In South America, ended in an individual "Wake up retreat".
The program of this retreat as well as a session of "discovery of the mission of the soul" is kept secret.
No one can know exactly how it goes, before hitting the selections retreat.
The ego has to be taken by surprise and is not prepared for this drawing of expectations of how things should happen :)
I must say that this rally can participate only players of the Academy of Lila actually reached the level of the player and the formless trained at the Academy of the skills of the hunter, warrior, missionaries, formless player.
Throughput ticket to participate in this retreat is to participate in a 21 day retreat in Tiruvannamalai, India, which also conducted a careful selection.
"Wake up retreat" requires comprehensive training players talk of unsuccessful experiments, which in theory of course possible in this retreat can not be, because all the players get the opportunity to participate in it developed over the years to the extent necessary.
The retreat takes place in conditions of constant risk factor illusory death.
To apply for participation in this retreat necessary to responsibly approach the fact that this is the most serious test of your life, because this retreat involves real conscious death before leaving the body, the disappearance of himself (I) - this is the experience of complete Awakening .
To make this experience happened, we need a thorough, long-term targeted training, which are the players during training at the Academy of Leela.
Aside from Rama retreat Wake up support players carry multiple levels of experienced guides.
- Time to rest (sleep) 3.3,5 hours a day, the rest of the conscious activity.
- Retreat is held in a high-altitude acclimatization with a big time difference in a short time interval.
The requirement to the players:
- The ability not to identify with the sensations, emotions, thoughts, allowing physically able to go through this experience.
- Willingness to overcome the obstacles of the high level of complexity (in the face).
- Financial viability (tickets - three flight + total cost estimates will be known after the filing date).
Pearl - the first player of the Academy of Lila managed to get to the rally forces.
All players of the Academy of Lila know the approximate level of personal power Pearl, with all its strengths and weaknesses, she managed to pass the rally on the brink of its capacity.
So it will be with everyone, everyone who gets this retreat Rama prepared so that its forces should be sufficient to master this gift.
But this is not the last joke, the game continues without interruption !!!
Ha ha!
Play it! The Leela.
Report Pearl, the passage of the retreat:
Namaste !!!
Right, and I can not find words to express all that I have experienced in this season FORCE. It was the most difficult, requiring flawless preparation and inner personal power draw. Only now I understand why so strict frame selects and requires us to perfection.
When I flew on the plane, I gave a hint consciousness, but I did not notice and read the sign. Then my consciousness again gave a hint when we were traveling in the bus. And suddenly I realize that from the window of the bus (as well as from the window of an airplane window) I see a picture of my mission, exactly in exactly, and I understand what I have to work.
In this season nepoluchitsya just sit with your eyes closed and do not know anything. During the rally, I faced my fear, face to face and bared the very deeply hidden filling that protects all means and protections to which just sitting on the Samadhi will not pick up. And to jump out of the non-reference I had to make all the knowledge that gave Rama. And only because of its perfection, I was able to leap completely give up and wake up.
It was very scary, it was so terrible that it is not possible to describe in words. When you leave the ground from under the feet and Consciousness shows you that you are not the body and everything that surrounds you is an illusion. I did not even notice how much we identify, although before that was very deliberate.
I began to scream and fight, my body is held down, hands turned onto the wrong side, the jaw was numb. And when my resistance reached its climax, I suddenly came to her senses (awake): Whoa, what am I doing ?! I fell asleep! Who am I?
I clearly understand that if I do not give up, I will destroy my fear. Only when there was a complete surrender consciousness seemed to me that I was not alone woke up, I saw so many awakened and Rama too.
Consciousness, I showed all his strength and power in all its glory. And I, as ego, some microscopic point, does not really exist, I dare to resist him ?! This I clearly saw.
Consciousness, I also found in some non-conducting, I lived, showed me a new level, showed me all my tendencies, only with a different level, a level of knowledge.
Now, I understand that this work does not stop, my tendency not to not disappeared. Consciousness found that I need to do. And of course, I saw, I'll never do it.
Life goes on, but this time with new knowledge, new vision, new challenges.
This joke - really the last step you want to go through to finally wake up, and then can only be.
This is a unique draw, it requires a great deal of personal, inner strength, awareness, endurance, both physical and psychological. And most importantly trust and openness.
I would like to express my gratitude to leading the retreat and the whole team. Only thanks to their attention and support, everything happened.
This is an amazing discovery, heartfelt characters in them so much love, unconditional love.
This rally was held in South America in the mountainous areas, where even without the physical and psychological stress was hard just to breathe, and in fact there were more and exercise, so of course we must definitely say that the victims have nothing to do here!
With love and gratitude, Pearl !.
The conductors in this retreat of Pearls:
- Jone: - Tatiana ( Gemchug) is amazing!!! She could do it! When I sow that she was in very difficult state I asked Pablo to help her, but he said: - She has to go through this expierence herself! And she has done it!
- Pablo: - Wow, Wow!!! She makes me so HAPPY!!!
- Rama: My task was to properly configure the Pearl, the passage of this experience, it was possible to do. The experience, she rushed to the burning, fearless eyes! That was then ... Jone and Pablo briefly told.
Намасте, Жемчуг!
Наверное ты прыгала в пропасть! Голова идет кругом от твоего описания!!! Поздравляю!

31.08 16:51
Жемчуг! Ты - СУПЕР! Поздравляю! Ты прошла и победила! С уважением и любовью, Лебедь.
03.10 15:42
Намасте, Лебедь! Спасибо!:)) С Любовью,Жемчуг!
05.10 11:04
29.09 12:54
29.09 17:10
Жемчуг, ты молодец!!!! Поздравляю!!!
28.09 14:15
Намасте,Музыка! Большое спасибо! С Любовью,Жемчуг!
28.09 16:30