Meditation in motion in the individual retreats in Nakhodka.

Saturday 01 August, 2015

Passive recreation program individual retreats "Experience of Samadhi" and the subsequent retreat "dive within himself" replaced on the active with a visit to the main attractions and Found, mountain sister and a close of the retreat center of the hills that offer panoramic views of the entire landscape of the coastal zone of the North part of Nakhodka Bay.

Thus, the program of the retreat "experience Samadhi" Academy Lila, today for the daily richness is one of the most complex known in the different currents of Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, and other areas in which the professed knowledge transfer in silence. The rise of the participants at 4.30, going to bed at 22.00 (with a minimum of passive rest between meditation).

During meditation movement, retreats, participants will focus their attention on the organs of perception: the sense of smell (smell), sounds, colors and shapes of objects visible, remaining unaffected perceived

The duration of such outdoor activities is 2.5 hours in the first and second day of the retreat.

Thus, participants of individual retreats, having become acquainted with through his own experience of Samadhi experience, will learn to practice the state of Sahaja-samadhi, which is the highest type of samadhi.



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