From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 5: The need for love.

Friday 17 June, 2016

On the court of people you never pay attention.

They are judged by the degree of his mind, and teacher

judges you by the action of your heart,

every culture can only see one whose

heart beats to the rhythm of the universe.

(Antarova K.).

Society-this is a huge source of energy. What kind of energy we consume in society? Energy of Love.

  The primary human need, provided udovoletvoreniya basic human needs for shelter and food, is the need for love.

Man is driven by a need for love and this is the main motive that drives humanity, which at times can push people into crime and a violation of the universal, spiritual and human laws. But this motive is the driving force leading to any form of development.

You need to immediately understand that development must be based not on the use of external sources of love, and the restructuring of the energy consumption of the love is, the consumption of internal power, which in its essence is love.

 We used to go to outer space for love: getting approval, praise, become hostage to their own expectations, to achieve some goals, to improve and to become somebody, to have a good think, ultimately, to be loved. And that's why very often we do so, we are not in need - "if only it was good", and in return we get from them (society) - the energy approval and we have some time it suits.

But now, in the course of training at the Academy of Lila, we begin to practice the Hunter and the Warrior, by means of which we will have to change the "orientation" with respect to the sources of energy, that is, to learn to move away from the consumption of external energy sources and restructure energy consumption from an internal source.

It's good when you renewable energy from the outside through communication with nature, music, through food, through a man-zhenschina.No relationship with you is always important to remember that the main priority should be the source of the time now, thoughtlessness, emptiness, absolute.

Only by combining and complementing external sources that the only domestic source of energy, we will learn to live as it is in line with our inner nature.

But to do this, we first need to decide on what to change "orientation" to energy sources and prefer all external -Internal source. This means that we have to get out of the influence of social conditioning, but it is very, very painful process.

Imagine you had sucker-hose and you're constantly through it (from the community), energizes. And you have become accustomed to live by feeding on an external source, and paying for it not to be yourself.

 If we analyze now the life of each of you, we see your strong dependence on this external source of energy.

Social conditionality requires us to live by the laws created by people zabyaaya zaeonah of God.

Man being socially conditioned and naturally dependent often forced to live as it is necessary to the society (community), but not to him.

When you wake up and start to rebuild and to exclude food from external energy sources, reconstructing the consumption of the internal, there is a great desire to go back to the old, familiar forms of energy consumption.

But we need to strive firmly to the internal power source. Yes, the restructuring will take time. It's not easy, but it is possible!

Therefore, training at the Academy of Lila is divided into cycles and going through the levels.

   After passing a level Hunter, it is necessary that the time has passed and you could Hunter apply skills in their lives, to integrate them into daily actions, so that gradually or rapidly adapts to your internal processes to change the power supply.

Only after the integration of knowledge in everyday life, you can go ahead and study the level of a warrior.

You have to ripen internally, for further study, since no one from the outside you can not change, so you will change yourself first of all themselves.

To be continued...



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