Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 10.

Friday 27 February, 2015

In our dreams we are human at night in his bed, resting. In the dream, suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, there is a whole reality that is absolutely real to our sensations and emotions, despite the fact that we know about it illusory.

   Drama, which are involved in the deepest feelings of love and fear with all the necessary context is absolutely real played during sleep. People dream of flour and torture; bullying, violence and even murder that happen to them. You -

advanced and intelligent soul in life, in a dream can do things that it is difficult even to speak.

When you wake up from a nightmare, whether someone is killed, strangled and raped, really? No, it was all an illusion!

When the game comes to an end and we all eventually dissolve back into Genesis, whether someone really hurt? Someone really dead, or is it exactly the same thing as our characters "of the earth" again? In the dream, it is real and intense, so imagine how great then realize that these restrictions were merely imaginary; and thanks to the balance between freedom and limited it was quite unbearable and extremely funny.

It seems that the source lets dreams happening in their facilities,

to enable them to understand the whole process and the importance of the Divine Lila

Maya realistic to be effective.

Understanding the nature of dreams and helps to put the concept of space and time in a better perspective. In the dream can dream of a very long story,

although modern research into the phenomenon of dreams (observing

eye movements dreamer man) claimed that all the dreams occur in seconds in our reality. All of the mountains and trees in our dreams - how long it took to create them? And all that the world in which you some time loitering - where it came from and what happened then? So, based on the analogy of space and time within a dream, how real do you think they are in our "awakened" state?

About how the players play the game, read the tenth in this roundup.


But the long-awaited "kick." All in time. I notice the mind that the tenth game sat in meditation. Early in the morning the village in practice. The mind is free, and the body sits easily. The process of identify itself. As soon as the beginning of a regular practice, I notice that in the morning you do not want to sleep, practice gives strength. In practice, there is something very important.


Thus, under the illusion, living in a dream, sleep itself - and life passes by, I want to say so. And it did not interfere, and vice versa, and help is always kept pace with time, and thought, and especially faith in them and them spoils the whole of existence, deprived of joy, makes it impossible to deprive all (yes, yes, that's all you need, efficiency, developing leading to love). Dwarf is impossible to understand, his motives are not clear, there is some controversy (he does not want anything, puts the blocks, and then he suffers and whines that he is a poor wretch useless because nasty. What does he want -ponyat impossible, it and do not need, it does not have faith, he did not give the force, and in general it is not). Therefore: Well, it! Less listen less to believe, not to indulge, do not merge. There is a saving knowledge: thoughts, images, pillows - are not real, they should not be here and there to drive and handle them. Now even more aware of what disidentification.


The feeling of joy to go to work B., emotion delight .Poem songs leaping neprivyazyvayas to anything just trust the flow of energy that flows by itself without effort and stress .Not interfering and not resisting, time stops and looking at the time, I do not believe that so little time has passed, and we are a very long time .Nevziraya besilis a strong freezing wind, we continued to share the joy and confidence in each other. At work, a sense of excitement, encouraging people around me, interior, warmth and desire to give it back in the same heat.


Sadness was held, not shoulder aches. I am in the moment now, rest, feel the whole body at every moment of it - it will certainly occur, even going to watch interesting, curious.


 My body is protesting and why the dwarf decided to cover up the body. Because the soul does not want to live. What she does not want to live, betrayal. Loneliness. I'm such a significant (for itself), but to me this way for treachery. Lets all just be silent dwarf. I reside. I'm not the one who's afraid, I am the time is now.


A huge wave of nowhere to run. Fear of the unknown fear of death. This dream I dream often, it's time to work. This is what is coming and inevitable that the then unknown. I do not know what is stronger than fear of the unknown or death, but in the dark can be death or on the contrary, death as unknown. Who's afraid? Ego. Do you think that you will die? No I dont know. Do you really think that everything will collapse? I dont know. I do not know, and this lack of knowledge and past experiences, I draw pictures. That is, you just paint the picture that is not reality? Yes. Then I can not trust them, it's unreal. How do I react when I believe in it? I feel the fear, the horror. I'm trying to do something to save. What I was not believing in it? Good, I would trust the Life and removed responsibility from themselves. I understand that from me depends nothing, everything goes through me, through me, I am perception. What is this darkness that I was coming? I do not know, but I want it easy to accept and understand.


I saw all come into the world with different roles and tasks. How can you compare? Everyone is different, as it is possible to compare a cat and dog, but their quality, and why. So characters at everyone the way, for which his qualities and events. Who compares? Ego. Actually, I saw that all of our physical world, it is a mind game, weave illusions created by the ego, I saw how seriously I perceive when I sleep, all frivolous, mad.


Persuasion: ashamed to be happy when someone is unhappy. Of equating with the correct way, just human. Is it true,? No. You really can make others happy? No, it is not in my possibilities. will you do if you refuse others happy from your life? Not the fact unlikely. No. How do I react when I believe in it? I do not allow myself to be happy and joyful. It becomes too severe, dry and lifeless. Whatever you were, if you did not believe in it? Lively, happy, happy. I see myself as I close everything that gives me life, I pass by joy, playfulness. I choose to live. I am not responsible for the happiness or unhappiness of others, I live my life. Everything works out.


While preparing and forgot that on duty. Then a friend called, that will come. I'm in a good mood to cook, do their own thing. Then call from work and say, urgently needs to go to the orphanage and to reassure the two drunken teenagers-pupils, who waged a fight in the village / house. My condition- immediately panic, I have some plans, everything must change, and even a girlfriend come. And how am I, a woman, I will soothe two drunken teenagers inadequate and can not two. I immediately turned on the victim. It has become all the blame laid on the action of others. The feeling of the body - such tension in the throat, chest, face, breathing heavy, his legs cotton. Then he began to breath and evaluate the situation. And at some point, I take responsibility, this is today I am on duty, it is my job ... and we come girlfriend with her food at e / home. Here we are, kids calmed, I tuned in to the heart of love. Anger and rage in this case is inappropriate in general. All the children calmed down, everything went as well as possible! I thanked the situation. This situation has shown me that we should accept, rather than resist. And that all the changes and plans and illusions.


My son asked me to play with him and suggested that three days I will not strain it with the lessons that he was the type of independent and show what he can do. And I should just trust and do not pull it. I agreed, but inside this resistance! I can not trust it! That sly ask, then climbed into the book, the daughter ask her checked lessons. Going crazy or what ???! But with this I can not cope and relax. I track my fear of condemnation, that the teacher would say, if it is poor performance and bad behavior. That's because of their fears do not give a son to live and develop, and myself too!


The sun was rising slowly over the horizon, the first rays light up the sky and hills outside the window looked just fascinating. At night the blizzard has passed and now everything was white, snow clung trees, cars and lay asleep on rooftops, it looked like a zero, not a single trace of the old. The clouds are gone and the blue sky gradually filled with light, the city sparkled and looked very fresh. I looked at it from my window and thought about the change of scenery came to my mind, one period unexpectedly replaced by another, old thoughts have become faded, life has moved to a new time. How accurate is consistent with episodes of sleep when one episode unexpectedly replaced by another, and last forever forgotten. This, I thought, when entered into the bumper in front of me stopped suddenly jeep brake on slippery roads did not save, and struck the soft Pradik jolt rolled by 2 meters. Return to reality happened so suddenly. The guy jumped out of the car and frantically looked at me, I do at this point was at a loss. Out of the car - brake did not work, he opens the tailgate everything works, no dents. Shot hit the spare tire on the rear door, and it saved from damage. I apologized and we parted. It's time to be included in the game.


This week is hard for me physically. This is due to the study of trauma humiliated, but gave stronger. While so much stronger than that exhibited strong protection unit - none of the recalled situations does not cause any emotional or physical reactions. I told himself that it was time to go through this experience that I needed.


She opened the curtains and saw a fairy tale - per night attacked a lot of white fluffy snow. All the trees were well-dressed, clean roads, blue sky with glimpses through cloud breaks sun. Beauty On soul - peace of mind, quietly.


 And confidence is lost. In fact, no matter who was driving. Mistrust - a state of inner. Loss of control over the situation and the inability to influence it instills fear and mistrust takes everything and everyone who is in the theme of this situation. I calmed down. Now I'm enjoying the ride.


Outside, a man called out and asked him not to hit the car, because I already go. This guy started yelling obscenities and cover me, announcing all the swear words which he knew ... There was a feeling that I'm standing across from a raging bull and now he will be thrown into the battle. I saw a man shaking with anger, his face was red, his eyes bulging and white eyeball, I saw red stripes capillaries. At some moment I felt like he wanted to hit me. But did it ... Now, I suddenly remembered that a few days ago, I myself was in place this guy ... I got angry and came out of the car and start banging on the wheel, trying to bring to the car owner. The owner - a girl my age, at this moment arrived at the house with her husband on the other machine. She asked if I had all in order, and I am very nervous start to express their nedovolstvo.I joke is repeated here. I'm on the path of awakening, so that such mistakes Life is not a fan. The reverse reaction of life I get with reinforced negative emotions of the characters. I can only take that experience. And to be more attentive to their manifestations.


Back pain is felt in the form of an iron ring, and this crushing pressure causes backache back. Color black object, the intensity of pain - 5 points. Transformed dissolution. Further, washing with water and place the dissolution Adds red. At the end of meditation changed position - lay on her back, allowing the heat to disperse for a relaxed back.

After meditation, pain intensity was reduced to 1 point. The body appeared ease.


I sit in meditation. Half an hour looking for something that hid behind anger. Ask yourself this question. What I can not do now? Yes, I can do nothing! As if all those 2 hours, I was bound hand and foot. And I struggled with that struggle. At this point, I feel a sharp pain in his right side. It dawned on me - the impotence! I struggled with impotence. I could not do anything, I do not control, and could not change no matter how trying. I fought, but this fight is meaningless. The body tells - not accept weakness. It is necessary to give up. Recognize that go against life itself and its plans, I can not. I must admit my weakness.

Swept through the body shivers, I began to shiver badly, body shaking from the cold, cover with a blanket. Continuing the practice, I lived weakness, taking it. I breathe deeply. Tears flowed in torrents, at some point I even surprised their number. At the end of practice felt the heat has gone, the heat rising on the back, the costs further over the body. She lay down on his back. Located in a spatial condition, and not in a dream, and not awake. 20 minutes later I got up and went to sleep.


 Finally I realized that I smoke, because I can swallow their anger !!!!

This is one of the most important discoveries. I have long could not understand the real reason for this protection.

Now I understand. Angry, smoked, swallowed, he calmed down.


Of all the questions and answers, I do know that I- consciousness, the rest only concept.


* If you have more money and not bother you'd belonged all the time and all the money in the world, all over the world, what would you do? *

 I like to travel and visit all the beautiful places of our planet and space forces. To feed the hungry of children and the elderly. I would visit all the museums of the world. I would learn all languages ​​to communicate freely and learn everything from the source. To fly into space to see our planet in all its glory with your own eyes. I learn to dance all over the world. I would buy myself duduk and learned to play on it in Armenia, etc.


I have found that most do not want to analyze and sort through the events of the past, look for these or other reasons for what is happening, etc. just want everything to be easy .. that easy and that's it .. because my mind was like a huge weight round a head .. iron, heavy and useless ... Why is there something going on .. and there, I observe feelings and do not analyze and I do not call, just see and feel. Then I see and feel that feeling is gone, and ... God, how it's easy !!!


Hard to remove the mask - to lose face. As it is symbolic, I worked for many years with those customers, trying to remove the "shortcomings." It is terrible to admit their weaknesses, even to himself.


When my character sees suffering from some disease, sneaking fear of death, which is a concept. Currently live feelings of fear, sadness and a sense of emotion in the body (the weight in the chest, tingling in the abdomen), contact with the manifestations of reality. Through the organs of sight, hearing, and the mind has built the concept of death (loss of the body of the character, which in reality is not, I come up with suffering characters). And there are currently residing fear and nothing else !!! Haha !!


I remove the secondary benefits of cigarettes. It is difficult to admit, but it is, again beginning to smoke and indulge this weakness.


Let happen anything that happens. So you need. It is this character given to me for this experience with me, he passes his experience. This is also me. Everything is temporary. Do not cling. At any moment, let go with love and gratitude. I live from the office. Now. Here. Without time. Without attachment. Without the past and the future. There is a moment right now. Mig. I momentarily. I do nothing. I just present. Everything is a dream Source.



I Am Consciousness is favorite, beautiful, precious, adorable, kind, generous, soft, quiet, open to the world, rich, happy,

joyful, cheerful, collected, natural, Live !!! Everything happens without any effort! Having experience after vyzrev Consciousness takes Gift! Action makes consciousness, and I am in this manifestation of life! Consciousness becomes fluid and open, I see that in the drawings exhibit quietly, because this is a dream in which I see myself! I do not know what will happen and what the trends are deep, I'll have fun and interest in the game, enjoying life and what we have. Tears were manifestations themselves are now dissolving fear and a smile lit up the transformation of consciousness!


"Acknowledgements - a pledge of permanent happiness" - not just words. This practice was once easily, naturally, happily. Itself received many voiced gratitude to the course of the game in the last game. Here I want to say that one of the seminars said that for a long time did not feel a sense of joy. That to me for a long time, nothing brings joy. In the best case - a short pleasure. And expressing the gratitude felt dizhenie energy content of the power and joy.


I noticed that there is a hidden satisfaction of the disease - secondary gain. Benefit from a disease that can legally do nothing, nothing from you no longer require. Through this again I come to the excessive demands of himself, to the idealization of self-criticism and criticism of others.


Generally we have to analyze on the fly. Noted and went on This is mindfulness But how tame dwarf? His I also realize, but I am led to constant even know what the soul is comfortable and what it is protected under the cover of dwarf tricks But it seems to me a trap What's next? Meditation and more time meditating in this output))))


This game for me was unusual.

I began to live consciously without relying on any kontseptsii- is a very strange feeling ...

Allowing all the senses and sensations not even be calling them, not differentiating or "stuffing" of the definitions ..

In some -potryasayusche it eases my existence, something not- for the mind just screams to work, transforming 45th ways. Nooo, you'll just live it all ..

What are the results:

-I began to laugh a lot. Especially at parties (and not over the people and with the people ..) serious attitude to life is wild laughter ..

-I became much less to judge, because for me to judge, is to compare the behavior of his or anyone with any concept .. as soon as you realize that you do not want anything to compare, there is no judgment itself ..

-t.k. I stop to judge yourself, there was ease in daily choices .. There was a desire (for example, to play the piano again .. and so on) and it is the desire for pleasure, for udovolstviya- once I adored it, and then felt pointless. .

And, most importantly for me, I understood what was behind senselessness. If life has no meaning, then all can be !!!! I realized that everything is possible !! You can just enjoy, laugh, enjoy, to communicate with men, because I adore, I am communicating with muzhchinamii etc. I suddenly realized that to do anything, just do not live ...


 Husband for boyish tears and tantrums reacted sharply: the voice rises begins to be ashamed of. As a husband then said that such behavior, he wants to bring them out of the state of stress. My actions: to show compassion to the children, I begin to protect them and intervene in man's education, protection of the weak. Why is my destructive behavior: sometimes it ends with a scandal; I do not give her husband appear in the upbringing of children and bothering to establish contact between them (when I was there, they get along well). As a child, my mother did so constantly, and often it ended in scandal, his father waved his hand, went from anger. As a result, parents discord in the relationship and hurt each other. The message from his mother: the manifestation of aggression is necessary to protect the weak


If I had an unlimited amount of money, I would have created a beautiful, comfortable, and a rich garden - park in Buryatia, he would be rich not only the flora, but also works of art, sculptures speak of the spiritual beauty of our people. The park can accommodate all sorts of cafes healthy,

vegetarian food, it would always classical music. For the winter period to build a large winter garden, swimming pool, fitness center, so that you can have a rest with your family. Fantasy flies forward, you can create different styles of gardens, creating a microclimate that can be grown,

that in Siberia rastet.Mne not like to do with the earth with plants, like to think when planting flower arrangements, and only later in August to admire them, and it captures the entire work, I go home when it gets dark. Still like to draw, today took a point list, who do not show their first works were all delighted. Creativity erased the boundaries of time and hands "itch" to even paint! Kids are already asking them to paint tablets and phones!


Play it!



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