You need to go where you want,
but not where they supposedly "must".
Go to yourself, go and do not be afraid of anything.
At you all will turn out, the truth.
Max Fry. Book of Solitude.
Very soon the most complex technique, the long retreat, conducted by the Academy of Leela, begins.
10 days retreat in 2018, will be held only in June from 6 to 17 number.
What is the complexity of this retreat?
fact is that participants day after day must spend all their time in
the continuous practice of four floors, during which they work from
returning to the moment now from the world of illusions of the mind to
disagreement with the person, gradually going beyond the boundaries of
the body, soul, mind , until suddenly there are no borders.
Truly this process is like a journey.
It would seem, well, that such, sat down and sit yourself ...
But it turns out, the whole world is inside each of us.
Therefore, they say that man is a microcosm, everything exists in him.
Once you close your eyes, do you have the opportunity to get somewhere?
But where?
The first three days of the retreat, the participants will break through
through the boundaries of his physical body,
further they will rush over the boundaries of the emotional and mental bodies,
then they transcend beyond the person, concepts, concepts, concepts
and at some point, perhaps with someone, there will be a flash, a deep flash of self-awareness.
the 8th to the 9th day, the retreat participants, at the moment when
the gross bodies are passed, in a literal and figurative sense, will
disconnect the feeding of identification with the body, through
Conscious starvation.
tool helps against the already changed consciousness, to make the last
drop that is necessary for a clear Self-awareness of itself as not the
body. (Of course, only the prepared students of the Lila Academy take part in the retreat).
At 10 days. Retreat many tasks that he decides, it is primarily and
purification of the mind from the memory of unfinished gestalt,
this is the restoration of energy flows in blocked areas of the body and recovery
is the experience of Samadhi, the experience of experiencing oneself as
something that is beyond the mind (so no one has been able to explain
or accurately describe this experience).
This is the experience of Self-Consciousness (it differs from Samadhi experience).
What are the main tools used by the participants of the retreat:
4 floors of practice
Interaction with the Ilahinur Energy
Flow in an infinite void
Sattvic food (light and short, only breakfast and lunch)
From the 8th to the 9th day Conscious starvation (as a way of disagreement with the body) ...
And of course the accompaniment of Rama.
Every day, Rama will be in touch with the participants of the retreat spending skys-satsangs.
day he will adjust and indicate the direction of the path to each
participant of the retreat depending on his current tasks in the game
(and for all participants they are different).
that inner world where the participants of the retreat are going, it's
easy to get lost in the safest way, just do not go anywhere, so
necessarily in this journey you need a guide.
Consciousness is already preparing the playing field, the participants
of the retreat are being screened, well, and we will consecrate several
stages of this journey in news releases, here on the blog.
Let's wish the participants of the retreat neither a feather, nor a feather!
Playing :)
Ни пуха,ни пера ! С Богом !!!Мы можем слиться с Красотой Вселенной,
Объять Сознаньем Дальние Миры!
Или томиться в жизни нашей бренной,
Не сознавая Замысел Игры.....Успехов!!!
30.05 16:52
Как круто! Удачи!!!
Немного завидно
30.05 16:31
30.05 14:09
30.05 12:12
29.05 12:55