The 10 day retreat of Samadhi. Aftertaste.

Wednesday 26 July, 2017

And you will meet when you are not waiting.
And you will not find where you are looking.

Well, at the Academy of Leela, another Samadhi retreat ended, lasting 10 days.

Perhaps this is the deepest experience of immersion in oneself, which participants can have with the help of specially organized events (RETRITES).

Well, about how the players played on this Force draw, read this news bulletin.

  • She has lived the experience of Samadhi. Powerful retreat. I thank the Consciousness that everything is organized so. Pushed me into this experience. I came to him closed, in strong identification in connection with the news of my illness, with disagreement to accept reality as is, with a mask, a rested ego. I thank the Master for the direction, for the transfer of Knowledge. For the vision, how I created a disease for myself. I realized how my soul, my illusory fears, how the mind starts to guide, lead from now. I opened myself to living a sense of weakness. The delivery took place every minute. Cleared the dark corners of the soul. Many tools were used for this, including the healing energy of Ilahinur. I thank all the players for their help and support. The strongest aura of the Oasis of awakening. On the seventh day of samadhi I gave up - I realized - there are no fears, no death. It turned out in that place of the moment now - without thought. The body stretched like a string and as if it was thrown up, sweeping along the way. What clung to. The body dissolved. The outbreak lasted a long time. Then came the moment of rest. There was some absolute peace. In Samadhi I received many Gifts. A way to AWAKE. Mine I-I-I-no. There is no one. To be afraid there is nobody and there is nothing. There is no death. I have trust, love and gratitude. I raise awareness. I am ready to pass, to live any experience that Consciousness sends me.
  • This is the mercy of Consciousness, only this can be called this Retreat. All the conditions have been created in order to go as deeply as possible. Where else is it possible for 10 days to stay in meditation for 113 hours, only here. On the eve, the lotteries of the Players set the tone for the retreat. The deep fear of death went to the throne and I managed to thoroughly investigate it, to understand what the body is afraid of and what does not want to live. How the ego does everything for you to leave the moment now, from the truth. I accepted, lived and opened a feeling of weakness and impotence. Clearing the dark side of the soul. The clear direction of the Teacher and this task is to see how I create the blocks and what I do for this. Consciousness has shown me how, with my negative thoughts, criticism, condemnation and resentment, I paralyze the entire left side of my body. Defending yourself to live a sense of rejection and loneliness. It's great when you're in Awareness. The vision of innocent Consciousness and with what love, trembling and care, she sends you an event. And when you, open to experience and go with confidence, everything will turn out, and you enjoy every moment. So much Love and Light. When you do not resist experience, feelings, everything flows, energy flows, changing feelings. Absolute, peace Bliss, there is no one. Great Thanks to all players for the unity. Gratitude to the Master, for the vision of the path, for the LIGHT.
  • Retreat took place in the mode of conscious intensive internal work, and at night the analysis did not stop - there were symbolic dreams that opened deep wounds that also helped to unidentify with the feeling of Ya. Accurate Teacher support, practices, retreats, travel, ministry, energy of the group and the caring atmosphere of the center Oasis of Awakening and employees, interaction with the energy of Ilahinur on the retreat began to give unexpectedly the fruits of years of diligence. And also the draws, which occurred with the players, were facilitated by the example of which the experience of disagreement with the illusion of death lived. The most important Gift is the ability to see the Game from the level of Consciousness, its true nature. Yes, there were different states - good and some decline, but there was a deep awareness of the natural manifestation of the present moment without accusations of an illusory mind. Retreat breathed in the strength and knowledge that spills out - the desire to share. Now the feeling of inner peace and the warm field of a simple Being - upon arrival home a huge pile of unfinished business has been piled up, but it is going on inside the adoption and solution of problems without fuss in full awareness. Such a sense of taste of life! Gratitude to Consciousness for this rally !!! A low bow to the Teacher.
  • After remote games, this retreat became, as it were, a practice where I lived death in my life, trying on to myself the events that happened to another player. I must say that I do not have so much strength and courage at the moment to absolutely accept death and really live it. Mind and emotions partially resigned and surrendered to its inevitability, but the body can not be deceived. Although physically I have lived this retreat easier than previous ones. The process is going on and I'm putting all the efforts that depend on me. Identified and lived the defense against the fear of death. I clearly saw the resistance of living physical pain, because it is equivalent to death for me. My tendency at the slightest risk is to drink a pill, find a doctor, do the operation, but return the situation to its original safe state. Observed how this tendency binds the body, some parts of the body are generally de-energized, although I did not notice it. The more I work with the fear of death, the more new nuances open, it seems that all life is built around it. There were also incredibly high living spaces of emptiness, silence, power, formlessness. Once vper
  • After remote games, this retreat became, as it were, a practice where I lived death in my life, trying on to myself the events that happened to another player. I must say that I do not have so much strength and courage at the moment to absolutely accept death and really live it. Mind and emotions partially resigned and surrendered to its inevitability, but the body can not be deceived. Although physically I have lived this retreat easier than previous ones. The process is going on and I'm putting all the efforts that depend on me. Identified and lived the defense against the fear of death. I clearly saw the resistance of living physical pain, because it is equivalent to death for me. My tendency at the slightest risk is to drink a pill, find a doctor, do the operation, but return the situation to its original safe state. Observed how this tendency binds the body, some parts of the body are generally de-energized, although I did not notice it. The more I work with the fear of death, the more new nuances open, it seems that all life is built around it. There were also incredibly high living spaces of emptiness, silence, power, formlessness. One day, for the first time, was the living of the unity of all things and the understanding of this truth from their own experience. With some players in the pair, the energy is very harmonious, reinforcing each other, which allows you to live the Truth of who you are very deeply. Such retreats give a powerful immersion, an intensity of work that it is not possible to get at home alone. I thank Ram, all participants, Pearls for this experience.
  • Participation in the retreat gave a subtle understanding of the game! The main Gift is Knowledge - the energy that was manifested during the retreat, you can not exactly explain this process with the mind, everything happened according to the level of openness, acceptance and readiness of the body, to miss the subtle vibrations that dissolved the accumulated soap-the beliefs and the character felt silence. Internal peace came through working with myself, I saw myself limiting myself for fear of Death. And death is the same illusion as thoughts, and it opened on retreat, to finally understand that there is no death and as soon as you are dissolving with ideas, it was the awareness of who I was. Yes, we can say automatically that Consciousness, and after all, only through experience one can know the reality of Consciousness and retreat, this colossal experience of daily experiences in which the essence was revealed - Truth when you find yourself - Consciousness! Here it is Game of hide and seek! This is an endless process! Returning home, I bought a magazine Yoga to read on the road, how much was confirmation of everything that was happening, this is the moment when I opened the magazine and the article about Ramana Maharshi, that Death is not there, I felt the presence of the Game in everything and everywhere! Thank you for this experience of all who took part in this Rally!
  • Consciousness played out at the very beginning of the retreat, leaving my dad's body. It was unexpected, but not by accident. The departure of a beloved person was for me a very sobering and nurturing experience ... Previous problems and sorrows are just "children's toys" ... even funny to remember about them ... It took the use of all knowledge and practice to live all the feelings, emotions and bodily blocks, this uneasy gestalt. The wise and loving escort of the Master helped a lot, the warm participation and help of the whole group, the ideal setting and the regime for work, and .. The Grace of Consciousness ... The main conclusions I have learned from this test ... Everything must be done on time ... Everything can be experienced ... With Huge Love and Gratitude.
  • Consciousness is gracious! And it gave the opportunity to participate in retreat of this level. Infinite ACKNOWLEDGMENTS! Ten days is a lifetime! High degree of intensity and residence and acceptance and awareness. Of course, I can not describe all the processes that have occurred ... DEATH ... Such a message was: signs shortly before the retreat began (the death of a friend), along the way dead animal bodies, towards the hearse with photo (black tape), the player dies a father a day the beginning of the retreat, the player still has a fatal diagnosis. The whole atmosphere is saturated with the fear of death. With this, I began to work. I saw how the fear perekorezhivaet body (this is despite the fact that while the events are not particularly concerned and I was in safe conditions), but the body is afraid, or rather, UM. As the dive deeper and deeper, at the body level, processes began. Internal work did not stop seeming even for a minute. Even more I saw, even more deeply realized. And living with body and through the body is just like that. To be honest, I have a difficulty describing everything that happened. But what happened there is not forgotten. And you already live in a different way. In fact, now I understand that the game for me has just begun! My gift is that I begin to see the game of Consciousness. With Love and Gratitude!
  • The main gift of retreat is Silence ... which can not be described in words ... such a silent gratitude for everything ... for sorrow for the joy of pain and for fear ... with which an inseparable bond is established and in which everything happens the life of the game and the death of the game ...
  • I'll begin with acknowledgments to Teacher. Thank you for the wise support throughout the retreat. It seemed that the Master was reading his thoughts and knows in advance what is disturbing at the moment and the words are just about that. This is my first long retreat: every day I carried my Gifts. Although of course there were differently-one-day euphoria from awareness, another tears of experience and resistance. So many recapitulations, as I did in these 10 days, were probably not for the whole process of practice.
    Awareness and acceptance of your dark side, as a result - Repentance and gratitude to the former smear, the living of the fear of Death, recapitulation and acceptance of the father's departure from the body (this was forbidden to me and I always avoided going into this pain) - this is where I went for the first time . And this gave the new Forces to understand and realize, who I am?
    The experience of disidentification with the body gave a vision of the emptiness of the body and mind, and the fact that there is no Death. Of course, everything changes. And returning to the rhythm of everyday life, I see where I fall asleep, but immediately comes the vision of this dream and the desire to live out of intent. While it turns out))). And it gives more Power!I am very grateful to Teacher for the algorithm))) practice of self-healing of the organism. For working with Dreams, this experience also received many Gifts, just the realization of the Dark Side.
    I thank all participants for their work with Illahinur. A new approach with elements of consultation, gave an incredible disclosure and understanding of situations in life.
    The game in my life is gaining momentum and there is excitement! I learn to live without expectations, from intention.
    Once again with Love and Gratitude to Consciousness, a low bow !!!



Playing :))

The Leela.



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