When we begin to dawn in his self-awareness and gaps hardly
appear the secret signs present our true essence,
then it opens the Life that does not begin with birth and ends with death ...
Support in the spiritual path was not always a simple matter, because this is possible only if accompanied by a student has reached a position and can perform the task with humility, that puts the teacher in front of him. And in the first stage - the student is important to accumulate personal power, in order to be sustainable in all the trials of life and not to get lost, do not go astray.
This long-standing practice, which is not always successful and comes only with progression. In the process of spiritual development people have to consciously experience and deep turmoil and the recession, and even escape and avoiding in order to continue to move to him.
But after years of persistent practice, once we begin to collect its fruit. Our long-term practice refined consciousness becomes receptive to realize aspects of the truth and it is this experience, the participants are divided into retreat Opening Soul Mission.
- I do not have words to express all the feelings of what happened in this experiment, and not put it into words. I had some incredible events, all happening inside of me, the events of feelings and emotions. I watched a movie about themselves and feel sensations of the hero, his bitterness and erroneous perception of the world. I understand and see what is going on in my life right now, and what I should and should not do. The credibility of life, without any explanation, without any guarantees, just take: so there, it happened, as it should be, without any explanation, without any logic ... just there ... and not because I have some not so, but I'm such as it is. I saw everything as above, watching the hero and see the beauty of life, the taste of life, how things work. The beauty of nature, the beauty of feelings, beauty of human body, it does not describe in words is just going through the beauty of the world in general, and the merger with the world, which is not separate from one another. Where am I and where the world is, all the same ... it's soft, it's love ... it does not fit into the character. It is very thin ... And yet, this experience made me realize that life is only now. Tomorrow may not be every day like a lifetime to taste every moment of life - it is a process without end.
- This experience can be said dot the "I". The understanding, knowledge. And now I see the new landmark, where and how. We obtain finally the answers to seemingly insoluble problems. At the moment, a clear sense of the body from taking all of my hardened blocks are now full of energy. Still alive is the memory of that contact. And then a live-play using what he saw and learned. And as long as I stay in the energies, of course difficult to describe traveled and received. But one thing I can say - light began to dawn ahead !!!
- I saw the reasons for this trend sustainable implementation. This experience has brought clarity and a clear understanding of why I'm doing it is such an election in this lifetime ... and freed a lot of energy spent on the protection and strengthening of misconceptions. Many thanks to Rama for wisdom and patience, Zhemchug- for love and care, the Group - for the warmth and participation. Consciousness - per game.
- This weekend there was another miracle, and I was in another world, in another life. But that life is not lived in her feelings, wrong beliefs influence life today. I am learning to accept, understand that there is no other way. Another way I have lived through, and he has no future. It only leads to pain and suffering. It turns out I had once had a deep religious experience, and know who I am actually, but just forgot during the test. But these tests and helped me to finally give up and live the rest of life in peace, knowledge, wisdom and go easily. Consciousness in His mercy opened more and more, we can only go by the way that was intended.
The article is in the status of the update.
25.12 17:40
Вау, какие переживания
, А Рама молодец

11.10 02:38