In the footsteps of the retreat "Immersion inside yourself" (from 2 to 5 February 2018).

Thursday 08 February, 2018

"Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments turn out to be unimportant if we are not able to be happy in the most basic and ordinary way, if we are not able to touch each other and to the life that has been given to us with our heart." The simple truth matters in the matter of spiritual life: we need to make sure that our Path is connected with our heart. (D. Cornfield).

What distinguishes those who have established themselves in the Path from those who have not yet found their Way?

The key word here is search!

Those who are established on the road they are not looking anymore! They accept the Path, surrender to him at mercy and practice Sadhana (the practice which orders the Path to fulfill, according to the degree of maturity of the traveler).

Those who are still in search:

  • They rush from one master to another, in search of a more effective method.
  • Concerned only in the period of internal trials, at the rest of the time, especially successful moments of life, are forgotten and do not practice.

While those who are on the way do not wait for stimulation with a whip and a carrot, but continue to diligently perform the Sadhana (practice), regardless of mood and situations.

Where do you think the winners are on the Path? Why do some of them manage to get out of samsara, others all wander in its labyrinths?

The answer is simple: look what you are doing now, this is what you will become in the future.

And undoubtedly the participants of the retreats "Immersion in themselves", imperceptibly, gradually but surely move towards the fulfillment of the main task in the game: Full Awakening.

About how the work of the next group (from 2 to 5 February 2018) in the mode of total immersion into itself, read in this news bulletin.


  • I want to talk about the gifts received and the illuminations that have taken place on the silent retreat. Before the retreat for about 2 months, I was in a new unknown condition for me. The sensation of the "disorderliness" of my world and everything that is happening in it. Because after the consultation I practiced non-evaluation, non-interference and not doing. With this state, I entered the retreat. Life without a plan for a day, even minimal, turned my character's game into an unpredictable chain of events, in which I could only watch events, agreeing with everything that was happening. No resistance to the resulting flow of events, no evaluation, a constant sense of surprise and curiosity. The state for me is new, unknown and in it I feel insecure. On the retreat, I realized that this is FREEDOM! YES! It turns out I can tune in to pass the exam at the institute, repeat the material, concentrate, tune in and ...... BAC! my spouse will call and ask me to go with him to his parents or to the dacha, to check if the water has frozen there. Before, I would have refused, referring to important matters. But now I practice "Always say YES" (at least for the time being). And in this new emerging event, I get a tricky joke or a joke of consciousness, or just a pleasant moment of relaxation. It does not matter what, but one way or another I feel that life has changed. And from the fact that I passed the test not at the "right time" and not in the "right state" it does not change its results. And even if I did not pass it, I do not care! There are 2 more attempts. Loathing is fun! I have never had any discontent and it turns out that it's not scary and not ashamed! That's funny!
  • I do not know exactly what my food reserves are, but I always find what to cook. Pancake! It's great! I go to the fridge and wonder: will I have to run to the store or so I'll manage? It happens in different ways and I start to get pleasure from it! I DO NOT KNOW WHAT WILL BE IN THE FOLLOWING 5 minutes, an hour, three ....... and I do not care, do not care, do not fear! Before the retreat, I did not understand this state and waited for his permission (that is, what would follow) and when I realized (with the help of the group) that this was FREEDOM - the wait was gone, only curiosity remained: What next? What's the next rally?
  • The second discovery for me has become important, maybe even more important than Freedom. I felt and realized that I DO NOT MOVE! I (that invariable that was in me, is and always will be) never moves anywhere and never does anything! Neither walks nor talks, does not make decisions, does not cry, does not fear, does not expect, does not suffer, does NOTHING. IT ONLY LOOKS.
  • I opened my eyes-penumbra from the lanterns are reflected in the white room, this is the bedroom of my character. I close my eyes, open - I see the Music that rises on the bell from the corridor, I close my eyes, I open it. - Silence looked at me ironically and severely (like my mother) - the body of my incarnation fidgeted during practice. I close my eyes - I open the BRRR cold, I'm in the street, waiting for the car to follow me. WHERE IS TIME ??? WHERE IS MY WORK? WHERE IS THE SUFFERING? Where are three days of retreat? ANYWHERE. I do not move, I just see how everything happens and nothing more. I do not change anything and can not change anything and do not need to change anything. Just watch. But all of a sudden, longing and pain, I felt grief for myself and resentment, time as a rubber, an endless practice of aaaaaa. OP and I'm not me anymore. I Love, an unhappy suffering, hurt, sick aunt, 49, who desperately wants to become enlightened and finally get rid of the pain. How painful and ....... it makes no sense! Here it is a joke of consciousness! I close my eyes and smile - the rally was a success - I believed it, I got caught, so the game goes on. Another gift-LIFE of our character a priori all consists of losses, it grows, and changes. He loses his childhood, friends, changes houses, environment, interests. Does it lose? NO - just the usual changes are made by the rules of identification in the body. What my character considered to be losses is simply a change of the old into a new one. This is inevitable by the rules of growth and development. No loss there is a change. And the game is to accept this change and release the "old" past in order to let in a new one that will again become old and so endlessly. Change is the point. Loss is the delusion of the mind, fear and clinging of the dwarf for the known. My God, how simple it all is! Another gift - work with insult in a dream. This was with me times 2 or 3, but I was stuck in the victim and woke up in tears. Last night on the retreat, I received a gift - I was offended by my husband in a dream (fear of loss) and instead of tears, I began to ask myself who I was, the one who was offended, what was offensive? I went to the hotel room (in a dream) and while walking, realized that this is reality and I play. I was not torn, I returned to the restaurant and suddenly a beautiful dress was on me and a surprise was waiting for me in the restaurant (he was rude to me to leave and he had the opportunity to prepare a surprise). That's how it happens in life. Everything is not what it seems. I woke up. Was it a dream? My incarnation has a "heavy body", an inflexible and rigid and very flexible and quirky mind. Well Well - these are my gifts and with them I play as I can. I can fly - fly, can not go - crawling, no strength to crawl - just lie down and will lie in the right direction. And it does not matter whether I enlighten or not in this incarnation. The important thing is that I know the way. To leave from which it is impossible if I made a choice and I am grateful that in this drawing my character had the personal strength to find a way. It's the most important! The rest of the game! I close my eyes .... what will I see when I open them again? It does not matter - I know that this will be a new interesting experience. Identify - it means it will hurt. I will be realized - it means it will be fun! And the most fun is that it's all INFINITE Now I know the secret: Observing the constant infinite changes and the constant build-up of strength to disintegrate. Thank you, I quietly smile, I love you.
  • Participation in Retreat directed to clarify itself and gave the realization that only by my thoughts I bring ignorance, turning into a victim. The cunning mind deftly withdraws from the source, constantly playing and testing awareness. On the retreat in the place of strength, thanks to a good company, I saw a victim who comes to the illusion of waiting. Here comes the wave from the mission, interwoven with the clan, such a wonderful game when there is a vision of how to get to the source. Thanks to the Power Draw, it turned out to reveal bans and fears, which simply do not exist, but there is an illusory mind that deceives. Fear of loneliness, fear of being alone and fearing oneself, laughter were flashing. And besides me there is no one, There is only Consciousness! Yes, but to laugh, you must first be afraid, that's such a fun game. Working in pairs with the energy of Ilahinur, there was a release of clamped, forbidden joy and it was so naturally spontaneous manifestation. It was realized that by letting out natural emotions and not enveloping them with destructive feelings I Live and believe in a true Source that is only here and now!
  • A good company - participants of the Namaste Rally! How wonderful that there is Leela's Academy! I thank you very much for the opportunity to serve, when you serve you give this part of yourself to the world and manifest itself, and this experience expands your Consciousness. Very very fruitful work The first day of the retreat is dedicated to the condition associated with the grandmother. She was very grateful to Ilahinur, she lit up the fear of death, went first to accept herself, and then into fear. The most interesting when I went to him, I notice how the mind makes up the mind, and I notice that I do not die, on and on, I breathe and breathe, it does not cease to happen. And the second day I worked with grandfather Ivan. Through his image there is resentment, pity. Injustice Life became meaningless. I saw how he lost his strength, in a difficult situation. And even the male forces. Stuck in this condition. And he does not accept himself. And resisted the natural emotions of sadness. Yes it is a built-in program, it still works, but when making steps, it is released and cleared, the inner space and you can feel easier., Freer, happier. Thank you, Rama !!! I change, there are forces, and life becomes complete. Thank you!!! Group of participants, Oasis, Consciousness
  • The past retreat, as a rally of Service, deepened Knowledge. We had to play, because the tendencies are very strong, forced to disagree and play. Travel experience, Winter Dist. The game, Service in the retreat of Ilahinur began to give tangible benefits. The clarity of the picture of the illusory manifestations of Consciousness comes. And a fairly stable stay in Self-Consciousness allows you to be filled with Your Game (Consciousness), the living of natural feelings without the conceptual preparations of loneliness hanging on them, and especially often pop-up senselessness. Staying from a real feeling of the moment transforms into lightness, into creative energy, the energy of the One, holistic picture of manifestations. Destruction tried to appear out of habit, but immediately the very awareness of the true nature of all illusory manifestations, the disunity with them gave the energy of love, humility, gratitude. Such a disidentifying Game, satvic food made it easier for bodily sensations. Low bow to the Teacher, the players serving on this retreat, who, as manifestations of my unidentified Consciousness, help to see this crazy game, a deep understanding that there is no one here. Haha !!!!
  • This retreat was a breeze))). In an atmosphere of complete trust and support from the lead and the players. The intention for this dive was to track down the victim and not let her lead herself away from living true feelings and emotions. The hardest thing for me is to agree with myself. ))) Sometimes it seemed that I was treading on the spot and nothing was happening. And so too can be !!! But, the result was not long in coming, and it was visible on the physical level. Neurodermatitis, which did not pass within three months, calmed down and melted right before our eyes. Miracles!!! Hooray! I managed! I created it myself, I cured it myself! All in my head!)) I thank Tishin for his support, knowledge, wisdom! All players for open hearts! Rama, a low bow!



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