Starry souls. Incarnations. (1)

Thursday 08 November, 2018

About the fact that we are not only a body, and that the familiar world we are seeing is an illusory, temporary refuge, many people say and write.

Listen to one of the concepts of the answer to the question: Who am I? (the article refers to the game level of the missionary-the soul's commission).

Every incarnation we carefully plan, we are looking for suitable families, where our relatives will be able to dress new bodies. Among blood relatives, in whose circle the incarnated alien spends his childhood and youth, he seldom finds understanding, so time comes and he is unhappy to leave his earthly parents and go in search of kindred souls to mutually strengthen spiritual vibrations and fulfill the vital task .

Family souls can meet anywhere, even on the other side of the Earth, but if destined, this meeting will surely happen, whatever happens.

We, of course, are preparing for force majeure, and then, depending on the development of events, the desired variant of fate is included. Embodied in different families, in different parts of the globe, we grow up and meet, gathering on the appointed day in the designated place to participate in some important event, and from that moment on we maintain our ties for the rest of our lives.

It is important to note that the massive incarnations of aliens on Earth happen only in the transitional period, at the junction of the epochs, and therefore extremely rarely. According to my sources, collective incarnations of allied Light Forces on Earth occur every 9,000 years. Thus, the past mass embodiment of starry souls working for the Earth was just over 9,000 years ago. The majority of aliens lived in tropical and subtropical foci of culture, such as Ancient Egypt, Yucatan and Mesopotamia.

Before that, we were massively born on Earth in the period 18,000 years ago, this is the era of late Atlantis. The points of our stay in a dense world are ancient India, Arkaim, Ural-Siberian civilization (the story is silent about this, but for the time being), as well as the last islands of the drowned Atlantic mainland. The older incarnations of the star souls can be calculated on the same 9-thousand-year cycle deep down to Hyperborea and Lemo-Atlantis.

However, among the star emissaries there are people who often and regularly come out in small groups and teach humanity in the sciences and the arts, and also engage in spiritual enlightenment. They are considered heroes, but they suffer from earthly burdens more than others. Perhaps, after reading these lines, you will recognize yourself in these enlighteners.

The older the era, the older the Spirits incarnated on Earth. The closer the incarnation to the present moment, the younger the souls were born for earthly tasks. The memory of the times when "the gods walked among people", preserved in the myths and legends of many peoples of the world. The older generation of aliens has completed its cycle of earthworks, and now we, the stellar youth, are completing our earthly tasks. This is our embodiment of the last, and therefore very responsible.

In the collective meeting of kindred spirits, especially from the same star system, the spiritual vibrations of each person increase, the activity of the chakras and the energy of the aura increase. With harmonization and prolonged communication, the spiritual Fire flares up, and in the incarnated aliens, the starry and earthly memory of past lives begins to awaken. And this is a sign of spiritual awakening and restoration of communication with the cosmic homeland.

That is why so many spiritually aspiring people are now gathered on the Earth into groups and communities. Everyone will find his stellar compatriots, for every spiritual direction and flow is a Call for souls, which are attracted by the similarity of vibrations.

Our COMMON TASK in the embodied world is the DENSE OF Dense Matter as an aid to the process of the Earth's Transition to a higher dimension. We all act as conductors of spiritual energy in the dense layers of the Earth. The more spiritual energy, the more Light each of us brings to this world, the sooner a complete purification and transformation of the planet will occur.

In addition to the common collective task, each star soul in the dense world has an individual program that it chooses, depending on its experience, abilities and the power of the Spirit.

In general, we can identify a number of the most important tasks that take on the star souls, coming to the world of the Earth ... (to be continued) ...

Daria Sibirskaya



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