My awakening began unconsciously in my childhood. It
was expressed in some search for something divine and was accompanied,
as it seemed to me at that time, by constant incessant suffering ... I,
as it were, "did not get used to, did not fit" into the general picture
of social life ...
Everything was not right and wrong. And this condition made me look ...
But what to look for, it was not clear. It was the Call.
What was I looking for?
It was a question of questions.
In order to find the answers, I re-read a lot of literature. Where I was striving, why, why, could not satisfy the "thirst" - search, searching, suffering.
- And one day, in 2004, fate gave me a meeting with Rama. This fateful meeting really became that starting point. From this moment began my other existence. I
immediately (not that I understood, no, I was asleep) I felt that I had
found what I had been looking for all this for a long time. Something heard, something "jumped", and then I just walked along the Path in the caring accompaniment of Rama.
- I can not say that the theme of enlightenment worried me. No, the only thing that drove me and moved was the desire not to live as before, i.e. not to experience the suffering that was present in my life.
And only after trusting Rama, his Teacher, having accepted that
knowledge, directions, with which Rama with great love (and this I felt
and feel constantly) shared, I began to Awake.
At the moment, I can safely say that my awakening process will probably be difficult to stop.
I can not, and I do not want, more to return to the former where I was.
I can not already "sleep" as it was.
I no longer know and do not know how to exist, like a robot (a biorobot).
I can only play what it means to see the game of Consciousness.
- In the present period of my amazing life, I am experiencing a global transformation. And I see and I know that the only thing I lose is the fetters of the past.
every day I understand less and less, and at the same time I cease to
feel what is abandonment, rejection, humiliation, injustice, loneliness,
Once, in those distant times, I longed to get rid of suffering - now this my desire is acquiring quite concrete forms. Now I understand: Freedom from experiencing, that's what I went to.
"But on this Path there are no stops and achieved goals." I play, my drawings are not easier and not more difficult than before, but I'm different now.
- What is really important?
Throughout the whole stage of my awakening - everything was important!
I was very lucky! I met Rama.
I was very lucky once again that I heard Teacher.
I was very fortunate to be accompanying him.
I was very fortunate (this is the Divine Mercy of Consciousness) that once I chose the Way, and the Path chose me.
To say that I'm grateful ... Of course, I want to sing, shout, dance, laugh from Gratitude. And Gratitude in the depths of my heart originated and lives. Thank you for this incarnation. For this gift, For all that is mine, that I need so much to live and accept - it's so exciting!
With love!
Хати ,БлагоДарю

24.07 03:59
А вы знаете, как просыпается нежность,
Как внутри начинает вдруг что-то расти,
Расцветает цветком на губах безмятежность,
Что вы долго держали в себе взаперти…
Пробежит ветерком по поверхности кожи,
Защекочет в носу и защиплет в глазах,
Каждый нерв вам и мускул в груди растревожа,
И приятным теплом разливаясь в руках.
И не важно, на что среагирует нежность,
На ребенка в коляске, на ландыш в траве,
На щенка, на котенка, на чью-нибудь внешность,
На прекрасную бабочку на рукаве…
Поползет, закипит и забулькает радость,

И пока еще есть от нее пузыри,
Сохраняйте в себе эту нежную святость,
Этот свет, что проснулся внезапно внутри…(стихи Марины Бойковой)
16.07 01:59
Хати ,БлагоДарю

24.07 04:00
06.07 16:02