The centaur lives in the present!

Tuesday 17 October, 2017

Last weekend, near Vladivostok, the second part of the retreat with Rama ended.

This Force drawing was devoted to the study of the following, after (mask and shadow) false identification - (Ego and Body).

In this false identification of oneself only with the mind, a person lives by passing the boundary between himself (the mind) and the body (what he thinks he owns).

Thus, he, identifying himself only with the mind-ego, represents himself as a rider, and the body as a horse.

The ego lives in time, striving for future achievements and mourning past losses.

An ordinary person believes that the border between the mind and the body is absolutely real, and therefore he does not fit in his head, as someone can question it, not to mention dissol
In fact, it seems that my body just constantly hangs somewhere under me.
  •     I enter the world no longer with the body, but with the body.
  •   I'm here, from above, and it's down there, and I'm not quite sure what it is down there, that's it.
  •   My mind is almost exclusively in the head: I am the head, and I have the body.
  •   The body ceases to be "me" and comes down to my property, it becomes something "mine."
  • In short, the body, just as it happened with the shadow, becomes an object or projection, a "garbage".

Through the body as a whole, the boundary is drawn and the body is discarded as a "non-self."

  • On a superficial level, we refuse to return the body, because we do not believe that there are any reasons for this,
    and it seems to us that there is a lot of noise coming from nothing about this.
  • On a deeper level, we are afraid to return the body, because it serves as a haven of especially bright and living socially forbidden emotions and feelings.
  • And, finally, bodies are avoided, because it is the abode of death.

It should be noted that what we call the "physical body" is a reality no more profound than the psychic ego.

  • n fact, the body as such is the lowest of the forms of consciousness;
  •  The body is not a "deeper reality" than the ego, but the integration of the body and the ego is indeed a deeper reality than each of them individually, and it was their integration, the formation of the whole, that was given special importance to the retreat.

    When the boundary between the Ego and the body dissolves, we turn from a rider into a centaur.
A centaur always lives in a transitory concrete present, a living present, which does not cling to yesterday and does not sigh for tomorrow, but finds its fulfillment in the generous gifts of this moment.

And although this is not always present, this is a step in the right direction.
  •  Centauric consciousness is a powerful antidote to the world from the "shock of the future."

In order to re-discover the unity of opposites sleeping in the depths of our being, when the boundary between the mind and the body dissolves, we must inevitably meet with the blocks existing in the body, which we create by our thinking.

  • These blocks are fixed areas or zones of constriction, pressure and tension in the body, is the muscular containment of some forbidden impulse or feeling.

It is important to understand that the blocks mentioned are not involuntary, moreover, they can not physically be so. They do not arise by chance. They are something that we actively create in ourselves. In short, we intentionally, intentionally and voluntarily create these blocks, since they consist only of arbitrarily contracting muscles.

  •  But, curiously, we do not know that we are creating them. We contract these muscles, and although we know that they are contracted and tense, we do not know that we ourselves are actively cutting them.

Therefore, the most important question that faced the participants of the retreat was not that,

  • "how can I remove or relax these blocks",
  • but in "how do I see that I myself am actively creating them."

Three days passed like one moment and the retreat participants, leaving for their playing fields, took with them a deep understanding of the difference,
  • what it means to think life from the Ego
  • or live it out of Centaur


Yes, the centaur self-realization is healthy, that is:

life in the transitory concrete present,



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