Announcement of long retreats. Academy of Leela.

Sunday 21 January, 2018

Very soon in Tiruvannamalai (India), a 21 day retreat starts, which is devoted to total surrender.

It is known that the desire for enlightenment is an obstacle to this, so to set a goal to be enlightened is the most common mistake. At the same time, at a certain point in development, the theme of enlightenment becomes so close and relevant that it is sometimes impossible not to think about it.

On the retreat, Rama will give precise recommendations in the direction of surrender, in which each participant will need to conduct internal work.

All the participants of the retreat in Tiruvannamalai, confirmed their readiness to play at this level, having passed specific qualifying stages.

Now it's up to the little thing to get the body to the right place at the right time.

As already announced to players participating in 10-day retreats, in 2018 in June and September will be 10 retreats, in the program of which will be added a tool "conscious fasting."

Note this is not a medical starvation, although undoubtedly a health benefit, from the correctly applied this tool is obvious.

To a greater extent, this tool has been added to disagree with the Ego, because it is known that

The most powerful unconscious instinct is the instinct of self-preservation. And hunger is a direct threat, animating from the Ego the fear of death. Haha, here we will take it "warm".

About how, the practice of Conscious Famine will be introduced into the program of the 10-day retreat, Rama will be introduced to the qualifying stages during registration for this retreat.

And in Tiruvannamalai, as well as on all long retreats, which will be held in Thailand in 2019, a regime of conscious mono-raw nutrition will be introduced. Such a food leads to vibration states corresponding to the sattva guna. It is from such a vibration, a satvic nature, that transcendence is possible beyond the mind and a spontaneous presence in self-awareness.

India and Thailand, the countries in which there are so many fruits and a warm, hot climate, contributes to the fact that all participants of the retreats can easily and with interest use this tool. Note, the raw-mnogoeodnoe food on Rama retreats, is used as one of many tools, and not as a panacea.

I must say that in 2019 in Thailand, the Lila Academy will hold the longest retreat (30 days), and starting in 2020, carrying out 30-day retreats in Thailand, using all climatic and natural, as well as other resources of this country will become a regular.





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