At the July retreat in the arsenal of tools working group will be introduced yet another instrument- alignment.
Placement - is one method that can clearly show proof of identification with what you are not, and help to make the first steps for the release of these identifications, and even eliminate these false identification. When false identification removed, the true self, then who you are comes spontaneously and without effort.
What is placement.
Placement - is the work on the awareness of the deep subconscious processes that form the problem to find a solution to it.
His appearance is obliged to the method of placement of Bert Hellinger, the German psychotherapist. Summarizing his varied experience in philosophy, theology, pedagogy, various areas of psychology, he was able to identify patterns that lead to tragic conflicts between family members. On this basis, he developed his own method of therapy is becoming increasingly popular in the world. Placement - still a very young technique (he gained fame in 1992 after the publication of the book in German Gunharda Weber "Two kinds of happiness").
About the name of the method.
"Placement" - is the author's term, translated from the German (familien-stellen - family placement). It is most accurately reflects the essence of what is happening during this method: people (deputies) are arranged in a workspace group, intuitively defining each his own. With this arrangement begins. The client placed the figures reflect his subconscious image of the situation with which it works in the alignment.
What work placement.
Bert Hellinger introduced the concept of "family interlacing" what works and alignment. What it is? Incomplete last in the family (or extended family, originally called) unknowingly involve members living in what has been a long time. So the law of balancing the system. Descendants, obeying these laws, designed to complete the work in progress to their ancestors: dogorevat, finish, something to live for someone else ... So, a person is trapped in the subconscious, in the intertwining with the fate of their ancestors. Himself without realizing it, he does not live his life, decides not to their life challenges ... The method allows setups "unravel" a weave. Live in the present, not the past. It allows to release a powerful vital resource that was previously unavailable due to involvement in the processes of the past.
How does the method of constellations.
The basis of the arrangement of the phenomenon is that people take on the role of another person, which does not have any information, but in this role they are able to perceive and feel the same, and the same as those they replace. The phenomenon is called "substitute perception", and people chosen for specific roles - "deputy". Alternates, voicing their feelings or experiences, allow the psychologist to restore the course of events of family history and, step by step, to unravel the family relationships. Return to the system of exceptions, to build the correct hierarchy to deal with the balance ... The work is conducted by adding, moving, Vice-field arrangement, used various techniques and rituals. An indicator of loyalty solutions for the system is a comfortable state of balance of all participants (equal sense, the lack of discomfort in the body ...), signs of physical and psychological relief to the client.
Describe how the placement is quite difficult. We work on different levels of customer perceptions (visual, tactile, auditory, mental, emotional). The total of all orders: residence of the customer a new experience in a safe space. Man gets new information about their situation in terms of the system, this situation resides in the alignment of the new, thereby acquiring a new behavior and new perception.
The best way to understand how the arrangement - to participate in the role of deputy. Your own feelings tell you much more than a story about it. You can get an idea of how the family ties that destroys relationships, and that allows them to take.
Participants passing selections in the retreat will get a detailed description of how the arrangement of the method of Bert Hellinger.
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With Love, Team Oasis Awakening.
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