Innovate on the Remote WINTER GAMES.

Friday 04 December, 2015

On the spiritual path of self-discipline is the cornerstone block for many sufferers of freedom. Get out of the fetters of the non-reference from the continuous wheel of Samsara only those who are able to cultivate one's self-discipline.
Al students of the Academy of Lila divided into those who have already developed a self-discipline and those who are yet to be trained.
During remote game, all players have the task to regularly practice in the morning and evening, for a duration of time, according to the level to play.
Every year, some players do not perform the practice on a regular basis.
In order to develop the motivation to self-discipline, for the fourth winter of remote gaming, first introduced innovations:

1. Comments to the report of players will be sent only to those to reports of games in which the players played a game with the implementation of practices and morning and evening without gaps.
If the practice is not performed regularly, as well as in the case of
If the report is delayed, and the players coming after the specified time,
comments to the report will not be sent and the player will move on to play the next game without comment the game the previous (marked with a weak self-discipline).

2. The second innovation is due to the fact that, for the first time this year, the participants of the Winter Games can get remote Skype consultation Leela Academy players from the project "Open Hearts".
Selected players Rama, has for two years, are trained in which Rama teaches them all the details of counseling Way Leela. I must say that from the group of students, selected only part of the players really have personal power for ministry.
Players "Open Hearts" advice on the basis of karma-yoga, without receiving financial compensation.
On the rules of consultation during the retreat, in the next issue.
But registration for remote game is nearing completion. December 10 is the deadline allotted to the third stage of the selection and 13 December completed 4 stages of selection.
All those who do not manage to qualify for the above terms, complete them with the status of "selection is not passed."
But players who qualify will go to the most protracted rally Force Academy hosted by Leela.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Play it!
                                                                                                                                                                                     The Leela.



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