From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 4: Internal power source.

Monday 21 November, 2016

Your new way of vigilant attention to every meeting

gives you the ability to rise above the level of harmony teachers.

Not every student can move in height the

ways in which the teacher's actions.

There goes the only one who managed to get to the self-control

as the active force that helps counter freed from his tinkering passion.

(Antarova K.)

Hunters and warriors chasing domestic energy source that is within us and that is always constant and unchangeable, and is freely available at any time and in any place, as this source is within us.

You can always refer to the source and get energy from it.

   All external energy sources have the characteristic of impermanence.

At any time they may disappear or may change the conditions of access to them.

To put it bluntly: Today is the food, and tomorrow it may not be at all or in the same quantity and quality.

In situations of deprivation of access to external sources of energy, people who have contact with their inner source, will always be in pole position, because they will not experience strong defitsiia energy. While people who have lost access to an external power source, are experiencing power shortages. They are unable to communicate with an internal source, in the case of external sources of deprivation, suffering, sick and even die from the effects of energy deficit, depression, lack of desire to live, disease ...

Usually all waking people sent in their aspiration through practice, to communication with your inner source.

While sleeping characters, almost do not know how to do it, do not know how to communicate with your inner source of energy and are intended to receive it from the outside, from society.


 Be good, be comfortable, to be obedient, to be right, to be successful, rich, strong, have power.

For what?

To thus receive love.

To be continued...




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