Diary of the 5th Winter Games remotely. Game 1 Part 1.

Friday 23 December, 2016


Greetings of the reality in which all the elements and all the living and nonliving
appear as though being in themselves, which they awhile
exist and which then return ...

So, the fifth season of the Remote the games began. During the entire period of the game we will be accompanied by our spiritual teacher.

By the time the article exit, some players have already played the first game and in the summary diary Winter Remote Sensing games, all the players of academy Leela will be able to illustrative examples to learn to play practical jokes, according to the game with the Consciousness at different levels: the seeker, hunter, warrior, missionaries, formless Player ...

All descriptions of the reports of the players will be edited in such a way that confidentiality is respected, as in that song:

And that no one had thought ... And that no one had thought ... And that no one would know .. this song is about you :)))

Title of article (updated) - says that in this article continue to be added to describe draws players who continue to take the mark of the current game.

Title of article (passed) - says that at the moment all (or most of the players) have been the first game and the article is complete.

It is important to say that in the social life of man, are equally important as the ability to enjoy the process and ability to achieve certain results.

The path to full awakening - a path that passes ego, as a result of the way the ego disappears as a real entity and remain only as a necessary component of an illusory Consciousness games.

In fact - there is only the process, but when the game begins, and the result appears :)

What are the results of the game in the first game (results are updated):

     Leiyang 27 points - 80% of the return game
     Rainbow 26 points - 98% return game
     Flower 26 points - 70% of the return game


closes the game in the first game three of the players:

Hikari 14 points - 70% of the return game

Kemma 10 points - 75% of the return game

Source 10 points - 70% of the return game

    There are characters who begin to "ask" attention (see myself in it, I beg your attention), I continue to go about their business, not their vedus begging. But inside I feel the fear of loneliness, when so doing. But it's good, I will come to him through this alone.

    The mind understands that not all men like his father, but the feelings do not allow it to feel and live in it, behave stereotypically. While I was writing the report began to hurt neck. It translated into feelings - weakness rejection. Weakness of what I can not do anything in the relationship with his father (remembered player who consulted with a problem with my mother, and I could see that nothing should be correct, and attention to the feelings and lives). This and my position, just living the feelings do not need to build a relationship with him.

    In the practice of working with a sense of loneliness, when it has elapsed, I realized that I no longer cycles on this picture, in this way, and ended up in the moment right now, trying to get back to the state (the picture when I'm alone and feeling) is not obtained, not to be hooked and find themselves in the here and now.

    While riding directed attention to his failure to realize that offended - it may have no effect, ceased to be offended, and that there is need to take in that situation? At the moment, the impotence, weakness, began to take it.

    Departing from work, say the guy is a colleague, he does not react, I felt ukolchik. I tell myself that he can not talk to me now, he just called and he did not care to me, I accept this reality.

     There was opposition to the girls, I examine it, that it does not accept? the fact that she does not talk, and is in the form of an upstart, that is, about themselves and about themselves, which is good, which it is well done. I do not see it as a living person, but as I-chopping, crazy program. I transferred this over, and I'm the same, I'm only about themselves. Yes, it may be, there was acceptance of this. And the next day I see the adoption of it, we talked a little bit even.

     It should be noted that awareness grows, on weekdays, when it is necessary to solve the current issues, to respond to emerging circumstances. In those days, too, the fear is stronger and it is necessary to transform it on the fly. The weekend comes relaxed, the mind begins to look for any loopholes to "relax" and going to fall asleep.

    Regular medical check-up, this is really a surprise, ENT physician is educated in the throat and sent for consultation to the oncologist. The earth went from under my feet. Numbness, can not even think. What's my game, surrender to the will of the mind to accept yourself sick, helpless., The meaninglessness of existence. What I'm afraid? Of death? No death is not terrible, it would become a good defense, I'm afraid helplessness, abandonment, pointless such an existence, trying to totally immersed in this fear, there is a lot of strength, and I feel that is totally not allowed, if this force can also be dangerous, I thereto not ready, so be it, I transform, live, peace of mind, the physical manifestation of the pain disappeared.

    He remembered his childhood as praised mom, she always celebrated what I learned and praised, "you're done, or where not perish, it is not clear questioning, brave." How then over the years I forgot how to trust herself, her true desires, dwarf won, I go at it on occasion.

    I am watching a lump in the throat, crystal snowflake, resentment, rejection, fear of being free. Who rejects? Yes, I itself did not accept neither good nor bad, hence there is no true desire, the desire to love, (I myself like this snowflake, seemingly beautiful, but cold and prickly towards himself), desires of the senses to be useful, and not to seek evaluation and beg for love. Suddenly, I saw from his dwarf as he pouts as he did not want to give in, to understand how he plays on the weaknesses of the way he wants me to have forgotten its purpose and what is manifested, the earthly attached. And I covers the wave of love, love for all beings, and to him, too, as a part of the consciousness through which it plays Consciousness.

    Few suechus. Many need to catch. Who fuss? Anyone who is late. He wants to control everything. It tracks and immediately comes the calm. I have time for as long as it should. The draw was won, the gift of understanding, that I love my job.

    I feel tired, but there is no irritation. The mind tries to instill that daughter in law, and would take the child to wash things, knowing that I was from 6 am on my feet and still had time in the morning and wash their baby, and feed, and to work for 7 to go. Ha ha ha! As he clings to its importance and significance!

    Daughter in law immediately shows me my panic, I begin to panic about my panic. Ha ha ha! I already know how it changes the mirror and it is for me as a beacon. I immediately razotozhdestvlyayus. Perhaps that is why we have a good relationship with her. I do not smoothing anything, but I understand. Because it's me, it shows. She even teaches me morals, just as I try to impose your thinking.

     At work, I caught myself on the fact that condemn his neighbor trade for what it was buying stolen goods and resells. Literally an hour later a man approached me with the fumes and offers to buy him tomorrow raspberry jam for sale. Yielding to temptation (to sleep) and go on about your dwarf greed designated price, but at the same time already tracked his condition, it was very unpleasant to the soul. In the evening meditation I live the unpleasant condition, float pictures from childhood - a steal. In the hands, chest heaviness in her throat. Ilahinur energy helps to make these unpleasant conditions: theft -> betrayal -> fear of punishment -> do not wish to live with shame and guilt, but to live a MUST! - The body heat. Sorry, forgive myself, I forgive yourself and let go more than once this problem, but this time asked the question - who do not accept? WHO WANTS TO LIVE guilt, shame? Who's afraid? Who suffers? WHO...? I smile Game Consciousness, and all the heavy physical blocks disappear, came Thanks for the lived experience of theft - the first time I am grateful for consciousness lived a negative experience, and realize Game Consciousness. After the rejection and resistance of your ego, these many years I live with a sense of guilt and shame!

    My husband collects daughter to the gym and puts on her conduct, I have raised the alarm, mind do not go to the husband you as usual, asking what is connected with unconscious anxiety? Several times came to the same answer: go, accompanied by the daughter herself, watching as the daughter I going to make their case through 10 minutes daughter asked to go with it. Anxiety retreated, came clarity and confidence in movements where to go next.

    Son of calls daughter 'caliche' 'when he does not like what makes a daughter, he explained to me this is a joke, for example, is crooked or laughs loudly, went irritation and headache, as I said unpleasant feeling? so I explained again that the so-called one another is not necessary, there are many different nice jokes, making a remark to his son I felt as negative butted husband, I do not understand jokes, but my daughter I asked earlier: You know these jokes? She said no, and she did not like the way calls her brother. With her husband did not raise disputes, hinting that they were joking with each other, the body is released. After this conversation this week, I have never heard a joke about '' Kalicha ''

     At work, unpleasant sensation in the chest ache, what is she saying? Thoughts falling into the past and try something to change, forgetting about the present, the mind turns winds zavedёnny very difficult to stop the machine. Let this happen, resistance comes the understanding that it is also a state! Trying to stop, without changing anything, all by itself has changed, thanks.

    I tried to relax, I began to reach the words of loving-kindness, for peace and freedom, the happiness and well-being to heart. What is the softness began to be felt in the body, there was light. I was in the moment now, and that I was now pronounces actually. This dwarf was trying to take me in the future to unfounded fears.

    Then I felt how the body reacted to it - there were short-term pain in different places. It's crumbling barriers and allowed passage of energy. As if I really was spinning in dance.

     The game started, the call is accepted! Not everything at once, but the results make me happy, I affirm the correctness of the chosen direction. Earlier it seemed that I know everything, and now the opposite feeling - I want to learn everything. There is confidence in the teacher, ie Consciousness.

        A classmate who does not return me a favor once approached and asked proofreader, I did not notice, as he returned, not with this in mind, I told him that I told him already lent equalizer, but he told me he did not return, he said the opposite . I do not trust, I looked in the bag and saw that he was telling the truth, and lent him corrector with an apology for the lack of confidence. At that moment I felt dishonest and rude. Confident in their delusional beliefs, felt aversion to the man because of the attention to particular thoughts and faith in them, but then I caught myself on it and took it. All at once elapsed and never returned.

     I was very not agree with what is happening and felt coarse energies that are euthanized and taken away from the mission. And my mission is to accept yourself and love rejected and lonely, weak. Task Take God. Any circumstances.

    I feel guilty in front of him, "I could have chosen a husband who does not understand me." I feel abandonment, "I told him do not need" for basic needs only.
Then insult to God as God does so with me. He sent me this man. Sadness.
In practice, the task of Mission recall the soul to accept God ... everything ... it sends all the events, people. This is an experience. I realize in the events with her husband a sense of helplessness, loneliness. Recognizing this condition as if there are no forces to fight it. What was before. Handing in protection.

    In the Now moment, the body is not felt, then - this was no more. But the taste for this meditation felt. The state of health is improved and the energy comes and the state of the other.

     I was standing at the bus stop not far from me kid standing in rubber sneakers and moroz- 25 degrees. So I felt sorry for him. I caught myself pity. I say to myself - that's his choice, let it be. Soothing. And suddenly, I see other guys - in sneakers. Looks like all the gym and came. She smiled - a game of Consciousness.

  Probably because before each meditation I encourage energy Ilahinur. It helps me a lot. Thoughts attack. But it's nice to come back to the breath. After meditatsii- resigned that tiler will not come (2 days waiting). With all the kitchen cabinets are pulled out. Clutter. I imagine the reaction of C. Let it be so. Nothing dedends on me. And then I watch the game Consciousness. Calls tiler - he will come (because 8 tiles), though he never closed on Sundays and the car from him - now start. S. Calls and says that is delayed by one day. Ha-ha-ha! Perekleit tile. Everything in time, put things in order. All day I was in different states - was irritated, joyful, talkative, angry. But surprisingly, in the day I took this myself, and did not give myself evaluation. Who cares how you feel, you Live in the moment! The back does not hurt during the day.

    I notice that colleagues whispering ... and notice the rejection, compression in the chest ... in the study thought that about me, say, fear of condemnation, betrayal, abandonment, fear, loneliness, mark "do not like me", the need for love from the outside. .. need the ego in love, live in the present all the sensations and feelings ... there is a decision and time identification.

    In the morning I notice naughty thoughts like, still does not work, you are just a body !!! You see that you are always identified with the body !!! Where are you rock the boat? And it is the time sits in practice ... here everything is clear the first floor, I can definitely do ... went to the second ... and after some time, awareness of themselves abruptly changed I - the one who can watch !!! The YES !!! And then the body again)))) caught in another trap ...

   Colleagues tell stories in the news about murdered babies. This is a typical rally, the trend of their condemnation, type, read all the small stuff ... explore the state, and this time it was a clear understanding that the conviction - is the protection of the sadness of living and that these characters it is I, my reflection, sadness flowed ... agreement, condemnation vanished ...

     It hurts the soul, the fear of being abandoned and rejected, together, on loneliness, uselessness, insignificance. Who is it all feels the soul. The need of the soul in love. Maybe this all the regalia and the flurry of activity, by and large I do not have to. I went away and I saw how all of this, my relationships, or rather the lack thereof with my father (uselessness, insignificance). Who's going through? the soul, the personality, the image of the girl. Allowing all be all emotions and feelings. Now that it is easy to understand that it is the task of the soul, to live and to understand that not everything is as it seems. Who am I? And if I really feel the need for love from the outside.

       My way to understand and even easy to understand, to realize that all is vanity, a game that is not to run, and open to see everything is in me ...
Morning got up with swollen face and headache. The need for warmth, need of the body, but the body is satisfied, I close the window, wrapped in a blanket, the demand in the warmth of the soul and this body is cold. Belief that the ego is weak, useless, and so on. E., I do not believe it, but the ego again and again translates this nonsense.

   I live loneliness and fear of freedom. I do not understand the ego, as I see involves a game of relative peace, I see the projection of a movie, the curtain movement in which the action takes place, the suffering, the emotions. And the emptiness ... .in reality. The body is relaxed, his head stopped hurting, I was part of a general, no hostility, no one to defend the border parted.

    Kindergarten . The next rally. The water in the pool does not match the temperature regime. Character, well, how much can be repeated, merged with the body, went to the head of a sense of injustice, the fear of meaninglessness. Consciousness checks, merge with the body, looking at the problem is, and this is me. Ha-ha

   Aware of jokes and remembering the mission, I understand what is going on in Consciousness game is cleansed of suffering. Consciousness so prepared, showing that the soul, what events does not want to accept and what feelings does not want to reside while in an unconscious state. Mission Knowledge facilitates the passage of life experience and carries with gentleness and love along the way.

    Again, almost without sleep. Constant awakening from moaning daughter's annoyance at her husband working at night (rustling, coughing, always rearranges all). Anger. The mind comes up with what he is now express: Especially for heating of the air conditioner. It's difficult to breathe. Cardiopalmus. I get up, I reduce the sly heating to 79F. I say "yes" to anger. Thoughts released. I fall asleep.

    Practice. I feel only her husband's irritation. Any attempt to change-to dig up suti- only reinforce falling asleep: the thought as he argued, what words to say, etc. Again, I wake up. Anger. Watching. Gain. From the heart anger shifted to the head. Bursting. I can see why so often bumped her cauldron of unspoken and scored thoughts and feelings boils. Numb right area sub-shovel back. anger Path: from the head, he will mix up in the back and accumulate there. Nothing was seen of anger. I do not see. One thought: live. Living.

     Arrange in meditation. Tune in to your breath, and then to the body. I feel the tension in the area of ​​the nose - 3b. There was the idea that I always hear how people treat me, and often fenced off by an invisible wall, it helps not to hear other people's thoughts and emotions hidden and not feel rejected and lonely. Who else opposes and is afraid? Remembered Korea, where I occasionally felt stress about it. Watching the feelings of his character, and displays some of the characters, it is understood that each of us manifests, based on your own blind spots, which should not be taken personally. Then, came the realization that the only thing which you must direct their attention and work, so it is inward - on the feelings and sensations. Thank you for reminding! :) I understand that with the mounts are not free from stable trends. Each character has its own role in the moment someone speaks irritant, and someone the victim of a provocation. The main thing is to learn to see, that you are neither one nor the other.

     In the morning rang L., noted that in her voice there was a lightness, himself noted that a good rest on the sea. After some preliminaries she said - "December 15 Papa died." At the same time the news said that the first time at the words "my father died" in response to no reaction, except surprise. Inside the silence. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that there was a clear understanding that no one dies, and on the other, in the voice of LA was not the bitterness of loss. Her daddy was a wonderful person, in spite of a stroke and paralysis, he remained positive prankster. Before, I felt fear lightning and pulled out a cry of horror. L. asked me if I come to carry out her father. After listening to your feelings, for the first time, there was a desire to go to the funeral. After his father's death, I avoided such events as experienced horror and heartache of rejection of his father's death. I want to hold the light and soul to face your fear.

Search internal source of love / power - on the intelligence level of understanding that it is in the moment now, in awareness. but this is something intangible. A dwarf sucker clear and physically tangible, this is their strength.

After training, dissatisfaction, much a lot of mistakes, slips the idea that I'm a bad player, but I keep track and just accept yourself as what is there.

A few days before leaving the body he said he would like to say at the wedding of his son, to cherished relationship initially. cleansing tears rolled down her cheek.

     "Negativchik" packed from morning to knock my character - it seemed out of the blue - the explosion of irritation in the body under the left scapula stake blocked energy. Casket just opened, lulled me (character), they say, having a deep experience of identification with the source, character - perfect, he sees and knows. And then he had a weakness, sadness about this, believing in yourself. Allowed and live totally natural weakness, rejection is manifested in the body, see the identification with the mind, which is sad about the weakness - a sign, but it's just such a natural manifestation of emotions. The trend is strong, accumulated over the years, progress consent, do not struggle with it. So hang with the dwarf.

    Before practice hard thinking about what would work and then the telephone rings and the voice of a disgruntled colleagues throws my character in the sense of guilt and shame. The body went to the processes, recalling how at school, waiting for his father to a parent meeting in suspense, expecting the worst. I see how the intellect invented reject, t. To. The father never scolded me, but the fear of punishment is invisibly present. Living this experience and razotozhdestvlyayas with this thought, I come to the inner harmony and thanks to his father, colleague ... As technology is not doing, ask for forgiveness from colleagues and forgive myself. Everything is so united. When my character lives out of state presence, life is filled with rich colors of life.

   A colleague at work, makes me usually rejection of its permanent dissatisfaction and resentment on all charges me in all sins, seen my dislike mirrors. Now I understand her difficult life inwardly goes to her compassion, and her attitude has changed, too, is divided about their problems. Trust, understanding the present moment.

   Identifying with your inner self, which oversees the energy shown by any of the present moment and not get hooked negative intellect, filled the inner source of love. Consciousness plays!

     Watching every day for how consciousness manifests itself, how it plays with itself, it has become more awareness and playfulness. My standard solution for routine work, decorated my life, lived many interesting experiences and feelings. Every character I saw myself, my manifestation.

      I went to the porch and hear the cry, go up the stairs and I understand that it is my mother crying. I stopped, I stop, all held down the body, mind, immediately shouted: Well again, because it was so good yesterday. Immediately I feel the destructive emotion of "insult", followed by a feeling of "guilt," "impotence, weakness of the" fear "The Rejected", "loneliness". I go down and out on the street, hiding behind the house. I stand, breathe, live feelings. I see that it is my tendency, I am very afraid of inadequate people I feel powerless and weak in front of them. I stand and I remember about playing the game, it shook me. I understand that the consciousness of my right and gave the rally. Yeah, well, let's "play." I see that the character is escaped as a cowardly rabbit, who is afraid of everything. "Mama" became to think of tactics and to explore the character. It is inappropriate behavior is a manifestation of self-pity, she was afraid to live their impotence, weakness, loneliness. I saw that in this way it attracts attention to its notice and regret at the same time she does not realize what she was doing. I understand that this experience must live it soul and my soul, too, gains experience. I understand that she needs my love and attention, it is very much in need, after standing still for a while, I feel that it is she needs to discharge occurred and energy vyshla.Zahozhu the entrance, climb up, feel the strength , peace and love. I opened the door, my mother standing at the door crying. I saw an image of a little girl, that one left at home. It was not an adult - an elderly woman and a little girl, which is 5-6 years. I calmly, lovingly, began to calm her. Brew the tea with mint, so she calmed down. It gave her a chance to speak out. I look at her and see that she is often in a state of a little girl. I can see how consciousness plays this role and lives feelings through this character.

    In meditations live impotence and weakness. I realize, realize, see, that I was in this incarnation need to live and to take impotence and slabost.Vizhu game play)))

In a traffic jam". I went into town for dinner. A concert in the evening. Before him, three hours, but in the city a huge cluster of machines. This was all after a heavy snowfall. When I drove an hour two stops, I realized that the concert will have to cancel. For the actor in place, and I'm on the road - no taxis, cars do not stop. I called the artist to include the equipment itself and started when I get there. He does not know the equipment. I remembered that came T.Sh. - Holidaymakers who yesterday called that it is again with us. I called her, asking you to help sell concert tickets, dictate how to turn on the equipment. The continuous stream of cars in some way, knocked on the window of the machine asked: - "Listen, help me to get to work!" He goes far, but takes me dovozit to its rotation even further. I call a taxi, but the wait is useless in the chaos. I came out closer to the road in my direction - no one stops. I knock again, the car window. I beg. Takes me. I run to work. On the road, giving instructions for the equipment. These drivers do not have with me a dime! Refused! Three hours later I was getting and arrived on time. I went into the hall - and the music flowed! The audience applauded, admired. The actor played the guitar and the accordion poured nightingale. I just was and watched. Play Now!

The article is in the status update *.



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