Each starry soul comes into the incarnate world with a specific task. The program of the embodiment of the cosmic soul consists of an individual karmic plan and a social function that depends on experience and spiritual strength. So, the types of earthly tasks performed by space workers in the embodied world:
1. Working off the karma of kindred souls or atonement for the sins of the people of the Earth. Often bright star souls, embodying on Earth, take on a part of the karmic load of kindred souls who have big debts. This selfless love feat is to take responsibility for actions that you did not commit, and answer before the cosmic law for the mistakes of your loved ones. To this, with the permission of the Lords of Karma, the strongest and most courageous souls go. They are the hardest on earth, they are plagued by misfortunes as from a cornucopia, and it seems they will never end. Most of their life consists of a band of obstacles, but the end is usually happy, as a reward for the tests passed. An example of such work is the work of Jesus Christ.
2. The conductor of the stellar souls into the world of the Earth is a very common function of women. A woman is the gateway to the soul for the embodied world, therefore motherhood is one of the sacred and noble functions of stellar women on Earth. A spiritual woman is able to give the earthly body to the souls of future spiritual masters, saints and prophets. Less often the function of the guide of souls to the Earth is performed by male fathers, if their spiritual level is higher than the level of the spouse. Now the era of the Mother of the World, therefore, women of a new era can become the Blessed Virgin in the literal sense of the word - that is, they can give birth to the gods - to give life to bodies for the high cosmic hierarchs. This function was fulfilled by the mothers of all the prophets and saints - Mary (mother of Jesus), Maya (mother of Buddha), etc.
3. The illumination of the embodied world and its subtle layers. It is a multifaceted work to purify the mental and astral layers of the Earth by recycling the emotions of surrounding people with the help of the Heart Chakra. The heart of a Lightworker plays the role of an alchemical reactor, in which pain, sorrow, suffering, fears, anger and other negative emotions of earthly people are transformed. Sensitive star souls automatically absorb the emotions of others, experiencing acute heart pain and melting the negative into a feeling of love, mercy and compassion. The darkness and dirt that the unconscious earthlings throw into space, passing through the heart of the worker of Light, become the pure energy of Light. This is a very difficult job, sometimes leading to disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system. In large cities, the mental atmosphere is very difficult, people are constantly poisoning the space with their negative mental "exhaust", sensitive star souls can sometimes be unbearably in such places. They automatically clean the space, burning the negative in their fiery aura. This certainly requires energy costs and is reflected in their psychoemotional state. To successfully carry out this work you need strong nerves, a philosophical attitude to life and self-reliance.
4. Healing of living nature. This function is available to the star souls, who have gained great energy potential in past lives. They literally emit vitality and share it with others, helping to restore health and integrity to all living beings. It happens that in the process of intense healing work star souls exhaust their reserves, because the energy of one person at all is not enough. Here it is necessary to stop in time and replenish forces through cleansing and merging with the forces of nature. If this is not done, the aura of the healer can be exhausted, since in the world of the Earth energy is consumed quickly, and is slowly accumulated. Therefore, for the healing work it is important to observe the energy balance and hygiene of Thin bodies. As the human aura is transformed, it becomes transformed, and it acquires sensitivity to the energies of the environment. Starry souls who came to Earth with a healing function may not work as healers, but they automatically purify the energy of space and the auras of people they communicate with. Such stellar cleansing people feel the pains of other people on themselves, as if it were their own pain. Thus, they process negative energy, partially relieving sick people from bodily suffering. This leads to an improvement in the well-being and health of all living beings with whom the stellar person comes into contact.
5. Herald. A conductor of information from the higher spheres of the Cosmos. This function in ancient times was fulfilled by the prophets, transmitting the good news from the Hierarchy of Light to the people of the Earth. The work of the conductor is connected with communication, education, training, dissemination of information. Messengers can bring to the embodied world not only spiritual knowledge. Drawing ideas from the Subtle World, you can make improvements to different areas of human life through inventions, innovations, high art and creativity. This is also a multifaceted work, contributing to the development of the Spirit, Mind and Soul.
6. Protection of life. This is a function that takes on the most experienced and strongest star souls who have undergone a serious spiritual preparation. Defenders of the Earth with their powerful energy of Will and Spirit create over the planet a shield that promotes the preservation of world integrity. Defenders take a direct part in repulsing attacks of aggressive forces of cosmic and terrestrial origin. They hide the gentle fragile souls with their shields on the energies of the Will and Spirit, so that they do not feel and do not notice the blows of hostile forces. This is the most ungrateful work of all the others. Young souls flutter in the energies of Love, and the strokes destined for them are taken up by star-studded defending people. As a result, young souls, most of whom believe that there are no battles and nothing to fear, they humiliate their keepers and consider them unworthy of the highest Grace.
7. Construction and maintenance of the integrity of the fine structures of the Earth. Builders are star souls, on the energies of which the framework of the crystal lattice of the Earth is held. Humanity through uncontrolled nature management constantly violates the structure of the earth's crust and natural biocenoses. To save the world from a global catastrophe, stellar builders with their energies patch up holes in the world's lattice nodes, restoring energy integrity. Such people often travel, healing their powerful energy of the wound of the Earth. Thanks to the builders, many destructive cataclysms were avoided and the natural disasters that had already occurred were mitigated.
8. The guide of souls to the higher worlds. Spiritual master. This function is performed by a few star souls possessing a depth of knowledge of the laws of evolution. A spiritual master is an earthly teacher who directs other people on the spiritual path, helping them understand themselves and get to know the essence of things in order to fulfill their destiny and leave the circle of incarnations forever. Quite often spiritual masters work in conscious dreams, releasing souls that are stuck in dense layers of the Astral. Thanks to such work, many terrestrial and cosmic consciousnesses gain freedom and a chance of accelerated evolution.
Sometimes a star person in the embodied world performs several of the above functions. It depends on the experience of his previous incarnations and individual earthly karma.
The common task of star souls in the embodied world is the inspiration of dense matter as an aid to the process of the Transition of the Earth into a higher dimension. We all act as CONDUCTORS of SPIRITUAL ENERGY in the dense layers of the Earth. The more spiritual energy, the more Light each of us brings to this world, the sooner a complete purification and transformation of the planet will occur.
Daria Sibirskaya
10.11 21:39
10.11 20:00
24.01 18:09
19.01 20:56
19.01 20:56