History with the continuation ...

Tuesday 02 May, 2017

At the forthcoming spring-summer distance games, one of the declared games, which the students of the Leela Academy can play, is called: "Pedigree .Psychogenetics. Opportunities."

This game is based on Being in Time:

  • What you are today - was composed yesterday.
  • What you will be tomorrow is today.

Remote Game "Pedigree, Psychogenetics, Opportunities"   Is aimed at helping the player not only see the causes of his destructive conditions today from the history of his ancestry visually, but also carry out a profound work on the transformation of those fears that were not lived, passed from generation to generation and manifested as symptoms of illnesses, zigzags Fate, destructive (protective) reactions of behavior, which have long been out of place, but firmly embedded subconsciously in your perception and reactions to the world.

Of course, we must immediately note that this remote game is for players who can play remote games in the same breath, having such a level of personal strength that allows them to concentrate on the game itself (rather than on resistance: to write a report or not, to do practice or not).

This game will require the player to do a lot of work on the internal transformation in the active mode of life.

If at the April in-home retreat, we paid more attention to the method of solving internal problems through the dynamic group tool, then on the forthcoming retreat in July, we will deal with arrangements and psychodrama. With the help of these tools, you can incredibly deeply work out the causes of destructive behaviors, using knowledge from the genogram of the genus.

As already known from experience, one conducted with a deep analysis, placement or psychodrama affects all participants in the retreat. And often, the deputies playing the protagonists of the psychodrama or the arrangement, receive a colossal experience of conscious living of various dramas of life, which indirectly correlates with their inner drama. In this vein, a profound knowledge of their pedigree and inheritance of ways of rejecting reality will help some players (having a sufficient level of strength) to forever close the issue of internal drama through balancing the energy of the genus.

We will see with you that there are not so many dramas. The scenarios of these dramas are identical, however, just as the ways of the subsequent rejection of reality and resistance are identical. To live life as it is.

The drama of the genus is only part of the theme of this game, since the other task of this distance play is the conscious development of talents and abilities that have already been manifested in the genus and laid genetically both in you and in your children and grandchildren.

At the gender level, certain talents are inherited from their ancestors in various combinations ... which of them can be developed both in themselves and in children, it will help us to know the detailed analysis  of the genogram.

Well, a few words about the remote games of the Spring-Summer season, I would like to say about the distance game
"Spiritual education of children" 

The Leela Academy adheres to the position that it is very important to engage in the spiritual education of children from an early age, thereby sowing knowledge about the spiritual principles of life, even at the very beginning of their life path ... Perhaps this is the most valuable gift, after birth, which the parents Can pass on to their children ...

It is known that the most resilient people, with developed Spirit Force! Communication with the true part of oneself can be brought up from the very childhood.

Distance play will be very gentle and friendly to educate the ability of the Presence in the present moment, detachment, self-approval, skills to make choices and bear responsibility for it and many others. To another. And we remind you that spiritual upbringing of children is possible! And it should be vaccinated to children from an early age.

The peculiarity of this game is that you will not just be theoretical teachers for your children, (as it usually happens, reading notations or sermons), but by the same students as they are. And you, along with the child, on your own examples of life (and not just in words), will comprehend the wisdom of Life in accordance with spiritual principles.

This remote game requires preliminary preparation, the parent himself must first play the remote game "Seven Spiritual Laws." And of course you will need honesty and courage to go into such an experience of relationships with the child, because from now on, you become not only his mentor, but also a classmate.

It is known that children learn by observing behavior, what example they are shown by adults and if the mother or father demonstrates resistance to life or its non-acceptance, then children adopt this scenario of behavior, and not what parents say about being honest and kind ...

Remember by your own example, even if you realized in your childhood that you do not like something about your parents' behavior, having grown up by adults, at a certain stage of life, you suddenly realize that you are doing exactly the same, even if not "steeper", even surpassing Their parents, in the same way, having adopted from them their style of behavior and reactions to the world ...

So, the spring summer season of the Remote Games Academy Leela comes into force. Our Life is training from birth. We are trained as naturally, passively, and consciously, actively. The ability to Learn is part of our nature and the Leela Academy, using this principle of our world order, WAKES and develops this Gift!


Playing :)

The Leela.



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