The second issue Diaries Distance games spring-summer season.

Monday 20 July, 2015

While many players have gone to play its own game, we publish materials play practical jokes played by them in the second game Remote game.

 Some of the players in the game at the "warrior", somebody that level yet to master, but as a whole: at whatever level the player was not playing, he must first become a warrior. Few words about this.

Way of the Warrior is not like other way known to man. He does not tolerate messiness and haste, and requires a measured and respect.

In our time, when the widely advertised all sorts of ways to achieve instant enlightenment, some may be disappointed by the fact that to gain this ability must be a long and possibly difficult apprenticeship.

Accelerated courses lead to a short-lived career as incomplete knowledge, as you know - always dangerous knowledge.

Few people are willing to hardship, through which you must pass in order to acquire knowledge and achieve the highest levels of this noble path. And yet, only a stepping slowly, step by step, we can move forward on this path, but because any mature person is able to master the basic concepts and the most unimaginable increase their quality of life.

Way of the Warrior is like climbing the cliff, and the golden rule of this recovery states: looking up only to find the next hook, and never look down, so as not to succumb to the fear of falling.

Long way to the top, but what is it done, what freedom is, what power!

And it all starts with basic exercises. But this is precisely lies the first difficulty faced by every student - it looks too easy. And an axiom that all available power, very rarely, if ever - ever, draws attention to itself, for the simple reason that the rational mind stretches to academic difficulty.

Paradoxically, the difficulty of the path lies not in academic difficulty, and in its extreme simplicity.

And now for the monitoring of the game pupils chose the way of ...

The girl with whom I work, communicate with the negative, I first talked to her softly and tried, but today I saw that I was not obliged to gently communicate with her, and I can talk normally, do not lisp (which I did periodically), while I realize that this may be, I feel better, from what I afford it, so she can talk and I talk to her level, respectively. Perhaps I have no energy to raise their level, but now that's it. And I noticed that she immediately began to show softer in my direction. I felt so comfortable together.

I also realized that to be one - it's not terrible, and I walked down the street, I feel it is the "bottom" when he stayed in it, gave it and already know what bad will, and that is the worst thing is not so scary, body takes, and does not feel pain. I felt the freedom, openness, spontaneity, happiness and, of course, I did not want to let go of this state, but it gradually gave way and I accept, too))

The fact that there is an idea, a belief. When I'm alone, without the support - I feel the fear, and the mind says, urgently need to protect themselves! Find a Man (a couple myself). I'm starting to look for a pair myself, and I do not live in the moment, but I am looking for ... I do not find, the fear is enhanced protection - not to let this fear through the body, there are blocks that constrict the mind and reduce awareness - I fall asleep, I fail, I suffer and not understand what is happening, where the roots of the strongest thus (blocks) and so live.

It turns out that the very first thing - is the fear of being a (fear of loneliness). As soon as I was alone, it is necessary to pass the fear of loneliness, because it immediately raises (and scary) if accept loneliness, I live a bright, fully exist. The moment is now!

In the morning practice, he has worked with the rejection of feelings of rejection. I'm getting a little, helpless girl, when I feel rejected at work. The idea - I'm helpless, powerless, a danger to life, the fear of death, destruction. If you do not believe in this idea, and to believe that what I reject - I will continue to live and not die - it is easier to make this situation begin to make sense of rejection. Well, denied, or are dissatisfied with me, but I'm staying is, to me nothing bad happens. I am an adult, experienced, wise, I can earn a living.

Do I have a pity and I go on about these issues, I start to suffer from the fact that I can not meet his needs, he wants something from me, and I can not give it to him. (maybe here is meaningless to give the men their energy, attention, its manifestation, it is meaningless). I started self-incrimination (unknowingly, I had not even noticed).

It turns out that it shows me the senselessness of the whole on the one hand, and on the other that I was not conducted on the pity

About walked to the AP and asks him a question about anything, I began to respond, to say something to him, but then squandered the film back, realizing that the reality is, I agree that there are some characters that have "stupid, nothing matters, "yes, it can be. Picture of the world I have grown, I began to accept more.

During the meeting, participants began to argue, to discuss the topic, I speak your mind what can be (because I try to stick rigidly to the rules, and this attitude, and this is not acceptable for me, I suffer from this). The mind calms down and I accepted the reality is, and has been in harmony.

I respond to his partner (it is the bride of the son of the owner, so I interact with it like with its chairwoman). She asks questions specific tone that animates me guilty. I can not answer her quietly, become a victim, and she tyrant. Afford to appear so, I do not resist, but I remember who I am at the case ... and little by little this awareness leads me to equal interaction with it

I'm sitting in the office with two colleagues, who are not related to my activities, and I do not interact with them, the mind says to me that the need to communicate why we do not communicate?

I realize this is to persuade the mind, no one with me should not communicate. I have no reason to talk, I do not communicate and accept people as they do not want to. When it deeply understand and accept, comes understanding, acceptance of people who love him, no matter whether I like or not.

That seems to be once again notice that somewhere failed (in the habit of thinking that this state will go half a day, maybe two days), but realizing what there is a sense and is consistent with this feeling, realizing itself not a body, but by who observes, the state changes, the mood changes.

So it was, when merged with a sense of rejection and loneliness (revived state in the street, I will not need it), I realize that I did not have these feelings, I observe them, and the thought - I'm no use to anybody, I was not worried, I myself need!

Seeing her suffering, I sat down and helped as best he could, so we sat for about an hour, the pain began to subside. I went home, I felt tired, but did not regret the way held the day, I have not seen a pity to an event, but only the inner desire to help, it takes a force but as it cleared. S. Evening thanked me for the support, it was nice to hear it and to be unattached to the results of their actions (not to expect from this benefit)

DOGS him. After some time a message arrives that the error on the side of the user on the hosting okay. I see this as a hoax, call back. The tube takes the same expert, he heard that I was trying it again to hang up. And then I give a speech about the fact that this is my third call, the problem is not with me, and they have hosted and argue their position. Special listens to me and change the tone, I feel that the time has changed, he starts digging in his and says he found the error and asks to hang on the tube, then it all happens by itself, they come to work, I put the phone. I had to defend the position that the error was on their side, that gave me confidence.

We get down to the base for lunch, out postmaster drunk as a lord. Rejection notice, he calls me into his closet that says something about the loss, I'm not sure how to behave. Comes guide and respectfully said that he was busy, then go down to talk. I remember that this game comes relaxation. Clearly see in all this game characters. Each teaches his subject. Go back to the bus, the road passenger begins to tell about how they go on hikes, about the places where they were, he shares his impressions. I see a hint of the disclosure, in response after a while your mind gives a piece of information, where I was and what I saw. From this - a sense of satisfaction. With a group of very warm goodbye, they came and went from nowhere and learn new things.


After lunch, there was a feeling that something is missing when I returned from the retreat's head was so empty that I could initially live outside the mind, it was a great feeling of life in the stream when nothing should be thinking, being, that's all there . Now mind went back to his seat and tried to bring back the feeling of carelessness, occasionally the fear that I will go back to the old way of life and go to sleep again. Yes, I might have fallen asleep, but it was as a manifestation of life, as well as awareness to this, worry about this person.


Sitting at the computer, I began to watch videos about the trip to Asia, Thailand, Vietnam, rallies fans all practices, the sea and carefree life. I was drawn to. Past trip surfaced in the memory and the present reality has receded into the background. Full of information, I sat down to read a book while reading felt a pain in my heart. Thinking that I was uncomfortable sitting - posture changed. The pain did not go away. What is it, what is connected with the pain, going through the feeling I came across something that lured a beautiful life on the rollers and thereby put his way into second place, there was no better than here, the rejection of reality and envy reflected on the feeling in the heart. I went to the balcony and began to see what I have, I live in her apartment in silence, I can be engaged at any time. Directly from the house begins the forest, nature, where you can walk and enjoy. I have a favorite work, through which I can manifest itself, but from the intangible, I found my way and that I care about what is happening outside of it, I still have to be implemented here! With this in mind, I got into practice, the discomfort began to pass.


Then I saw that the slow movement has its own charm, you can enjoy a slow walk, just to feel the internal rhythm, lack of haste. I was so three kilometers and suddenly turned back. Already approaching the house, I felt intense anger, it was caused by fear of injustice in the possible bias of officials to business, my work. Living this anger, I realized that this is an illusion, if I was to get involved in it and fight for justice, then I indulge my fear. I connected the two events that at first went out with the idea that I have a right to their natural existence, and it has responded by fear, that is, it is still strong.


In the morning came in the mail, letters were little noticed a feeling that some of the letters are interesting and some are not (do not want to work with them), the division on the important things and not important. The answer to all with an equal mood. Written with exhibits offense, I see it and see how it affects me, the first reaction is to defend, but the answer just as it is, then notice how the proposals could allow a reverse impact, monitor and remove them by replying to the end of the situation, felt the inner the tension eased, replaced by the lightness.


Went for lunch, go out with an understanding of the game, comes the feeling that the world is hostile, what is it hostile? Each person individually is not hostile, and then the world is not hostile, accept it, and the body relaxes, sit behind the wheel - a meal in the cafe. I notice the feeling that I want to go with someone to talk, to meet friends, discuss business. Who wants it, who lacks existence, see this illusion afternoon feel that you can go for a walk in the woods.


The air is cold today, well, that did not go skiing, the sun shines equally, but in the spring does not smell, walk for about an hour and come back home. There is a feeling that you need to put the car into the parking lot quickly, where such feelings - because of fear that the car breaks down, and it is better to less left alone. What's wrong is that it will break? I'll fix it, spend the time and money. However, no events good and bad, what is going to happen will happen, and himself out of it driven into the frame is not necessary. Food safely home.


At home there is a desire to review the game hunter climbs into reports. I read the game - it is interesting, there are moments that are missed, it is useful to remember. First, read the rejection of their reports, why? - The rejection of his past life, which used to be worse, but better now, but this is not now and then I was. And in the text and I read the comments with useful information, accept the past, it's mine, and no one's more. Like a lot of care from the conductor, so many years of support and everything is always very accessible and timely, always with the understanding and acceptance of the position that I had in my heart a huge gratitude. I remember that a childhood dream about a teacher who both films have passed the skill or art and a dream come true, my life became a teacher.


A day sleeping, so when she woke up, was just already evening. We eat and decided to go for a walk in the center of the bay. It was quiet and warm. His head soared disturbing thoughts that we're late for dinner, began to imagine that we are already late, allow yourself to be late. A little bit I was able to let go and return to the present moment and enjoy the ride.


I am looking at the ruins appeared in our relationship and realize that I'm doing it all myself. In fact, I once again reject the family but not to feel guilty myself, I attack them, accusing them of all sins. I do not accept either in a role of mother and wife or daughter whims, nor of her husband. I do not accept this reality, in which I was, where the family is one of the most important place in life right now, trying to remove it out of my way, to show the selfishness and visibility of care and love. I am ashamed. But I'm glad I finally see myself clearly not white and fluffy, I see the second side. I ask you to forgive me, I ask my husband, asking her daughter. We hugged.


He says that everything is in order. I see that this is not so. But I do not want to interfere with its processes, know that the fact that something to survive it needs time and effort, and often he did not immediately tell me about his inner state, so that these same forces have not gone into the conversation. I'm learning to accept it, taking in any form, even when I start to feel rejected (this is because I reject it "wrong," and here it is necessary to work with them and not try to change it).


 Yesterday's conversation with S. and present, have led to the fact that I made a sharp turn toward you. What is love, as I see it, I feel like, give or demand, it is expected that accept? Questions swirled in my head incessantly. My physical condition - weakness and dizziness disarmed me to some extent, I felt completely powerless. I just fell into the pain, I was covered with head and almost immediately pushed back, but now I have no one expected nothing and I did not want anything to claim, in part because of the feeling of helplessness, partly because of the understanding that there is nothing but pain is not brings.


 At some point the power over, I felt in emerging anger. I wanted to sleep, I felt terrible, I -ya- I- I ... I suddenly realized that I think only about themselves. The child is bad. She does not do it on purpose, she suffers no sleep and cries of pain. The anger was gone instantly. In his place came complete impotence, I could do nothing with this situation. I had to give up. And I felt this hand came with the new force emerged from within a ray of love, with all my heart that I wanted to give my daughter. A. I took in his arms and pressed her belly to my stomach. So she slowly calmed down and fell asleep. When tried to put her on the bed, she began to cry again, I went to it as closely as possible.


 I see my immediate task is probably one of the most important for himself - to take the role of wife and mother. I often write about it as if to herself doing some suggestion. I feel so uneasy it is given, but I feel that behind this wall of resistance some hidden treasure. I myself chose a husband, she chose a daughter. I've never yearned to marry and longed to have children, I now understand how it just came in my life just came without effort, without suffering. Yes, I even gave birth to 5 hours and it was more like fun than labor pains. In general, no effort on my part, was not attached to anything. I can only envy. And I'm doing - I'm trying to ruin. I always thought that I can love, and now I see I was wrong. Probably yes, I can, but I manifest it in reality? No. All surface without diving. I require love, but a little give. But my family is my church, where I can not lose power, and fill them. How? Through giving love someone, it is through donations, not through requirement. I have a wonderful husband because he learns so fast around and instantly respond to any of my promise of heat. He takes care of his daughter, on the house, he gives so much, but my ego demands more and more and I show only the anger and impatience instead of love. It will be a difficult path to finding inner source of love, but the time has come, it's time to do it. I put one hand on her forehead, the other on his tummy. So we slept.


Take the role of wife and mother, to give it. Yesterday, paid attention to the family, I pushed all thoughts of work and matters on the back burner, and here today and daughter sleeps through the night, and her husband's pain is not so strong, his eyes shining. Maaaaalenkoe such an achievement.


Wow! How things change. Begins to change as both a wave of a magic wand Experience shows that change - it is a normal and natural process, even for fans of the business such as the AB The main thing to allow them to happen, and not cling to your bare hands over the sharp stones in the desire to keep everything as it is.


All morning I try to let go, let go of haste, immerse yourself in the fear of rejection, imagine that everything happened, even though I did not achieve anything ... Fear enveloped stronger. She looked at her daughter, her husband. I have all the time in work, in all cases when we are at home - my laptop is always open and is on the dining table. I have all the time someone calls, I often sit down to work, leaving her husband and daughter play together. There was a feeling that I'm missing something important - currently missing. I'm starting to remember his daughter, a little girl, and I understand how little I was immersed in this process, all the surface all the time on and on, get out of the present moment


The trick is to how to make the heroine of the film, to redirect attention from external to itself. Source Love - inside. Taking care sincerely and lovingly, consciously force can not be wasted, they can only add, because sending light, I amplify it. The fear of rejection leads to give with the expectation and demand, thus protecting from pain, inventing an unfavorable outcome in advance of its manifestations of care and love. But first of all, I despise myself. I myself have created this fear. There is no one more - all inside, begin with yourself. And never too late to change and do not need to rush to be in the present moment, to enjoy every second, appreciate what is, to see the uniqueness and originality in each, who are close to those who trust, who loves. To repeat myself over and over again.


This week, I realized that I was important to learn to give, of course, expecting nothing in return, not listening to my head and feeling heart and realizing that love - that's what everyone needs, and no matter what she always finds a way to the heart of who directed, even if it will take time. Opening difficult, but when I give, when I open the door to your inner light, I feel a huge surge of strength, the weakness of the force comes, it's an amazing feeling.

The power of love is disarming, nobody and nothing can harm him who sees this power within themselves. There was a determination to find a path to this inner source of love.

With each practice you learn something new deeper. It felt that the thoughts themselves think somewhere there, and I watched them. The truth is it does not last long, but it was so. 8:30 Who is the beginning of the day and observing the sweepstakes. Play !!!

Who am I and what is born? Life before this took place in the dark, up to a point. When there is no limit to suffering, consciousness increasingly sends test. All day I observe, track down their blind spots. And alas, without a trace of their number, I'm shocked. I thought that it should, but life is still a wonderful thing. She played you, it starts to suffer, but you do not know what the reason. I'm more like the game Lila. I am very grateful to you guys. I think and believe that I will find myself, but these words are worth a lot of work on themselves. Who am I and what is my role on this earth? Rally, rally around as I had not noticed before? And because I do not know. After three days and more booze suffer more than one day. So much for the rally! But what if you want to? That strength was gone. Evening. Focusing on breathing in the variable. The whole day trying to be conscious, but does not always work. To forget when doing something. I sit down to relax remember. Earlier in the evening remember. That day has passed


Thanks sensations in the body, you can hunt down prey - fear - blind spots, which controls the dwarf disguised by the Maya, and the task of the hunter - the Amazon to hunt down prey and take the Force helping source - currently the same for liberation from the trap of suffering. Now I-Amazon dedication track down prey and making efforts to keep in touch with the source, through the breath. I observe that the dwarf is so refined by unpredictable and that there are so many hidden production-strength that Amazon can not cope and can not carry the force at a time. She realizes that when the rush act unconsciously, without means -Instrument she are afraid to be weak, helpless, rejected, abandoned, strah- loneliness, so getting involved in the game dwarfs. I realize who I am, I give up and move on to the release.


I track down that self-discipline is weak, though well aware of this and do not do, do not keep records, do not stick to the regime, not a walk in the morning, doing practice at different times. Amazon tracked Laziness be a weak spot, the place where the power lies. After feel the breath in the body weakness, heaviness, numbness in his right leg, fear, desire to withdraw, believing in the idea that I was lazy, had identified himself asleep forgetting who I am. I am seeing it realized that I do not accept laziness, because I would be weak, useless, rejected, abandoned. I am consciousness. Energy Tamas -leni manifested through food, taking food, feeling heaviness in the stomach, is a reluctance to move, sleep, feelings of guilt, fear, to stay hungry, the thought will be weak and the sick. Believe it, I start to suffer. I blame myself. I see, realize and play again. Although there is more closer, neutral!

Now I feel in the center of the thoracic back throbbing now, the process of identify itself. I give life, I feel your breath and accept things as they are. After all, the game character is the conductor of Consciousness, the script is already written, is still playing. Who is tracked as a clever start, I want to be a good student. The feeling in the seventh cervical vertebra - voltage, resistance, fear of being poor, rejected, identifies and believe in the idea that I'm bad, asleep and forgetting that there is good and bad, that all neutral. I realize myself, I have consciousness!


Lotteries are becoming thinner. Flies some thought, I do not have time to understand. Fleeting sensation in the body - dismissed. All caught. After some time, the pressure, weakness. That was the case this weekend. The city hosts competitions Drift, all kids want to go, but the problem with money. The son came over and asked me if I can, given them tickets. Of course, I can race - it's his love. The next day, I myself went there with my grandson. Calls daughter to know how I deal with my grandson and recognize that we are all in the race. She says nothing, but I stiffened. Carried, claims are voiced. Only the next day I realized that there had passed - a sense of guilt because I experienced. I transformed retroactively.


O. to say anything disparaging about the homeless. I say that the situations are different and tell the story of a young man from a very wealthy family, the university student who was kidnapped and partially erased the memory, and it is a time was homeless. O. interrupted me in mid-sentence and tells the story of his wife's mother, and that he would be happy if it erased the memory. I get a lump in my throat, I was dissatisfied with myself, that is not interesting to tell, because me and killed. And then I say to myself - no, you tell wondering just his thoughts are desire to get rid of molestation mother-and now this idea! Com dissolves.


Rather, my character plays the role of the victim, who must learn to love and appreciate yourself, to trust life and take it in all its manifestations. Lived experience will help awaken


I have in front of many exciting hunting! I began to notice that there are people around me who live by the laws of the hunter. Previously, I was surprised and even angered their reaction to different situations, I now perceive it as a manifestation of wisdom and acceptance of life. I began to quietly (in most cases) relates to current events (simply experience). And the idea of ​​being elected, which can happen only fulfillment of his destiny, I like it. Because my state of health said that I was not the way of their destiny, he leaned somewhere.


Today began architectural exhibition. Learn what to Magadan arrived a couple of my fellow students. We had warm relations at the institute and after distribution to Magadan, but it was about 30 years ago. They found me in the "Classmates" and we even talked. In general, the exhibition I "flew" thinking, where we will spend the evening, confident joyful meeting. At first she did not recognize me, then I portrayed a joyful smile from Hollywood hugging and kissing. He recognized immediately tensed, natural kiss, but five minutes of talk time on a reception at the Queen of England, to "you." I remember the "mood of the lack of expectations." I used to be very upset. Who I am surprised and took the situation for what it is. Yes, the past 30 years, everything changes.


Sobral backpack I. came and asked to wash his clothes, distracted him and went to 9.25. Remembering that late will not probably went to stop my bus was standing there waiting for me. As soon as I walked in, we immediately went. Thanked consciousness in the face of the driver for what waited for me.


She came to the country and decided that today, no business will only write the report, since it is necessary to send it. Just plug in a laptop and came V., I gave him tea and sat down at the computer. After 15 min. he just turned off. My first thought: "Out of charge," looked at the outlet: "No, I included, can turn off the light?", I check if there is. It is burned? Listen to yourself - No, there is no sense of loss. There was the excitement of "What is the matter?" "Small boy" started to whisper in his ear: "How do you send a report? You're a bad girl, unable to cope with the task, shame and shot on the spot! "There was a light sadness. Yes, and it has not coped too can be. Including observers and watched as the mind is trying to impose a sense of guilt. Son went into the room and asked what happened. He explained V. businesslike set to work and began to check everything again. Finds himself for the fact that once again trying to teach him, "I already looked there!", Stopped and went outside. In 10 minutes. son came solemnly and told me that the laptop works! Hugged him and thanked: "How cool that you are!" It turned out that a new outlet Vlad made in the form of extension and it was just off from another outlet, t. E. As I thought, "Discharge laptop»  Learn to trust your Feels!


After lunch, all go to watch TV and when a rejection of himself, "do nothing" comes to conscious suffering, then I sit in meditation. Breaks and twists, sit, remember instruction frames - says the moment of distrust of life and try to give up. Yes, I give up, I'm completely useless and worthless, it is painful and unpleasant, but so be it! Who am I? There disidentification and peace and quiet and the next, after meditation, comes the enthusiasm something about it!


In the morning, after waking up went the thought that with his son something happened that two days later he did not return calls, the images of the dead body with an unpleasant smell, anxiety ... and immediately thought that this is just a thought, they may to believe and not to believe and trust in these thoughts is the moment of distrust of life, that is, the time is now. And trust in life? Yes, everything is possible in the body relaxation and no resistance to the idea, they flowed like a cloud, I was just there, here and now.


I notice the rejection of a colleague, do not resist this rejection, watch ... I understand that the resistance of the rejection was even more increases come ... "evil" with images of the face of the blows ... and ... let them accept and do not believe ... As Pictures comics ... they, too, go away and remains silent acceptance and colleagues as part of me, the part of which I am afraid to show ... and it is. Where the time of mistrust? That I should not be (angry)! How to trust? stop resisting anger (or rather, the fear that is behind anger), and humbly to him but that's my face for a strike ... Who? Breath and Silence.


I work with Ilahinur, warmth in the hands of the guides in the region, where there is brevity. Well it turns out at the concentration to focus on the present moment, there are no thoughts in my head and the energy is a tangible force. When the focus is weakened, domestic work weakens. After the end of the practice because of the energy for assistance.

Three players are showing high commitment in this game:

Volcano - 90%

Joke - 85%

Isis - 85%

Game is played.

The Leela.




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