take the first person as a student, especially since the usual period of apprenticeship is fifteen to twenty years.

Thus, before investing time and energy in the student, the Teacher must be convinced, at least as much as possible, that this student has everything necessary for successful learning.

Meanwhile, the selections for the Sixth Winter Remote Games were over.

This year, out of 100% of those who applied for this power, 72% came to the 1st game.

28% could not pass the selection, which consisted of 4 stages.

We must first of all understand that the inability to pass the selection is due to a lack of personal strength, for this level of development. As a rule, the block is a clouded mind that dictates certain ideas, as it should be, and not as it is, questions of self-discipline and inner honesty with oneself, as well as just inner non-maturity and unwillingness to self-sacrifice.

So, the Sixth Remote Games started and we'll talk in our Diary releases, about how the game develops, those who managed to go through all the stages of the selection and right now, read a summary of how the players, playing the rallies of Life, passed the mark of the first game:

  • Pinched. Envy. His chest hurt. Thought: and I'm no and my man is therefore the same as me and yet unhappy. I'm a bad wife (and I see how holy I believe it). You just need to change the idea. And choose what to believe. Immediately on the topic (not the adoption of my mother, I did not take her into account, she had the thought that she was a bad wife and dad, therefore, unhappy). Itself copied the behavior pattern exactly everything that it did not take. To accept mother to accept reality, to accept myself is my task. I work with conviction "a bad wife, a bad mother." The state of sadness.
  •  Again a complex rally: the child is fighting, spitefully everything is scattered, does everything intentionally. We go with him along the street, I see I picked up some old soles, and I already know for a hundred percent that this sole will fly into me. And for sure! As it foresaw, it found the strength to hold back. I ask "why did he throw me?". He is silent. We got into the car, I again wondered why he threw the sole at me? He replies: "It's not me, it's my brother ostrich." I start to talk, to tell the ostrich that you can not throw objects at me. At the same time I ask my son if he is offended or angry with something, against me? It answers that no. And this is a vicious circle: again every time everything is done first and all this is done by the brother of the ostrich, who is also invisible in the cap and seems to be deaf and does not like to answer questions. The only thing I can do is to notice the feeling of humiliation - to live it through the body. This time it was possible, but I feel that weaker and weaker forces are not always there, more often protection - shout, scold. I really want to find answers to questions (through gender) where so much humiliation, abandonment and rejection.
  •  I notice that I walk with a stern, stony face. And so constantly. The mind says, "Why should I rejoice?" Sealed a lot of sadness in the face. I skip many states. Muscles face petrified. I'm coming from the body. Discontent. Apathy. Hopeless. Pessimism. Disbelief. Sadness. In re-viewing: my mother is always displeased, screaming, angry. I copied it. I do not live my own life. Keeping attention to the senses, I accept my mother, who is what she is. I let sadness pass. I'm not my mother. I live my life. My life is full! And my every new day is the best day. I have very much to find joy and live it.
  •  I'm sitting in line. A man passes boldly to where I'm sitting. A thought jumps: so boldly without a queue. That's brave and assertive quickly and all have time for them all turns out, and they do not queue in line. And I'm a horse. A sense of humiliation. Downtrodden and illiterate (in kind). I live through the body. Mind has me. I go into the booth, and he turns out to be an employee. But I already lived. HA-HA. It should be noted this often happens in my situations. Everything is so far-fetched, and everything is not as it seems.
  •  What in this embodiment for yourself to do? Accept help, take care of yourself, allow yourself to be weak. It's useless to prove to someone, take care of someone, become attached. In the last incarnation, I did not learn to take responsibility for other people. In this incarnation I can learn to trust, to open. Do everything with love, enjoy life. Make up a selection of positive beautiful poems.
  •   I invited my granddaughter to help me download skype - something I have with a laptop. She took the youngest sister with her. First my daughter after work came. I said lunch in the fridge. Itself warmed. I went for a walk. The husband is dumbfounded - how will you go out for a walk? And so - I have time to be in the fresh air. The husband complains to the daughter - as after operation has come - absolutely another became. The eldest granddaughter took care of my laptop, to perform the younger lessons of the village. I solve my problems. The husband talked with his daughter, the granddaughter made me a laptop, the youngest herself coped with mathematics. Everyone went their separate ways.
  •   Thought - that I'm sad? This is a dream. Since the last incarnation! I'm new now, I have a different life! Other tasks. Do not get attached. Rejoice for a friend, thank - what fears, who are envious? There is no past. Sleep. Illusion. In the past, many acted out of fear, pity. Now - positive! Glad those who have fun and joy! With love of all let go. I'm here now! Awoke.
  •  Event. Today was driving in a taxi. A taxi driver is a guy-an Uzbek-about thirty years old. Something asked him, then decided to keep quiet. Then I call, and I tell you that I congratulated my sister on his birthday. And the guy says that he also has a sister's birthday. The conversation was so open that he told me everything about himself, his relationship with his ex-wife. He reasons - why is it so unfair? Then we changed the subject and talked as a friend with a friend, laughed all the way. Has reached in a positive.
  • At night I woke up and could not sleep. Practiced two hours. Something after talking with a taxi driver, I realized that I need to work with relationships in a past life, accept, forgive, thank all men again. Which I did with love and gratitude for the experience. I realized my affection. For what? And to what already does not exist, like runaway milk. And I'm clinging. Let go of everything. This is an illusion, not a reality. She fell asleep.
  •  Sleep. A friend comes to me. And then a woman appeared, approached him - talked to him, something was being sorted out for a long time. They leave. The granddaughter is telling me that something from my things was taken away. A friend later comes alone. He explains to me, tries to justify himself, to pity him. Wretched, weak. I see a rally of Consciousness - it is necessary to forgive, to understand, you must be ... good. No! Stop! Who am I? I have my own game. The film "The Matrix of Time" awakens. I tell him - we will not succeed! I mercilessly close the door. Then I see people to whom I hurt. I go and honestly admit my injustice or mistake, I ask forgiveness, I do something for them. Has had time. Awoke. I remembered the dream, I am glad that the dream ended so. I was able to thank everyone, express my gratitude. I watch - who am I? Who is happy? He who rejoices or grieves does not touch.
  • She sat down to breakfast in the morning. Time for the routine has already passed, but I still do not sing. In the body I feel weakness. We must take food. And then the husband comes up with the question of how to get to the dentist in the clinic. Does not lag behind. I see the game of Consciousness - to distract. After all, we must help. Stop! To whom to help? I say - first I'll have breakfast, then I'll tell!
  •  In this incarnation, I consciously lived my life, I learned to rejoice, take care of myself, take my weakness, do and express my feelings with love and gratitude. Through the signs - dreams, I saw my attachment to the past, which is remembered to me and is trying to take me away from the moment now. I managed to see the game of Consciousness and play my game. Wishes for descendants - appreciate every moment of life. Live your life. No one needs help if you are not asked. Release all fears - they interfere with life. Do not hurry! Release memories of the past, it is not. Do not worry about the future - it's a mystery. Love yourself!
  • It was really important to be in the moment here and now, be yourself, such as is. Only the moment is real now, the rest is an illusion. There is no death. In this incarnation I lived with interest, I was happy and was positive, in accepting life as it is. In the next incarnation, I endure the ability to give love and take everything with gratitude for the experience. Live your life, accepting everything that comes to me, take my weakness. Rejoice. Let go of the past, do not get attached to anything. Life sometimes like oil without porridge, and sometimes soup with noodles. Your life is your dish. So cook it with your soul!
  • I feel tension in my body when my relative asked me to visit and spend the night in family circumstances. Refuse - identified with a sense of guilt, agreed, but in fact, not before her-the father, prepare dinner, reports, will interfere. But here Stop! I realize who can not cope with their own affairs, will not have time and who is this imperfect, let this fear be. The drawing was gaining Power, everything happened in its natural movement, complete acceptance of the situation without false conclusions of loneliness, filling with gratitude and love for this character. In such a warm energy it was easy, the feeling of Unification and the previously strained relations with a relative were transformed into the light energy of Being. Consciousness smiled and winked.
  • Seeing a colleague from the car, rejection, no desire to meet with her, no, but it is so that it is necessary. And in this experience I need, it comes from the same attitude to me. Ha, negativchik! I remembered how she helped me in a difficult period in my life, it somehow faded in my memory. Under the guise of indifference, a sensitive, sensitive soul hid, reflected the two halves and my soul - indifference and sympathy. Thus, the reality of feelings of acceptance and forgiveness was manifested, where there is no loneliness and suffering. Soon her birthday, it is necessary in a token of gratitude for this experience of awakening to present her with a gift. Ha-Ha!
  • In the morning after an anxious dream, the realization that she missed the sign in the evening event, where there was identification with the one who drowned in sacrifice and guilt, condemnation, where the key was LOSS OF LONELINESS. God, how funny and amusing it becomes after realizing all this from the level of Self-Consciousness of Truth, where there is no one, and there is not this IMPORTANT that wants to attract attention. Get approval from whom? But the working moments of the forthcoming trip were simply decided in the event, there was a natural excitement that overgrew a lot of obligations by some illusory provocateur. Haha!
  • My father continues to play the drama of feelings in my character, anger, guilt, which again irritates me, when continuously every hour I have to do the same routine work. Who is unhappy, who wants relief? There is agreement with such experience, awareness of the voidness of Being, which gives rise to compassion, and compassion blurs the distinction between itself and others. I remembered the story of Milarepa, who, in exchange for receiving Truth, had to build the house repeatedly and destroy it on the instructions of the teacher. This is how the Truth is born, through overcoming the difficulty, with humility, accepting, identifying with Himself ...
  • The eldest granddaughter, showed me her foot, with an ingrown, rotting fingernail, and the question of what to do? I had a weight on my shoulders, sadness and the intention to change the situation, and at her request not to talk about this to my mom, tk. she will "kill" her, squeeze her in the chest, fear of rejection (knowing the nature of her mother) and the intention to retreat, with which the mind has already calculated the options, who to call and from whom to ask for help, the power of intention to change the situation, worked almost instantly, as an answer who to turn to and help us. The gain, the desire to change the situation, so that the sorrow that arose, did not turn into really sad consequences. Fear of rejection and the desire not to tell my mother remained (a clear loss), I let him be, watched, he disappeared and appeared again, to close the gestalt was not enough strength. After the child returned from the operating room and joyful in believing in his recovery, this joy and desire to live was passed on to me, I said that now I will tell my mother. The conversation with my mother was not easy, the technique of not doing it, she angered me, I asked for forgiveness, for the situation, anger a little calmed down, retold the doctor's recommendations so that she wrote down, and after she wrote down, she again charged me, I flowed around, watching her fear, took the fact that I'm in her eyes the enemy number 1. The most important thing is that the child received help. The next event, pops up in the head, the emotion of anger - the desire to fight, expressed by squeezing in the frontal part of the head, if I express anger, then he can really leave, leave - the desire to hold, and if to fight, as if this is the last battle, then there comes determination and winnings strength in the form of willingness to talk, the perception of the situation changes and there is no fear of showing anger.
  • M. promised to eat soup, but she did not fulfill the promise. He says: if I can not. Of course, I was indignant and began to reprimand her that it was impossible, I had to keep my word. And M. does not pay attention to me, does his own business. It became a shame that she did not listen to me. I remembered the game of Consciousness and immediately calmed down. What am I afraid of? That I'm not an authority for my granddaughter. Fear of humiliation. I accept myself weak. I wanted to get the energy of love from my granddaughter. She stopped grumbling. Peace.
  • I came to the bedroom, my granddaughter lies, kissed him. I say aloud: I must kiss my little granddaughter, kiss her. Smiling. A senior granddaughter is taking lessons next to him. I say, but about the most important thing, I forgot. She kissed M., she reached out for me. So joyful. I gave love to children, the energy of love. But the most interesting was a little bit later. A minute later, my daughter came home and asked me to give her a phone. I serve and say: what else do you need? And she suddenly says: "To kiss." I kissed her and I said: how did you feel, how without you. The three of us were amused by this coincidence. But I saw the game of Consciousness. And I saw, not only small children are waiting for recognition and love, but also adults. And I understood it was necessary to give love, and not wait for it. Peace.
  •  She asked M. to wash the floor. M. evades from work in all possible ways. Calmly began to wash the floor herself. Although the daughter used to repeatedly teach the daughter to wash the floor, for 10 years, to collect the backpack herself, was indignant, but her daughter looked at it calmly. Today I calmly washed the floor. Then the daughter tells M. something to do, but she will not say. My condition did not depend: wash the floor or wash M., I'm good or bad. It was clean and I was happy. The next day my daughter started to educate M. in the morning and said that I opened her eyes. But this opened my eyes, I stopped grumbling, M. began to understand and love more. After all, when you love everything is built, by itself. The main thing is to get energy inside yourself. And remember that all roles are played by Consciousness.

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