Diary of 6 Winter Remote Games. Issue 10. Season 2017 / 18.

Monday 05 February, 2018



Greetings of the reality in which all elements
  and all living and non-living beings appear as if
themselves, in which they are for a while
  exist and which then come back ...

 Players confidently overcome the mark of the eighth game. And we will recall in this news release about small tyrants.
There are always people who challenge a person and deserve gratitude for the opportunities that arise while accumulating sufficient awareness, which allows them to destroy a sense of their own importance.
Such people are called small tyrants, but since these small tyrants are a rare luck, they can be divided into four categories ...

  • The first category includes real small tyrants - those people who do not stop at nothing, just to annoy you in one way or another. They are cruel, capricious and, always being smart enough to stay within the law, are incredibly cunning and insincere. Such a man, without hesitation, will go to rape only in order to "teach a lesson"; such a woman without hesitation in the literal sense of the word alive will rip off the skin of a person. Quarrels with these people are truly a threat to life, as they are ready to kill another without the slightest hesitation!
  • The second category includes people who differ little in character from the representatives of the first type, except that they avoid physical cruelty and instead resort to various forms of emotional and intellectual violence, which undermines the strength of a person and breaks his spirit. This type of tyrants most often occurs at work; they always manage to escape punishment, inflicting a mortal terror in their colleagues.
  • The third category covers those who are not a small tyrant all the time, but in the event that something stirs up their rage, they are ready to do everything in their power to turn the life of the offender into a real disaster. They are not so cunning in the deception of justice, as representatives of the first and second groups, and therefore usually resort to the help of the law to deliver the enemy a lot of trouble. Angry, such people suddenly fall on the offender in the most unpredictable manner and in those moments when he least expects it. If they begin to take revenge, they immediately initiate a lawsuit and, when it suits their purposes, are ready to appeal to the authorities for the slightest reason. Put the garbage bags into the yard one day before the arrival of the scavengers, and they will report this to the city council. Leave the car in front of your house for only five minutes, and they will immediately call the traffic police. Such people are most often found among neighbors, as well as among relatives, rejected lovers or former spouses.
  • The fourth category includes notorious grumblers. They will always find faults in everything that others do, and with their quibbles will bring another to complete insanity. They will not complain about you, but they will always come with various complaints. It's worth taking on the car washing on Sunday, and they will complain that you are preventing them from resting. If you mow the lawn in front of the house with a gasoline lawnmower, they will express dissatisfaction with the noise and harmful exhaust gases; If the lawnmower is electric, they will certainly notify us that we are all responsible for saving electricity!

When the student manages to find himself a petty tyrant, the Conductor will certainly encourage him and suggest that he be regarded as the greatest treasure, since, by learning to Trace a petty tyrant, a person learns much better and faster than in his absence.
This is true for all categories of small tyrants, and especially for the first and second categories. In the struggle for survival in the attacks of these people, the students not only promptly get rid of feelings of self-importance, but also claim their rights to huge amounts of force, as they increase self-confidence and self-esteem.
However, there is no need to say that clashes with small tyrants of the first and second categories require great care, since even the slightest excuse may be enough for a representative of the first group to kill a person, and a small tyrant of the second type destroyed his whole life.
On how the players played the drawings of Life in the 8th game, read in this summary of the diary of the sixth Winter Distance Games, Academy of Leela.

  • Living with my mother. She nervously reacts to the manifestations of the child. She screamed at him. I notice my reaction. Non-acceptance. Immediately the idea "urgently somewhere to seek shelter with her is impossible to live." Condition: chest is boiling with anger. My sense of humiliation. About himself the thought "of course he will do you an ill luck and I also always wanted to do you evil." I pass through the chest through the block in the back feeling. The energy is released, I can talk to her. I explain to her that if she finds it difficult to live with us, we can not be shy about saying this (I understand), I'm talking about the fact that this is not a grandfather of 90 years, but a child, and the child is energetic and restless (you knew perfectly well what went on, inviting you to live with yourself?),
  • Persuasion: children can not be screamed, they will grow up nerve and evil. I confront this so? Not necessarily, there are children who do not understand the smooth tone, they simply do not hear it and probably need such a presentation. Just explained just talked to the world. Understanding.
  • I accept my mother, she is and that's it! Can it be like this? Can. It can manifest as it manifests itself-it can! I live my feeling. I feel great gratitude to my mother for her care of attention, for her participation in my life, for what she has!
  • In this event, the symbol is a non-directional voice statement. I mean it for myself-a cry. He enlivens the suffering. 1. Humiliation, then2. Unnecessary rejection, if yelling means does not like. I live this feeling by nature. Transformation. Understanding: shouting from impotence, give love to support. Fill with love. After all, I know by hearsay that I'm screaming from impotence and pain. My reflections. What do I lack at that moment? I'm weak I broke away from the source (now I know everything) and with that and, on the other hand. Adoption.
  • I went to visit a friend, my husband warned that I would come to such an hour, arrived a little earlier, he was angry that I was forever at home, a scene of jealousy. I follow the lower abdomen tension, fear-desire to retreat, humiliation, injustice, senselessness. I look into his eyes and very calmly send him away. He obviously did not expect such an answer, he has a confusion. Then I recall our conversation, he agrees, I understand that when I'm not around, he has his own programs turned on, and he suffers from unconsciousness. What is my game. The spontaneous manifestation, without condemning oneself, the technique of not doing, was not involved.
  • Heaviness in the right hypochondrium, sadness - the desire to change, invited her husband to go to the theater, heard a refusal with reproaches that I can not sit at home. Denial, senselessness. Here and now I live senselessness, I understand that he does not like theaters and everything like that. I can go with my girlfriend, so it intensifies, now it's abandonment and there is no meaning everywhere. I dive into senselessness again, I live, I accept my destiny, as a matter of fact, an idea comes up to me and I suggest that I bring my granddaughters to the circus, I think I'll bite, this thought made me happy, the desire to live.
  • Zalozhennost right nostril, sadness-desire to change, our dog quietly fades, I watch how life leaves from it, it's old. I resist, old age, care, abandonment, the old to be meaningless. I go on a mission, to the place where the character hid from his failure, shame, abandonment, meaninglessness of the event and rewrote the books. Here and now I live senselessness, as a soldier I accept my destiny entirely, with humility. Joy is a desire to live, from the good of one's labor, the work of that character whose hands were spread by knowledge, through books that he copied. Returning to the dog, accepting the end as a rescue from pain, he is sick and because of his stubborn nature, he does not allow himself to be treated, humility before his choice to go like this.
  • In the morning, congratulations were received on his birthday. My husband woke up late. She asks who she was talking to. I say congratulated me. With what? My husband, it turns out, forgot that I was "born." Haha! It seemed that everyone congratulated me on different types of communication. Rostelecom, the savings bank, the shoe, the cohesive are familiar and unfamiliar. Do not be attached to praise, to joy. Everything in this world is changeable, illusory. The one who I am can simply watch the shift. Here's to you and "change"! I live "disassembly" with my husband. I say - do not heat the chicken in the microwave for a long time - it will dry up. The husband responds - you will dry up! And it goes on forever! All! Such "jokes". I can not anymore! Tired. The body is lethargic - all energy is simply squeezed out. I tell my husband - how difficult it is with you - my birthday, instead of congratulations, a solid negative! Does it mean that the birthday is canceled? She fell asleep! Ha - ha! Identified. How I Consciousness was lulled by my wonderful praiseworthy tenderness! Wake up time! Nobody here! Who suffers from "misunderstanding"? Who is difficult, hard? Who am I? Awoke! The energy went. I'm grateful to my husband! Through him Consciousness plays. The soul lives dark side, cleansed. Shine! Purity!
  • In a relationship with her husband, accept that the life of a character is an illusion. Joke! The game of Consciousness. His dream. So it plays out. Itself. Well, are you weak enough to withstand these jokes? We come to the store for groceries. We typed in the basket. We came to the cashier's office, I paid for it, the cashier broke the check. Suddenly, my husband grabbed a sausage, shook it before the cashier, shouts - and that's why I bought it, do we have sausage? I say that everything has already been bought. Well, what is this play? Picture - a disheveled husband with sausage in his hands. The guests will come for my birthday, he will say so, that neither - everyone - will disperse by his sight! I realized that Consciousness does not just play like this! It shows you the same, through the other. Accept with love everything as is. With sympathy - many incarnations the character lived in fear of poverty, poverty, in the struggle for survival, in ignorance of who he is. Once identified. I remember who I am? I am eternity, emptiness. There is no one.
  • I do not accept a "heartless, indifferent" daughter. She only knows that she scolds her younger granddaughter, says that she has a bad temper, she is obstinate, does not obey. Accepted with love. The granddaughter comes. Boots gave the old from the older sister, it is very difficult to dress them, with lacing. Daughter does not want to hear - one answer is a bad baby. I listen to my granddaughter. What about the shoes? What problems? Yes. Problems. Half an hour under my leadership, they wore one boot - it touches something. I saw for myself that the problem is not in bad character. Actually they require something unreal. My tendency is to remain silent, otherwise there will be a conflict with my daughter and son-in-law. All the trends I let go. There is no one. I realize - often I'm "uprooted", "indifferent" instead of looking and knowing how to listen to everything with love. Mentally I thank my daughter. Consciousness, which through this character showed my "indifference", "stubbornness". With love, talked with her granddaughter. Nothing to do is not necessary - just to be. Accept. To give. The world will shine in other colors!
  • Aspects of the new incarnation are overestimated by the very Existence itself, life in the present, without clinging to material "values", when the son left the apartment after the renovation of the apartment, things were left, the first reaction, how to apply them or store them in the dacha, is an easy parting from all "rubbish" In the inner world, where things that are customary so far are depreciated and released. There is a feeling of the moment, and here it is easy, everything is simple and free, there is no puzzling, thoughts about then ... and then never will be.
  • The father is a significant character in the time of identification. The pain of loss, when the moment is lost now, causes mental suffering with the resulting habitual behavior of anger, disagreement, flight from loneliness and fear of death. Impeccably and fearlessly you go to the hell of this thought, you find yourself in a magical land where nothing happens, love is born in silence. Through such a dense interaction of the living of natural feelings - fear, weakness ...
  • The main rally now takes place with the father. Noticing the life-threatening symptom, the weight of the sternum behind the breastbone - the fear of loss and loneliness. The karmic connection is very strong, but realizing its Game of Consciousness, identified with the characters, the father and daughter, living the experience of the fear of death, realizing how this game is the final touch of the disunity of Consciousness, as the stage of preparation for the main journey - the conscious transition of my character, living a variety of feelings , so as not to get lost in the illusion of death, living the experience of not attachment and giving an unforgettable gift. Baggage with fears becomes easier and easier, because it is already empty (there is neither loneliness, nor death, nor senselessness, nor fear of freedom).
  • We recall with Z. the case where he persuaded his son to sign a contract for the purchase of Gazelle's car, and he left for a long time, and we did not know what to do. Z. began to say that this was our initiative. I felt hurt, and I began to prove that it was his fault. And then, that he is shameless. I was carried. I came to my senses: again I am a victim. Feeling of injustice. And at the same time I saw that I was broadcasting aggression and behaving scornfully towards my husband. And the son mirrors and shows me, in my relations with him. This amazed me. Consciousness shows through my son my dark part.
  • The game continues. I have a dragon on my shirt. I tell him: I'm your mother, so if you're a dragon, then I, too. But you see, I have one head, and you have three. It's a lot. I'm laughing. At the son the person poddergivaetsja, labium bites, if only to not smile. But she smiles.
  • The thought comes, health is not in order. Feelings of depression. Desire - mentally talk to your son. I see that all the time I responded aggressively to his behavior. I understand that he shows me his behavior. I begin to ask for forgiveness, I repent. It turns out that from me is not love, but fears, condemnation and pity for him. I understand that I am engaged only in inner feelings and fear. This constant dissatisfaction with self gave behavior, and therefore the result. From him I seek love and crawl before him. He feels it and applies accordingly. You need to change yourself, not him. So you have to change your state, your attitude, create a new image of yourself and change your beliefs about your son. The pain in my head decreased to 0. I finish with the meditation of an inner smile. There are many forces, desires - I want to do everything.
  • The daughter is calling. And he insists that I go to her now. I explain: that I'll come a little later, pressure, my heart aches. Therefore, urgently began to do the Eye of Revival exercises, and drink various drugs. The daughter does not want to listen. And continuing to insist he says: you are much better with me than with S. I catch myself thinking that I want to say that I do not, but I feel how she expects me to praise her. And although her insistence already strains me: I say that she has become better, kind. And I say: that I will come 5 days later, to which she says: then, do not come at all. Okay, I say. I feel neither guilt nor pity. Let it be so, let this experience pass. And I too pass the experience of self-love. Consciousness plays all the roles and mine, too.
  • A trip to the dentist. Treatment of a daughter. I'm worried and worried. Shoulders tense and rise. The mind draws a picture of how she screams. She learns to go through fear. This is important for her. I accept and breathe. I trust. I'm swinging from trust in life to anxiety. I'm rocking. This time the treatment is more difficult. My daughter screams and starts right away, as soon as she sees the doctor. My nerves are on edge. I hold her by the leg, so she could feel my presence. This time, a part of me tracks the soybeans of the state: -make a cartoon, which they included for her. "I turn to the daughter of the doctors' words or just say something, trying to calm down (inside the restlessness, nervousness - that you will not help her, even if you consider yourself to be a good mother) ⁃ I begin to focus on the flow love for her, surround her with love with the thought of giving her strength. (The observer agrees)
  • The third option is new for me. Although he did not give a visible effect (daughter did not cry less), but I knew that such a condition can be a healing. I could not follow this choice throughout the entire procedure, but the very fact that he appeared showed me a new facet of perception.
  • I order a taxi to go home. We wait. My daughter is crying. It takes 10 minutes. The car, according to SMS, drove up, but it is not. I call the dispatcher. He assures that the car is already there. Another 5 minutes passes. There is no car. What would I have done before? I would just go on the bus. And with transplants, with a whining daughter, I would have traveled about 1.5 hours home on my own. What am I doing new? I'm calling again. I explain the situation: I wait and where? I say where we are waiting. We find out: There was confusion. They sent the wrong address. They send a new one. It takes another 10 minutes. And next door is a taxi driver of this company and is surprised that the order is given not to him. Begins to complain. The old reaction: take the blame on yourself and try to somehow help. New: Yes, that's his situation. However, I call 4 times the dispatcher to find out where my car is. And I mention that there is such a thing. Can again be confused (podobila)))? They say no, wait 1 minute. A taxi comes. Hooray! The waiting taxi driver starts to sort out the relationship with the driver. I see not only my game. Sit down. I specify everything at once: the address, who pays, etc. (also new behavior.) I used to travel and suffer, and I thought how to pay, if that ...). Everything is fine. Let's go! The new self manifests itself more spontaneously.
  • The friend says that she will probably move to another district of the city on March 1 and will live with her boyfriend. So, I'm staying here alone. I track abandonment. I'm fond of thinking: how can I now))). Though there is a dim feeling, but there is. T.O: light weight in anahata and between the shoulder blades in the center. E: sadness. Ч: grief; Motives and fears: abandonment - loneliness - loss of the source of entertainment and attention. Event: 11 years. The birth of a sister. The image: the faded invisible girl is a teenager. (I continue in practice): M: I'm not so important in their life. Transformation: I breathe and miss such unimportance through anahata and back. I discover a new feeling for myself: jealousy. (How carefully it is disguised!) It turns out that I was jealous of my sister to my parents, then to my father, and did not admit to myself for that (for it was good)! image: a black oval stone, with a crack in the middle, from which the blood oozes. T.O: 7 points breaks the right shoulder blade - at the bottom of the scapula closer to the center of the back. E: Insult; Ch: jealousy and anger. M: I'm not important to him (which means he does not like me). Situation: Dad comes home and brings only one orange for the younger sister. Neither me nor my brother - nothing. I'm 14-15-16 years old (the situation has been regularly repeated all these years). Again I am a shadow girl.
  • The insult to the pope and the further life consent that men do not give me gifts and do not surprise me with special attention, because I'm not important .... emptiness in general. (I looked through the line of this behavior with my boyfriends and husband: I could not ask for them and did not receive from them special materiality). Transformation: Ilahinur. Breathing: yes, so it was. Pope's request. I, as the Higher Self, tell myself 11-16 year-old: you are important in itself. You are born, you are created by the Creator, and you are already so important! You have received the highest good - Life (in the full sense as Spirit-soul-man), therefore, you are worthy to receive any good, incl. and the good of life. And the power of love is in you. You yourself are this Love!
  • I felt and believed that the gravity and pain fell sharply from the shoulder blade, as if this place had been unfrozen, and the needles ran like balls on the water. Brightened up inside. I saw that this place "pulls on itself a backbone" (a scoliosis here it) to compensate absence of my importance. The push is strong and the window inside the right chest opened. Shine. The right side of the body seemed to come to life. Already the dizziness has gone. Gratitude to Consciousness (and to the girlfriend for the fact that she became the conductor of the rally). The image of me-a teenager became dense, bright and manifested. An interesting point: the robot in jealousy for the sister in connection with her birth coincided with the time when she now gives birth to the second baby ... I send her and the warmth of her heart.
    I heard in the news that the ship was sunk. A dream of the second level fell into the fantasy world. Fear of loss, loneliness. Installation: This should not be so. A destructive feeling: -clean. I live with sorrow, weakness. I return to the reality of the first level sleep. And being in a non-dual contemplation, staying in the state of Who I am! I allow reality to manifest as it manifests itself. I ask Who's afraid? Who loses? Who believes in this dream? Is there loneliness? Can I control this reality? Nobody's here. Consciousness plays all the roles. The moment manifests itself as it manifests itself.
    I can only accept and experience this manifestation.
  • I woke up from the fact that the wind was howling heavily and howling howling. Wires and trees outside the window, just about to come off and will fly in disorder, as it is doing packages, flying and hitting the window. Fell into the fantasy world of the mind, into the dream of the second level. The mind draws horrible pictures. I feel weakness and impotence, fear of punishment and death. Stop!!! I'm aware of who I am! I return to the reality of the moment. I miss and allow weaknesses and impotence. I can not control reality. I ask: Who was frightened? Is there death? You can lie and shake from the fear that the mind draws. And you can and in another way ... Once I identify, connect with the source. I am in a non-dualistic contemplation, coming to the state of Who I am! Consciousness is playing. Reality manifests itself as it manifests itself. I am in the moment here and now. Listening to the melody that sounds, began to observe the bodily sensations, missing emotions and feelings. I looked out the window and watched as everything flies to the sound of this melody. There was an interesting experience ... And not visibly failed in a dream of the third level ... Ha-ha-ha !!!
  •  I saw my mistake. My post assumes control over the work, making decisions, giving orders and instructions, etc. I was very scared to go and talk. Their two - I'm alone. And one person does not take me seriously. According to the rules of the Game, I have the right to make observations, point out mistakes, and demand the fulfillment of certain conditions established in the enterprise. The personal factor does not matter. I began to say what they did wrong. One employee was silent, the second clearly let me know that I in vain generally opened my mouth and poured from their territory. In this battle the outcome was one: either I, or me. Diplomacy does not help here. I had to firmly and rigidly put it in place. When the speech flow stopped on the part of the staff, I calmly explained that I personally had no complaints against them, the question was in their actions, or rather, inaction. Cited a few examples. In my heart, I realized that I was doing everything right. But there was excitement, the rhythm of breathing was disturbed, I forgot to exhale, pressure to the head, I felt that my eyes were dilated.
  • Tears stood in the eyes of the girls, but I did not feel sorry for them. Everyone got their own, including me. Acute pain in the stomach, cold in the abdomen and in the whole body. I looked, that about the stomach speaks Liz Burbo. Helplessness. And I realized that my silence and connivance had previously been associated with pity. I felt sorry for them. And through pity for them I felt sorry for myself. This behavior (mine) began to appear with the loss of the Force, although, most likely with the loss of the Force, such behavior began to appear. The pain is gone. The manifested gift is courage, the ability to go forward, not looking at fear. Hidden Gifts - know yourself the price and respect yourself, respect others, be honest with yourself, really look at the situation.
  • On the phone came a message that I took some ordered things. They sent it by mistake. At first a wave of indignation came over me (I was surprised at my reaction because of such nonsense) in my chest it became hot, and this heat went up in the head. I wrote that I did not order anything. I was apologized, I told them, etc. Manifested gifts - communication, not reaction, managed to stop.
  • The teacher of the eldest son sent a message to the group of parents with a request to answer two questions. My answers were "1. Yes. 2. No. " But most of them wrote "No. No". And I also wrote the same. The hidden gift in this game is to stop being afraid to declare your point of view, accept yourself, give yourself the right to your own opinion and your own life, which does not depend on the opinions of others. I lost.
  • I see how people are improving, I understand that I'm moving in the right direction, who is moving? Consciousness, which is so manifested. I also understand that weakly a "PR", somehow modestly - hesitantly, came to the conviction, you can not talk about yourself, it's bad. I went to the clan where my grandmother used to say that you need to be humble and speak yourself ugly. Shame, Feeling of injustice, fear of punishment. I transform, I can talk about myself, I go to the technique of not-doing. I am manifestations of Consciousness. I am one in my manifestation. I feel fullness and desire to move forward!
  • I realize that I can not perform clearly consistent actions, it is to manifest myself in self-discipline and this leads me to the loss of personal strength. Postponing difficult business for tomorrow, thereby indulging the dwarf, which takes away from the reality of the moment and the necessary things become difficult to do. It is important to train yourself constantly steadily, so as not to fall into the trap. I consciously and steadily manifest myself in practice, thanks to this accumulate personal power and grow, moving to strong solutions in the manifested world. I let go of unnecessary weak thoughts, I begin to put my state of mind in my work. I'm acting right now, not expecting tomorrow. I leave the zone of my comfort, gain experience, improve the quality of life, become wiser! I'm grateful for everything I have! I believe in myself, in the Power of Consciousness! I am This!
  • V. asks for a ski mask from S. but he has mine and I do not want to share with V. Earlier he rejected me, in the car I remembered about the code of affection, and material, I stretch out the mask. he gave his V. to me, I obviously became freer when I refused to be attached to this rag and became unattached to the fear of loss and death that I let V. use me and thus I cease to be humiliated when I share with B. in spite of my fear.
  • I sit down to send a report, but I have run out of Internet traffic, I can not buy a package too, because I can not buy it. in the negative balance left, I remember that traffic can be shared via Wi-Fi at home, we do not do it because everyone has enough for a month of their traffic, so I remembered about this already when it was changed that the report will have to poison tomorrow and be bad, and the Consciousness at the right moment works fine, and this is the behavior of the father, it was he who at any moment found a way out and showed a grasp in any situation even when the exit did not seem to be. But I blame myself for this quality because I consider myself meticulous and picky, now I allow myself to be such as I am, because after asking S. so that he distributes his traffic and now I am with the Internet, I send the report in time without waiting for tomorrow.
  • S. asked if I want to go to the mountain with N. I say that I give my equipment because asked N., S. says then take the equipment V., well go to ask him he refuses only S. knew that I would not go anywhere since. we are with him, agreed to be home today. V. began to express in my
  • the side of the many unpleasant moments that his mother-in-law told him, he will say that she is setting him up against me, and meanwhile S. suggested that he should have his opinion and did not listen to L. she does not live with us and can be mistaken, it was clear how V. did not want to betray L. and completely was on her side, despite the fact that the son of S. against her negative attitude. S. recalled that the parachute sport V. got with the help of me because I have there are good friends that with 12 years of children, do not take, and take from 14 years, and I agreed and took it. V. continues to insist that he completely agrees with L. and S. and I remain for him no one. It was clear how S. was very upset and said that, without accepting me, he does not accept his father. I was not particularly surprised that V. does not want to be with me, but the fact that he does not see from my side of the heat, and I felt offended to him maybe I do not always express warmth to V. But I feel for him sincere Love, desire helping, caring, and even being a friend, but still V. does not want to be with me, and I understand that maybe his desire will never change in the direction of desire, but the most important is that I'm moving in the right direction and I want to be close to what I want, who is not native not wanted to be around.
  • Yesterday was the situation at the station, I bought a ticket from A. to V., I ask the cashier when the next flight to V, she answers me that the ticket is more expensive for him. I had to think a little, I began to ask what time this flight will be, what time the next one, but she answered me do not disturb the girl do not distract. I feel my impotence, she immediately began to ask whom to N.? I automatically withdraw from the ticket office, deciding that now I will skip over to N. and find out my questions. But after N. missed, I went to the ticket office, I already decided to buy a ticket for the bus that was offered to me, but she told me that everything, the bus came up, tickets can not be sold. I notice my impotence, I miss, letting myself lose. It does not happen that I sit and miss, but just relaxed the body and live in it, everything goes by itself. I understand that you can go to the guard, and ask him to pass because there is no way to buy a ticket at the ticket office, and pay it on the bus, I go to the guard playing my game. The guard also does not miss me, I also release this option, but then the second bus unexpectedly arrived ahead of time, and the cashier shouted about it, and this time I quietly bought a ticket.
  • In the morning I go to the pedigree, I work with my grandfather A., ​​who was sent to the pheasant school at an early age to study. Lived with a sense of loneliness, and then came out a sense of weakness and powerlessness, the fact that he alone can not cope with the complexities, such a fear he had. After living fears, the image of his grandfather calmed down a bit, he no longer needs to run back into the family. That is, he feels that he will cope with situations, they can somehow survive.
  • I wrote to my sister about what orders I need to make in the online store, she will make an order, so as not to pay for shipping, you need to collect a certain amount. I decided on my order, sent it to her. She is silent, just silence. Since she does not answer me, I feel humiliated, I went to the life of my grandmother Raya, lived this humiliation. And during the practice it was transformed, but now I am recording the report, again I feel the subtle energy. Immediately I represent my grandmother, I go to him, this feeling needs to be lived.

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