And at that very moment, Lila the Academy players, formless level,
storm new heights, rushing to complete surrender called Enlightenment.
In the town of Thiruvannamalai India at the foot of the mountain of Arunachala, passes the main retreat year.
About why it was chosen a place of retreat, visit the following link: Thiruvannamalai.
This retreat came Academy players Leela formless level, who feel a commitment to complete surrender. But a little preparedness, in addition, must have developed skills in
the game, and the formless level for this before you get to this level
retreats, players had to play a few games formless remote player.
All selected this year's players are well equipped with all the
selections tests, independently arrived at the venue of the retreat, and
with Love plunged into the process.
The retreat began with the well-known practice in the spiritual world: mundane.
Mundane (shaving the head) is an ancient spiritual practice and represents a complete submission to God and Guru. It is a sign of dedication to the spiritual path, and their determination to go on a trip with one-way ticket.
The practice has a mundane psychological impact, reducing the
attachment to their appearance and different conceptions of themselves,
thus contributing to identify itself with the personality.
Mundane removes old vibration, which are stored in the hair, and
reveals the highest chakra in the head, giving divine energy enter into
our being.
Retreat program begins at 4.30 and ends at 22.00. All this time, the participants are in daily practices and in
accordance with the instructions of Rama, gradually approaching the
moment of complete surrender ... about how to retreat was held, the
participants will share in their job, which will be published in the
following news on the blog.
But photos of this retreat can be viewed from the following link: Retreat in Tiruvannamalai.
16.02 01:51
15.02 14:34
15.02 13:19