Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games. Issue 2. Season 2017.

Thursday 01 June, 2017

The Great originates from the small.

© Public Sire

At this very time, some players of the Academy of Leela play remote games and we continue to acquaint you with the jokes that are encountered on their way.

  • 1. There was a rally. Consciousness makes a challenge. I can not not accept it. I'm in touch with the Spirit, only in this state I made a choice. Need to buy tickets, preferably urgently. The mind yells, where do you take so much money? Nobody will give you a loan. He's in a fever. But, surprisingly, I'm calm. I do not listen to it, actions somehow happen. I trust Consciousness. Now I am with the Source. I'm really calm. The drawing is running. It's only left to play.
  • 2. What I see myself through L: uncontrollable, rebels, does not obey, rests, argues, and does not agree with anything, and in case of what - attacks, contradicts, mouths caulk. Before such energy, weakness. I do not accept weakness, as much as a nauseating taste. First, of course, I recognize that all of the above is just mine. I accept these qualities from myself. Now the identification of the rational grain in each quality. I find weakness in the body, I miss it. I feel compassion. After all, this state is not bad, not good. The duality of strength is weakness. Here, too, is a mask / shadow. In the shadow of weakness (infantility, dependence, indulgence to their vices, laziness and all protective mechanisms). A mask (supposedly strong, knowing, easy, able). Conviction in the split: "the weak finish, do not respect, they wipe their feet, the weak is a miserable sight). Compound. Acceptance of weak manifestations. " Adoption. The human essence can show weakness in difficult moments for him, it is normal, it does not mean that he is weak, this is just a manifestation. And the power of a woman is so generally in weakness.
  • 3. Gradually studying the generic genogram, I found out that on the maternal line, after the dekulakization, the poverty program and unstable relationships with men went. On the paternal line is a program of alcoholism, an insult to the parents. Information began to open, much to learn and understand yourself. There is a process of compiling a table of genograms and collecting photos of relatives. Unfortunately, the connection is lost, now there is not much open and it's great!
  • 4. Drawing. Bring the mounts for the dance hall for the lamps. I ordered the car to pick up the fasteners from the warehouse. Head came. Garage S. And ... Find out what kind of car you need, you can bring without a car. It's nervous. The voice raises. The face is malicious. Goes to scream. Hands waving. It turns out that he has several cars. A truck is needed for a trip to another place. A symbol is an evil look. The image is weak, stupid, dull. Is it not clear that he was so excited? Wrap around. I need this experience. I go to the warehouse, humbly guide the loading process. Have brought. Have thrown absolutely in other place. Humbly guide the process of returning to the right place. Rationally, the workers and the commandant must know where to take them, because they were taking them away. As if, they do not remember anything. Accepted. Once identified. Who am I? Who created this event? Illusion - there is no one.
  • 5. Drawing - E. begs for a meeting. Offers day, time. I think I'll call in the morning, I'll say no. This desire comes from the Ego. It wants to lead. There is a moment now. As it will be, it will be so. Accept as the Consciousness will dispose. And when the identification takes place, everything happens spontaneously. Harmonious and natural.
  • 6. Drawing - the need - to find an assistant - to hang light instruments in the dance. Hall. From whom does the desire come? From the Ego. Is this a natural need? No. Deprivation of opportunity. Overpowering deprivation. Once identified. Who am I? Consciousness. I just have. After that she calmly went to E. Yu. Asked him to help hang the instruments. What to buy additionally. We talked very well with him. We have a mutual understanding. Harmoniously it turned out.
  • 7. During the morning meditation before her beginning felt anger, not convenience and other negative emotions. After a few minutes of watching the breath, I felt relieved and saw the emptiness of those feelings.
  • 8. In the morning the dog began to tear. After I told her that we will now go to the street. Usually she understands, and starts to follow me until I walk out, the second time she pulled out and then the reaction went. I approached and whispered it 3-4 times, one in the ass one in the chest and 2 in the ass. At that moment, I watched the behavior and sensations in the body. At that moment in the anahata chakra zone there was a sensation of a strong wind blowing inside, I did not feel that strong passion in the form of boiling water inside which boils like acid in the body and heat in the head. Not with the same passion as before, more rejected, more free and easy, like a warm and gently cool whiff. I did not try to justify myself, but I accepted what was happening and felt free, but with 24% resistance.
  • 9. Event: the daughter disobeyed walking in wet shoes not on the weather

    Thoughts: I'm a bad mother, I had to come home earlier and check what my daughter went to.
    Recapitulation: daughter 3 years old, with her to babysit after kindergarten, her daughter's health deteriorated, and we get to the hospital.
    The sense of guilt intensified in the chest feeling increased by 10 cm, density 10b.from 10b.
    Persuasion I did not follow my daughter, and she got so sick I'm bad
    Sots.strah ostannutostiezist.
    Fear of loneliness and death alone.
    Looking at the situation, I saw that, as if I did not try to watch out for my daughter, she was still sick and my fault was not, when there is understanding. The pain dissipated to 0b. From 10b.
    There was a sense of confidence and tranquility. Back in the event with a wet leg, I already knew that I can not change anything, I was not bothered by this moment.
  • 10. The gynecologist sends to the uzi in the same clinic, warns that the paid office, I ask the name of the doctor uzi, I remember that this is my constant customer and she once told me if you need me, then call me. Coming out of the gynecologist I dial her number and say that I need her service, she sends to the registry that I would say the code word from her and I will be recorded for the next week. I go straight to the registry, hangs the announcement that the break 30 minutes from 15.30, but on hours 15.25 I have to wait absolutely no time. I walk along the long corridor and repeat the code word so as not to forget, I find the door of the office in the voices, in which there is lunch. There is a loud laugh. I knock and ask the receptionist, in return LUNCH, I calmly say that the menu is simply recorded again, there is no answer. I say that I from a uzi doctor, after saying the name, the woman got up and stomped in the registry. I was given a coupon, leaving the clinic, I realized that I was given a coupon for free admission. That's how it turns out, when you do not expect gifts at all, but they happen.
  • 11. At home, my son, after preliminary inquiry, himself told me that he had not been to the consultation, but agreed with the teacher to pass control mathematics to-morrow. I noticed that he finally overcame his fear of the teacher. I was encouraged by his initiative and perseverance. I feel warmth in my chest. Then after a pause he admitted that today he could not restrain himself on chemistry and swore. I ofigela from surprise, the condition has changed in times, I feel shame for my son-squeezing in the throat. I did not teach him to talk like this with adults, I feel injustice. He explained that today she chose him as an object for beating and all the two pairs constantly "jerked" him, calling him a drug addict. Knowing his attitude to smoking and drug addiction, he understood the outburst of his anger. I told him about the responsibility for any of my actions. Yes, everything flows, everything changes. All states are temporary.
  • 12. Called K. and asked when we will do an audit? Previously, we agreed on last Friday, but I did not go to the dacha, because I wrote a report and forgot to call back. She told me that they had already done something with the treasurer. I praised her and thanked her. While listening to her, I caught a barely noticeable squeeze "under the spoon". I sense responsibility and a barely noticeable shame that the girls did without me. I noticed and relaxed. Persuasion: "Who if not I, since in the roar. I have only financial education. If it does, bear responsibility. "I see the illusory nature of the belief and the importance of my character. I saw a big plus in the event, since now it will take much less time. Yes, you've done one revision for several years, now you have helpers. Hooray!
  • 13. Before the eyes of the picture, as I'm on the street doing on the rug. Suddenly, someone began to shift the goat on the platform. I moved aside to the curb, but someone still continues to move it towards me, as if I do not exist at all. I still moved, making room, already close to the curb. As a result, I picked up the rug and went around the goat and spread it, but someone starts to stamp on my rug. Waking up, the question arose: "Who moves me and where?" What did the subconscious mind want to tell me this movie? Perhaps it shows that I myself do not move forward? What difference, in any case, is the question and answer from the mind from the feelings of anxiety and fear. I'm not this fear.
  • 14. The behavior of R. evokes (when he brags and shows greed), the defense wants to escape and no longer communicate with him, I realize that this is my shadow, that I do not accept myself as a "greedy boastful", that is, "bad." Behind this lies the fear of rejection and loneliness (Illusion). In fact, my character is often greedy and likes to be appropriated and exaggerated. I accept all manifestations and my own and R. It is a game of the manifested world.
  • 15. I notice that my husband's calm behavior seems more correct to me than my fussiness, I feel "imperfection" and the thought of "festering and correcting myself", that I'm "bad," in weakness, I pay attention to the body, this feeling of "imperfection" , Weakness and after a few minutes of feeling change, a sense of humor and a smile appear ... understanding that we are just different in psychophysics.
  • 16. The son began to resent, everything is not right for him. Immediately I realized that the game was going on and then I was sure of it, turning away slightly, my son was smiling. Smiling Consciousness. I speak softly and calmly: leave me alone. He was not behind that to catch on and the conversation stopped.
  • 17. Consciousness in the face of the son, with his eyes wide, began to yell at me. So interesting, he did not like one ordinary phrase. Haha. There is a game. The game is on. Consciousness always wakes me up, so that I do not fall asleep, so that I will be vigilant. And inside there is joy and such acceptance of everything. The whole day was conscious. My sister at the dacha was saying how nice that I came from a trip. People were comfortable with me, and I was in the moment Now.
  • 18. Approached Z., asked to help. No, I'm sleeping, he says. 12 a.m. I say, well, then later. No, I'm dreaming. Ah well! I will not let you eat your favorite milk porridge. I observe unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus, my shoulders are tense. Yes, and somehow dreary at heart. Yeah, I've lost my vigilance. Consciousness reminds - this is a game. Okay, I'll treat him and see what happens, but I will not offer, if he asks for it. An hour later he goes into the kitchen and asks: where is my favorite kashka? Says like a child. Well, what are we playing? I say to myself. I answer, now I will give. She nursed. I just got up from the table and started doing what I asked him before. He is pleased with me and comfortable, there is no low vibration. The wonders of the game of Consciousness.
  • 19. Pity is inherent in my mother, who lived with her husband first out of great love and pity, and then and now just out of pity. She destroys herself, but does not agree to change, although she regrets her unhappy life, which she spent on him, more and more often. I discovered pity for other family members by communicating with them in order to find out the details of their lives for compiling a kindred tree. Where does she come from, this pity? I guess the reason is the time in which my mother and her parents lived. My mother lived in the post-war period, and her parents went through the war. My grandfather saw the death of friends, and was himself wounded. Their big family knows what hunger is. Grandfather very painfully recalled the war. Perhaps the feeling of compassion and help to people was later replaced by pity, for which the fear of death is hidden.
  • 20. Practice the morning

    1. Watching the breath (moment now)

    2. Description of the state

    Body sensations: heaviness in the body, chest tightness, back pain

    Destructive emotions: guilt, fear

    Thoughts: do not control myself

    Event, with which the state is connected: quarrel with daughter on the background of working out information on the genus

    Calibration: rings around the neck, steel, intensity 5

    Transformation: I begin to discolor, then erase objects

    Change in the state: it became easier to breathe, but the heaviness did not go away, I feel a new pressure on my throat

    3. Social fear (localization in the body): abandonment

    4. Existential fear (localization in the body): death - the throat is blocked

    I try to start a recapitulation, but instead of it I burst out a roar and tears. Feeling of a heavy burden of destructive force. A feeling of powerlessness before something unknown to me. At the same time, the inner confidence that I somehow chose all this and can not refuse. I allow tears to flow and weep. Of me, something is clearly evident.

    Some time later I feel relief. The warmest memory comes from childhood - the hands of my grandfather, from whom I felt infinite love and protection. I feel comfortable and calm. There is a joy that I can change something, the attitude to the family from accusations and reproaches changes to compassion and acceptance. This gives me strength to continue.

    I transform the block in the throat in the form of a transparent wall, located across the throat, with an intensity of 3 points, adding a yellow warm color, the throat becomes warm, the pain goes away.

    Change of beliefs about life: I am responsible for my life and must pass all the lessons of life with acceptance, determination and courage

    Non-doing: allow everything to happen with the realization that this is what my soul needs.
  • 21. During the lesson, I felt resentment in one situation in the manipulation zone of the chakra, it felt like hot stone (it was firm and warm, a feeling of anger from resentment) as soon as this anger arose I began to watch her trying not to leave in mind.
  • 22. The daughter takes my hand, goes to the car, but does not stop sobbing, it seems to me that with every thought of her fallen ice cream, she increases the loudness of crying. This crying bursts into my body like lightning strikes. I continue to observe my feelings about humiliation. I deliberately go slowly, allowing myself to experience this "terrible" humiliation at full capacity. In the car, sitting on a pot, her daughter still sobs and deliberately sobs with all her might. I feel, as in me the anger is boiling - in the chest volcanic lava explodes. This is resistance to our own weakness. I note the desire to slap the child in the face, so she ceases to cry. I look at my daughter and at the same time I miss this desire for my body - it passes by a scorching wave. I raise my daughter, and embrace her, I say that I love her very much. We begin to discuss the solution of the problem. The daughter reports that she does not want to eat, wants an ice cream now and wants to walk a little more in the park. I think that it's already lunch time and it's time to go home to bed. The daughter does not understand why she needs to eat. Then I ask, does she promise to eat normally after she has eaten the sweet? The daughter pauses, looks into her eyes and nods her head. Ok, we go to the park to take a walk and buy ice cream, and then we go to dinner. With an undisguised inner wonder, I observe how a daughter who has just sobbed from her last strength, looks at the dandelion with appeasement and tells me in a calm voice how beautiful he is while I try to close the car. I also want the same magical emotion switch =)
  • 23. I am aware, alert. I feel some dissatisfaction with myself: in this incarnation I often fell asleep. I watch the mind: it is he who evaluates often, not often, badly, well. Being in the Presence I feel the deep gratitude of Life for this incarnation.
  • 24. Every day becomes more interesting and interesting. My character never thought about how and what happens to my cousins, we are so many and we do not communicate at all. I ask why you do not communicate with them in the first place. I noticed that I did not make the first step to communication. Fear of being rejected and I rejected it myself, so as not to feel the fear of loneliness. Now I'm making the very first step with love. We are on the maternal line of brothers and sisters 21, someone is no longer on earth. I do not know a lot about many people, how did their life come about? I wrote letters to my cousins. Someone responded immediately, someone is silent. And I understand them, because they feel the same feelings.
  • 25. Grandfather's line is more harmonized, although there was also a tragedy, the brother of great-grandfather in the years of occupation (lived in another country), the Japanese were hanged. These were very difficult times, people were in constant fear, they were afraid of everything, their tongue kept their teeth all the time, it was very forbidden to express feelings. Hunger and poverty, had to work on the ground, do agriculture otherwise not survive. And I see how this fear is unconsciously transmitted from generation to generation ...
  •     26. Papa is no longer there, and we did not communicate with his relatives at all. This now affects the fact that I have absolutely no information about Dad's line. Asking my mother, there are at least some clues to find out about his sisters and brothers, I saw a profound dislike of my father's mom's mother and this same rejection is mine. My mother always talked about her father's parents, her brother is very negative. I continue to play and look for at least some clues. There is trust in Consciousness and even if I do not have time to gather information during the game, I will still continue to search.

    To be continued...

Ha-Ha! Playing!

The Leela.



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15.06 14:55

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Бесформенный игрок

14.06 21:39

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  1. Розыгрыш потери контроля. Игрок сразу его распознал, и, хотя, ум пытается себя проявить, игрок не поддается.
  2. Розыгрыш о силе и слабости. Игроку все же удается его распознать, но в итоге опирается не на принятие разных проявлений мира, а на идею ("сила женщины в слабости"). Я заметила, что частенько когда розыгрыш раскусывается, хитрый ум таки пытается подсунуть какую-то концепцию под видом неконцепции. Пытаюсь увидеть ее еще на подходе, но бывает, что одна да и проскользнет. 
  3. Интересно изучать свой род. Вопрос, что потом делать с этой информацией. Изучить, чтобы больше узнать о предках или чтоб примерить это на себя, заняв роль жертвы? Каждый видит в этом что-то свое.
  4. Розыгрыш-провокация. Нет ничего сложного в разотождествлении с эго, сидя в пещере вдали от людей. Гораздо сложнее удержать этот процесс в социуме, где постоянно возникают провокации, где при любом случае окружающее обязательно напомнять про то, кто ты есть, т.е. твое эго. 
  5. Розыгрыш - контроль. Удивительно, что как только перестаешь поддаваться эго, мир сам разрешает ситуацию, которую создал.Игрок вовлекся в игру, попытаясь запланировать свои действия на будущее, а потом поняла, что будущего нет :)
  6. Розыгрыш спонтанности. Быть в творчестве, быть спонтанным - значит быть сейчас. Возникает потребность - это эго. Разотождествившись с ним, игрок просто пошли и попросила - здесь и сейчас, спонтанно. 
  7. -
  8. У меня мозг сломался :)
  9. Розыгрыш контроля. Очень хочется контролировать все и всех вокруг, этот водоворот затягивает. Чем больше туда вовлекает - тем меньше воздуха остается для дыхания. Игрок вовлеклась в эту игру, стремясь контролировать дочь, оградить ее от болезни и прочих недугов. Попытка закончилась вместе с кислородом: страх, вина. Разбор ситуации и перепросмотр помог принять и осознать.
  10. Про подарки и про больницы: недавно был опыт. Один раз пришла на прием, просидела в очереди 4 часа, хотя по предыдущему посещению ожидала, что народу мало будет. Ха-ха, раз забылась - получай. На следующий раз опять забылась и морально подготовилась к очереди, в итоге я была единственная на прием и прошла за 5 минут =) Забываться - это весело, это интересно. 
  11. Очень веселый розыгрыш: игрок принимает события, которые окрашивает в знак плюс, чувствую себя в ресурсе, и тут проверка: дескать, у тебя есть события, которые ты держишь в минусе, держи на десерт. Берите попкорн, рассаживайтесь поудобней =) И у игрока выбивается почва из-под ног.. или не выбивается. В данном случае первое. Игрок понимает, что нет постоянства, разные состояния сменяют себя, сейчас может быть любое состояние.
  12. Игрок увидела здесь переоценку своей роли. Думаю, здесь еще играет роль, что игрок получала определенный опыт и решила, что правильно, если он будет повторяться. А сейчас получила другой опыт, и сразу возникла на него реакция как на неправильный, хотя это просто опыт момента сейчас.
  13. Сознание с помощью сна пыталось вовлечь в игру "что бы это значило". Игрок не поддался на это и понял бессмысленность поиска смысла в играх эго.
  14. Розыгрыш в том, что игроку показывается его тень через другого человека. Игрок видит розыгрыш и принимает свои проявления.
  15. Розыгрыш про оценку. Эго оценивает: хорошее принимает, а плохое нет. Игрок наблюдает и размывает эти придуманные оценки, принимая себя.
  16. Игрок сразу увидел розыгрыш, нацеленный на реакцию игрока, и не поддался ему.
  17. Аналогично предыдущему: розыгрыш был нацелен на реакцию игрока, на отождествление его с эго. Розыгрыш был раскрыт
  18. Контроль потерян. Попытка восстановить его неудачна, нежелание довериться и быть сейчас - отсюда неприятие и ощущения в теле. И все равно избегание жить сейчас: мысли о том, что накормлю, если попросит. Когда ситуация была отпущена и игрок расслабился, все произошло само собой.
  19. Мои возрастным родственникам тоже присуща жалость к родным, жалость к себе, жертвенность, но бездеятельность в том, что касается изменения своей жизни. Сначала я пыталась причинить добро и насадить счастье насильно. Со времененем поняла, что если человеку нужен опыт жертвы - он будет ей, скрывая за этим страх одиночества. И только сам человек может изменить свою жизнь, если же он этого не хочет - значит можно его просто принимать таким, без оценки и жалости.
  20. -
  21. -
  22. Розыгрыш в принятии своего бессилия. Игрок не принимает его, реагируя гневом. Как только игрок это понимает и пропускает через себя, все меняется. Волшебный переключатель эмоций - находиться в моменте присутствия. Дети без труда это делают, постепенно уходя от него с возрастом
  23. Эго суетится, пытается оценивать, собирая пазлы прошлого, избегая ощущения присутствия. Игрок его отслеживает и останавливает.
  24. -
  25. -
  26. Игрок увлекается игрой и забывает присутствовать. Кто будет продолжать искать?:)


11.06 04:06


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