Release 3. Spring-Summer Distance Games 2018.

Wednesday 06 June, 2018

The Path of Spiritual Awakening
Sent upwards.
Through life experience
To the top of human potential.
On this way we pass
The Gate of Awakening.
Their goal is evolution
The arena is a daily routine,
The deepest secret is action.
And time is right now.
(D. Millman).

You know, the world is constantly talking to you, and then, when you are confused in the labyrinth of the mind, you start to doubt, you get frightened ... It's just at such moments that you need to calm your mind a little and come to a state of inner silence ... Silence is the best healer from anxieties ... When this is realized, the boundary between the inner and outer is erased and everything is seen as One. Notice Signs, paying attention to them. Traffic lights simply indicate the desired color. Lighthouses just shine. He who has eyes, let him hear ...

In this summary, draws played by players in the current game are collected:

  • My general state, or rather the state of my character during this week, can be described as apathy, not desire and physical fatigue. But two desires have always been with me, the desire to Play and the desire to do Meditation Practice! Strange sensations as though two persons one play, another mope. But judging from the knowledge acquired at the Academy of Leela, I realized that this is normal and we are subject to experiencing any conditions, the main thing is not to get involved in them, to watch vigilantly and let them be, which I did. I want to thank Master Rama for the amazing Books that help me come to Mindfulness, I re-read them, 3 times a day on the subway on my way to work and on a pause.
  • The family, two grandmothers, a daughter and a granddaughter came in, searched for a gift for the granddaughter, in parallel Daughter (middle-aged woman, smiling cheerfully), asked to repair the earrings, our boss repaired, but as soon as it was time to pay, the daughter suddenly began to resent and the friendly tone changed to scream and threats .... the boss, the elderly man, was confused .... I had to razrulivat situation, the daughter (the customer) switched to me .... I realized the situation, I remembered the code of the Hunter, that the main thing is not to become a victim and not to fall in condemnation! The hunter in his actions takes into account the unforeseen, and therefore he can never be caught unawares. I explained the situation and made a discount with the approval of the chef for a gift for the granddaughter. The woman calmed down and paid! I once again convinced myself that it is very important in what internal state I am at the moment, if I am in the role of a victim or an executioner, I think that the buyer would not have heard me, despite the discount in the price. In general, I began to notice behind myself that the reflex of the desire to condemn a person appears quite often in me (I think that the block in the head region is connected with this fact).
  • The boss asked me to go for an empty box to another store, inside resistance went, fear of rejection, rejection ... I do not want to think, I will not ... it's funny myself ... I'm walking along the road ... I convince myself that even if they refuse, run and other horror stories ... for me it will be a wonderful opportunity to work out their fears! On the soul it became easy and a flying gait I reached the store. It felt like I was in the stream, it all happened in a split second. I see a young man with paper in his hand, he turned into the back room, I followed him, I see there is another man reporting paper to the press machine, one movement and all the boxes and paper will turn into dust ... I politely asked about the salvation of one of the boxes, and In a second, it was already in my hands and that size, as required! Uraaa! As in the song "The Song of Fears" from the Soviet cartoon "The coward we'll shake, we'll make the brave look, we're melting." We are bold and fearful in fright ... "
  • I feel fatigue and do not want to work, there are no buyers ... I've already washed everything, cleaned the decorations, the seller can not sit down with us ... his legs hurt ... I want that the time passed quickly, there is irritation ... wake up, realize my condition, I see in this the situation is the opportunity to do meditation practice in motion, thank the Consciousness for this opportunity!
  • My cat hunts for flies, it's interesting to watch it ... at the moment when it fixed the prey, its entire being focuses on the object of hunting, from the tip of the ears and to the tip of the tail, I'm not talking about the look, there is such concentration and attention ... share a second pause ... or ... jump! Without a doubt, and Strakhov, I see the goal I do not see any obstacles !!! I still have to study and learn ... Hunter's skills from my favorite!
  • I call my ex-husband, I ask you to help. I keep track of the thought: you can not hope for it. But I notice that I speak with him gently and calmly. I ask: can he bring me a thing? it is heavy. He does not refuse, he says: he will definitely bring. But only when? I understand that he is lying. Inside, I get upset, but I continue to speak softly, without reproach. S.Z. also responds in a good way and says that he will call in the afternoon and decide this question. At this stage, it was important for me my state, the state of respect for another person. Thank you Consciousness for your wisdom. I saw that with S.Z. You can solve problems without swelling high waves. Earlier in such cases: he was always as before, and he got angry and hung up. Well, I reproached and accused. Now another tactic. After lunch, S.Z. Do not call or pick up the phone. Which is to be expected. I feel how indignation rises again inside. Stop. Do not give an assessment, do not judge, but only feel, do not think. A little later I understand: I can not change it, I can only accept it as it is. Yes, only so. There is no anger, no suffering. Yes! The next day I phoned him, and said: that you do not take the phone? Well, you can not, just say so, and take the tube, the news was about to tell you about your daughter. It does not change, I give up, I accept this situation. But help me, I will persuade. I will play, I will call.
  • I bought a weighty cabbage in the store. It was dried and unpleasant to the taste. Earlier I would have come to the store and was indignant and said how you can so deceive. In general, there would be some emotions. Now, being in a conscious presence, I approached the saleswoman and said three suggestions: return money to me, this is not a condition, it is impossible to eat. The saleswoman silently wilted cabbage and gave money. I noticed in my mind a sense of confidence and strength. Aye yes, well done! That's it, Life, you do not have to win all the time!
  • I call and say: dear husband, when will you bring me the promised, I'll call you, remind you, so as not to forget. Okay, okay - he says. I know I'm not going to do it. At times, resentment rises. I talk respectfully, I like this game, I like this calm inside me. S.Z. do not change, he so often does. My anger and assertiveness did not bring results either. And so I gradually move on to other rails of understanding this illusory world. I am learning to accept people and situations as they are. Give peace a state of rest.
  • I stand on the sidelines, the sister's car drives up. I took a small shelf to take to the cottage. I see irritation on my sister's husband's face, I call him son-in-law. His business is bad, and he is often annoyed. Well, I know that. And I know that the mood of a person is constantly changing. And all the same it was led to its vibration, it touched me. I tell him: why are you angry, that it's hard to take a shelf. Here and the sister is connected. Both are unhappy. I ask that I did the wrong thing, that it irritates you so much. But she began to speak emotionally. Began to prove. To which the sister said: do not be smart. I fell silent. Lately they have been very friendly with me. And my conviction: that they can not behave this way with me, threw me out of the present moment. Mentally speaking myself, when I came to my senses: do not give an assessment of what is happening, do not judge, do not think, feel. Do not let your mind change your condition. But feelings of resentment already appeared, because they were not in awareness. Forgotten. Consciousness caught me. There are, as is. The sister is already laughing. He says that you are silent. I honestly answer, I'm not afraid to seem weak: I was upset. My sister wanted to say something. The brother-in-law said: do not touch her. Again I was looking for the love of the outside world. Well, at least I'm aware of this. Why did I take offense: my sister does not like what I do, they do not take my actions, and I thought that they rejected me. Mask - I was silent, but I would have pouted before.
  • I notice, I'm so smart, observant. I'm .. I'm .. that's it. the mind begins to play with me, and I identify with these ideas about myself. Oh well! Finge his face. I say: loosen your grip. Just kidding. I ask the question. Who is speaking? I. I am present. Let's play with you in other concepts. These concepts Here and Now, you must remember the mind and return to them constantly. Do you hear? Well, what's next with you playing? Playing. Ha ha ha. It's funny. To you it is ridiculous, me too. So they talked.
  • There was a long break not communicating with the father of the son, circumstances attract us, and I come to his garage to take the money and give it to my son. Seeing me in the car, the conversation comes of course about the car, and he is an auto mechanic and he starts to speak his opinion, and I certainly focus on his opinion and quietly begin to play by his rules, what and how best to do. Realizing this, I remember the task, or rather myself, that I am the Spirit. His opinion works as long as I react to it. I see the game and I'm distracting. I accept everything as it is. After all, we are one in the Spirit!
  • A 17-year-old girl came to the class, very interesting, which does not correspond to the programs of others. In the search for herself and she wanted me to talk to her and help her, how to live on. I told her that I conduct individual consultations and they are paid. She said she had no money, but would later, which she could pay later. I see my game and I wanted to take it, I followed my pity and said that as we will meet with you and it did not matter to me what she would think and say. I clearly understood that I was in line with myself. Everything is Spirit! The next day, she came to class, but she did not complain already, but thanked her for her occupation.
    A drawing with my mother, having arrived behind her to take her to the market, where she sells home greenery. She began to wipe the car, she began to react, that time already and it is necessary to go faster, I calmly say that we will be in time, but she still grumbles, I feel guilty that she will not have time and put off the sink and act according to her opinion, I cave in to please and be a good daughter. I felt, weak, and caught that I was under the influence of an external object and that there was fear and steers the ego. I play and accept everything as is, according to the law of Pure Consciousness. Everything is Spirit! I am free to manifest myself according to true desire without reacting. After all, the Spirit does not care what happens. Inside, a smile of Consciousness appeared and the music played in the car, where there were words, peace to your home and everything will be fine!
  • A 13-year-old girl and a grandmother came to an individual meeting. I consult in occasion of correction of a posture, at the girl a scoliosis. The girl did not really want to do it when I offered her a choice, she agreed that it's better to do it and it was so natural, I felt how easy it is to manifest according to the true state where there is neither bad nor good. Everything happens in the space of the Spirit and for each one has its own experience, but one is given to all. In this girl I saw myself, who was afraid to admit that she was embarrassed herself, her height and because of this stoop, it was easy to inspire her, saying approving words and forming actions to deal with. I understand that all this I say to myself and that a normal girl, it is important now to learn to see your weak points and correct them. Self-esteem began to rise in the girl, she decided to engage in, go to individual classes. Grandmother was pleased, she also realized that everything is formed from childhood and she gave her example and said she was too shy in virginity and that because of this, she suffered. And now she, too, will go to classes. So forming in the child support and raising her self-esteem. She sincerely smiled and it was a smile of Consciousness. Everything happened in the Spirit of Consciousness.
  • I talk with my son's father and say that I will leave and will not be able to send money to a child for a week, he says that he does not have a job now, I feel a reaction, I catch him and say that you need to manifest yourself, you are a good master, that just so there is nothing not attracted to, that you need information, advertising. And he agrees, to make business cards, that's the power of approval. By approving others, I dissolve the barrier of fear and unbelief in myself! This is the power of the Spirit.
  • The concept of mirrors, an interesting moment of cognition. I knew about it and applied it, I did not fully understand that mirrors are an illusion and that it helps me to understand myself. Now I see how each person's mirror helps me to see myself and be free from non-acceptance, and if that is not the fault of the mirror and not God, but my misunderstanding and protection from myself. Everything happens in the Spirit! And the nearby mirrors awaken me. Looking in the mirror of my mother, I see diligence, perseverance, acceptance and fearlessness, as well as weakness, loneliness, uncertainty. This is not good or bad, it helps me to see myself and learn to accept and not react to go this way and get rid of the Illusion of the Mirrors! I accept and thank the Spirit, although the Spirit does not matter, because it is neutral! This is a game of Consciousness!
  • A new girlfriend O. (she is 26 years old), who came here 4 months ago, periodically runs to me to solve her questions, including domestic ones. Today she asked to pet things. Of course, come, at the same time and talk))). When she came, she began stroking and said the approximate: "I'll stroke and go," I had a sharp feeling of use. The head and internal ripple in my ears got very sick. Spontaneously (while cooking dinner) revision: I'm young (19 - 24 years) resorting to grandmothers for money and eat, or to eat and something to ask for ... and quickly run away. It reminds me of my behavior, I resorted to the support of my grandmothers. For their love. I grabbed a dose and rushed about my business, not thinking about them at all. What's so terrible about how I feel used? - The fact that I do not get "in return" the same attention and love. Just like in my 20 years, it was scary not to get the support of relatives ... Fear of rejection and lonelinessI'll be alone - reject all-EVERYTHING! - further only dies. The live picture (like my recollection) floated like this: the elder brother is teaching his younger sister (my grandmother R. (daughter G.)): "Take it, do not ask, use it. They steal everything, it will be fair if you return it to yourself a little! "(Theft is dictated by a sense of justice, the moral right to do so, is, the return of the taken away one) and my use of others is also a kind of stealing (there is a moral right to do so. The face grows numb with ears. I also realized the reason for my child theft of bread (fresh rolls). I just could not pass by, I was heartened by the desire to take them and steal them. Once, when we were already out of the store, my aunt noticed my bagel and told me to take it back. She was left with my cousin and brother to wait. But since we had time to move away from the store, then to get to the store again and return, I needed about 7 minutes. So, while I was going to the store and back - I ate and ate with that appetite. And with the most honest eyes she said she had. After this incident, I became more cautious - more professional in stealing and hiding bread. Later, my theft turned into iridescent calendars and money. I was stopped by an accidentally heard conversation of parents at night, when I was very frightened that they would stop loving me. The fear of losing love stopped, not awareness of "bad" deeds. Now I understand that I was guided by the memory of the genus - steal to survive.
  • Knees burned all night. I observed the sensations in practice. Every now and then, carried away in thought. In part 2 of the practice, I checked the fear of loss. Did not respond like the losses themselves (for example, it is a wrong decision taken or by inattention, or ignorance), however, there is a response somewhat in another aspect: continued to track the fear of having big money. The body responded taaakim powerful Kom under the crown in the very center of the brain, where the numbness of the nose and the whole face comes from. M: they will come and take everything away. Clearly from great-grandfather. Thought sits deep. What's terrible if they take everything away? For a long time there was no answer, and then very harshly: death. Noise in the ears (like a train is going). And the quality of this death did not succumb to anything at all. Only I clearly understood that this is not the fear of physical death. Rather, as complete destruction I am. He (the grandfather) lost all himself, his own self. She just sat and let Ilahinur through that lump in her head, accepting. After practice: Knees began to burn stronger. Severe nausea. Dizziness. The condition seems to start an attack of dyskinesia. On the automatic machine staggering ran to seize: kefir, bread ... but halfway stopped. The fear of getting a real attack is realized and I see protection. I lay down on the couch, surrendering and skipping. The body in the region of the waves of the plexus pulsates and burns. I breathe. After 20 minutes everything ends. Yes ... fear found strong. Immediately thinking about help: we must ask for support from the Sangha. Stop. Again a panic. Emotions of great-grandfather all rage ... I allow myself to be this ...
  • Today the daughter is sitting at home and again did not read anything ... she called my grandmother to ask my granddaughter to come to see me, my mother calls me and tries to ask my daughter to come to me ... I say no ... Mom is offended because she came and missed her granddaughter ... I repeat no, having been in fear that my mother will take offense and will not talk to me through time dissipates ... I understand the very flow of fear itself. Mom calmly asked why I explained ... Mom agreed quietly, and we understood each other, the next day talked comfortably with each other.
  • With every call to her daughter, she answers what she is doing. Perezvanivala, she says she does household chores, she got into the habit. She says she did, and in the evening I come from work did not do anything. Fear for a daughter ... Usually we come home the husband for lying begins to punish her daughter, she can strike. Food in 30 minutes home check I did not come ever so. I go into the house, my friend's house, which I did not know about. I start to start, I remember that if I repeat this behavior, I'm very nervous to bring my daughter to tears, then wine and punish myself. I continue to talk, but do not wind it and I'm in the present, I breathe, I breathe, I do not often allow myself to be deceived by my daughter ... I now allow ... I understand that children do not want to do what parents ask ... I remember myself lying to my mother and already not as a child ... ... lets go. He lets go of shouting ... the voice becomes quieter ... there is no desire to continue to punish the daughter ... he lets me go ... the girlfriend leaves. The daughter was upset that her lies are obviously apologizing for the deception, now I saw how sorry my daughter and indulging her. I harmed myself and my daughter myself.
  • At the end of the working day came the guy ordered and offered to cooperate with him. The offer is excellent, we sell our products in its coffee shop in the city center, but my conviction immediately works: I can not take responsibility for my husband. I know our not permanent relations that are harmful to our cause, the clamp is triggered in the body ... I can not allow to give an agreement to this proposal in cooperation ... fear of shame that I will agree and we will part ways with my husband and the agreement will not be held back ... suggests M. to think and call back the answer ... I agree to take the number ... I remain alone in confusion, in unbelief that I can manage alone in the work if we split up.

It's good to have a goal at the end of the path. But the path itself is the only thing that will mean when it is passed.

The game continues!



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