Forum Forum is a means of communication players and conductor, as well as the players together, playing a draw. You can receive comments on your game as a conductor "Sangha", and the player is also playing on these remote gaming.
Forum is only available to players playing in the hand of the Force.
1) After you create a partition, it is available to all players, if the topic is no offline access restrictions. In this case, the forum thread globe icon will be visible.
2) Restriction of access to participation in the Forum, may be determined level of player - the only players on this level can visit this section, all the others will see the padlock.
when you try to go will be redirected to the main page of the forum.
3) Restriction of access to participation in the Forum, may be determined by activity - only players involved in the selected event,
can visit this section, all the others will see the lock and try to go will be redirected to the main page of the forum.
4) If both the limiter set, then the player should not be below the specified level and to participate in the event.
When you click on the line with the available event of the Forum topics are displayed when you click on the topic of the Forum and there are reports of the window for writing messages.
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