Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 4.

Sunday 18 January, 2015

Prayer ...

Greetings of the reality in which

all the elements and all the living and nonliving

creatures appear as if by themselves

itself, to which they awhile

exist and which then returns ...

Before we move on to the summary of the game in the fourth game of the drawings, let's talk a little bit about Lila.

Absolute Mind in its developed state deploys its energy, ie, manifest.

This manifestation of the gratuitous, spontaneous, unconditioned ("crazy" from the standpoint of human rationality). But that it is the basis of any rational manifestation of the essence of her heart.

Such radiation has a tendency to self-expression of the Absolute. The first radiation full of the fullness of omniscience and omnipotence of the Absolute.

As the energy radiation depart further from the Absolute and separated from him, losing contact with their source and allegedly marred.

So begins Leela, when the absolute mind hides itself playing their energies.

Any conscious activity of people and other creatures is based on the deep underlying reason, and this activity is lila - incomprehensible game energies Absolute Mind.

Despite the fact that humans and other creatures may consider their activity due to this or that rational principle subsume under her logical basis, ie set targets of this activity, to describe its laws and the reasons, however, this is only one side of the relative reality, as seen from the world of duality (the so-called "karmic vision"). If we look at the displays of the eyes of non-duality, it appears as unmotivated unfounded game energies of the Absolute - Lila.

So mark the fourth game.

At this point, part of the players enlivened resistance, which is reflected in their game, but at the expense of awareness, played upon the resistance, some of the players are playing with maximum commitment, using the resistance as an excuse to to acquire the gifts. In general, all the players to play! And as they do, read in this issue of the Journal for the Remote Third Winter Games.


Absolute wise. I will not asleep part to argue with him, to complain, to ask. I see a game I want to play. It happened, so it is necessary. Wake up! Around illusion, a dream.


I see that the mind does not say -chuvstvuyu calm. I do not believe in the relative reality is a dream. All smenitsya- arise and disappear. Consciousness must somehow be played, here it comes up, and I (the same consciousness) is to play along, play, take, watch. If it is conceived and zahotelo- necessarily. I can not interfere, do not get. Trust is organizing force.


4 game took me seriously. It's hard during the day to keep track of your body, or rather remember these feelings do not always get to be with a notebook. Covering such states as greed, greed, anger, pain, laziness. The entire period wanted to hide, run away, drop everything. But some force still chopping and control me. I found a way out in the books, in the movement, exercise yoga, skiing, communication.


I feel like the covered to the ears, a feeling of meaninglessness, head heavy like after a long sleep.


I have just been brought so that the material world is not as important compared with the spiritual that finding spiritual freedom I will get everything, and losing financial freedom - I'm just going to die. I looked at what I have on my parents, friends, a job, a car and money. These things are less protected me from reality.


The picture in the mountains nest with chicks and bird-mom. The chicks crawling on the nest, sometimes crawl to the edge of the bird guards can sometimes bite. But the time will come and it will push them down so that they learn to fly. To do this, the chicks need to get stronger wings, otherwise they will break. Me and my mother-bird, feel the care and love, and I'm a chick, I feel the fear of the abyss.


The growing tension in the words and actions m., Was ready to explode, and then stopped half way, I saw the game. Consciousness showed me my inner state and this is me. I myself found a weak spot and caught him. As in a fairy tale, in whom I was flying, and I saw him and he was gone.


If I am not the doer, to whom I put the assessment and from whom in the rankings? I compete with myself through the characters ...


I said: * What I have done! Give turntables second life and joy to people! * Sideways watching him, his face lights up and stretches in a slight smile. A little embarrassed.


 He returned from the movie and I thanked AI for the evening. Fluffed up like a peacock! J How little is necessary to man! I always knew what he wanted, so I thanked him all the time and asked. But I did not want to do this so as not to blow it out without a major importance. By the way, to make compliments to strangers I've always been easy. But its always difficult, I can only praise for the cause.


Today, I liked the morning meditation. Just as if I had dissolved, a state of complete peace, quiet and do not want to come out of this state.


Today I am completely, without resistance, dedicate myself grandchildren. Watch them interesting, playing with them as a child. In the stomach there is some ripple, track - and it is pleasant.


I began to sink into thoughts that are pulling for a nagging "as usual, all we have in Russia by train .. and stuff." Breathing becomes difficult - many men with a hangover and a smell of alcohol begins to cause nausea. Suddenly I saw how from the corner the cat jumps. The teeth of a certain bulb. Adult cat, but begins as fun to play with a ball, like a child. I immediately think about the game and smile. I put on the table form (if it is necessary I will add what they say), miss the smell of alcohol and begin to just watch the world go by, depending on how it's reflected in my home state. I even catch a feeling of peace surrounded by all these people, as if we are slowly sailing somewhere and all silently waiting when we prishvartuemsya) such a thrill - not in a hurry and just being. No fuss, no resistance. No - hurry up =)


Looking at the ever-changing ocean I saw how impermanent my inner state, it changes all the time. I saw how I resisted all these days of reality as it spent a lot of effort. My resistance - is my failure itself. Rejecting reality, I deny itself and at the same time afraid of being rejected. From this again shed tears. Is immersed in fear, live it


So Consciousness plays. When I sleep - it plays with me. It shakes in one direction and then the other. And this game I do not see - chained to the anchor - its material things, money worries, feelings. Or wander to the "motor off" - unconsciously, trying to fight back at a time when resistance is useless, can only get worse - will throw the rocks.

But if you begin to see (start the engine) if notice of Consciousness game, you can back and play with him the most. And then my game will depend on the personal power. What is the power, so is the outcome of the game.


 Thank you and come back to the car with a light heart. As I understand it, the essence of drawing - see the whole inner discomfort arises in a particular situation, to see what fear is hiding there and going into it consciously, to receive the gift - Force.

In this season I have overcome the discomfort, the fear of being rejected lived, felt the Force received in response to a momentary vigor in the body, and joy. But as I understood - it is better not to relax too much, because things can change quickly.


Where I hurry? Yes, I'm in a hurry and now I see the consequences of this haste ...

Suddenly, like a flash of insight - I am aware of my fear - fear of being alone. I feel like in this fear, I feel it all over, tears were beginning to stream down her cheeks. I am a "peek" into your own. Gradually, the tears stopped. Inside becoming calm. Now you have to remember the rally that lesson has not been lost - and play.

The joke is that a few days ago, reading a blog of the situation with the fear of loneliness one player, I decided to myself that I do not have that fear. As it was confidently - so to think! Less than a week as Consciousness prove otherwise.


During these 5 days I saw how not accept myself, I do not like. I began to study the adoption itself, with all its "cockroaches" and behavior. Slowly opens. In conversations I try to look at themselves and their feelings, saying it was based on internal desire, understanding, without going into the external.

Noted - the more open, the greater the response to my life begins to open. In his heart - joy.


Report writing makes it possible to analyze the situation, to see and understand that just could not assimilate. And reports give strength to the desire to sink more and more into the spiritual.


 I embarrass yourself, your body. The fear of being ridiculed and rejected, and as a result of loneliness. At the time of meditation often sinking into oblivion, the dwarf whines constantly. "You can not do that, but come on, why it any nonsense" and stuff like that. I'm trying to skontsetrirovatsya and at such times somebody necessarily interrupt my studies. That did not exist before. I accept that, too.


I came out to the terrace and saw the cat and the cat who mated with the terrifying screams directly on the lawn. Well, thank you, I understand the problem that could not be found. Sex !!! Thank consciousness ... And then prompted !! I like it a sad smile, the theme for me very painful, well, as it is, then so is necessary.


In the morning I had a feeling that I was bad. The bad mother, a bad hostess, callous man, lazy and stuff like that. Suddenly, the son wrote. He finally told how to deal with their allergies and found the reason. Fear, he was afraid of us, their parents. He remembered some moments when his stepfather punished him, and this time I went out of the room. Terrible pain and guilt washed over me. I began to breathe, breathe. What I met this morning ?? I AM BAD! Well, then get a confirmation of this !!! What inside and the outside. Incontestable axiom.


The neighbors came out and swim in the pool two little girls and their mother. I hear them talking, funny little family talk of small children. They argue who is better able to jump, then play Counting and call dad in the pool. Then at one unbuttoned vest and she asks her mother to fix it. And then I understand. THEY Norway !!! How can I understand what they say ??? Goosebumps. I relaxed my mind and let go all the rules thereof to and I am absolutely clearly understand everything they say. It's impossible to explain or convey. Blurs the boundaries of reality. Magically !!! We are all one. All united in shimmering facets and shades. I dissolved.


Worryingly the idea that I have a great responsibility to defend the property of my relatives that echoed the uncertainty in their abilities, gain aching chest pain and ubezhdeniem- I can not be very convincing to the authorities. The agony took place more than one day. And suddenly, in meditation I see, that I -personazh really can not influence the course of events, everything will happen according to the scenario created by the mind. And my character remains to be seen, be in the moment of the manifestation of thoughts, feelings of insecurity and loneliness rejected live - all are manifestations of relative reality, an illusion. I - the moment of truth is manifested in all its forms. I consciousness is to play the game, I (consciousness) has established itself. Whew ... Everything is so simple !! I was just there. Tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks.


Today has been held the annual medical check-up and was horrified, each specialist, found changes according to age. Old age! And when they found a cyst in the breast, I felt the fear of death. With that, one part of me felt the fear of death, and the other part of me filled me with love, it is a new feeling. Yes, the physical body is worn out ... But there is no death, there is a transition (it knows the mind). And I felt that to go I do not have more power, a lot more bindings to the physical, something that does not take away much not released including feelings. Spending time on jealousy, fear, resentment. And you just need to take the diversity of the world as it is. Himself themselves to take.


Watching heaviness in his right side (anger, rage, injustice, death). I do recapitulating the history of life, I remember an event when I was 10 years old Mom and Dad on the brink of divorce, but still together. They swear, I'm afraid I want to squeeze in a lump to disappear, to hear nothing (fugitive). Let be the bodily sensations, going back to the time right now. It comes compassion for the parents, because they hurt, they were the motives, each in its own, the pain became furious, stop or who could not, well, that did not fight. For me at the moment death would be a deliverance from suffering (the fugitive). They could simply differently, and may be wanted, but could not. They simply do not have the strength of mind to the parents to do with, it is my feeling, it's just been for my experience, compassion and acceptance of forgiveness and gratitude.


I woke up six, ten o'clock in excellent condition and gradually began to fall asleep under the influence of this young man that I almost brightened))) hahaha Together prepared holiday dinner and I sent Christmas greetings to all all. Rajas lulled completely unnoticed until the next morning. Last comes the realization Games during lunch, in the beginning, and then it spun under the influence of champagne which my character was drinking far into the night and eat eat eat and in the morning woke up in a "better if I died yesterday."


And understanding that you never know what awaits you tomorrow pain or pleasure, and in what quantities


Often I remembered about the game, and peace of mind come by itself. Voice Dwarf with disagreement was thin and quiet. Everything happened quickly and spontaneously.


Hurry, impatience at the time of the aggression is the here and now, which is destructive. I began to catch himself on the little things. Baby want to quickly send to kindergarten, I start to rush him, but he wants to watch a cartoon, even asking a second. The inspiration breath, cartoon course ends, kindergarten or where to stay. I'm in the moment here and now, looking at her son, looking at the television, take a breath. Cartoon ended after a short time, without whining child went to kindergarten.


Report Writing for me is part of the Games of sense comparable to the devastation and release. After the report easier to move forward.


I fell asleep. This rally I have been given for the application of the knowledge that there are no separate things and borders - all events are interdependent. Death, of pity, guilt - this is an illusion. No limit. Boundaries lead to conflict and suffering. A few minutes later the condition has improved. I was "born" again. I woke up.

The day after the "birth" of standing at the bus stop to go to work. I watch. Somehow differently. The world stopped. Everything is "stuck." There was silence. Small cars were busy on the road, the little people "froze" on the dark sidewalk slabs. The clouds seemed unnaturally white cotton wads. "I" as if dissolved. I wanted to cry and weep. Then all "moved." White cloud over the hills fluffed tail like a playful whale. I'm playing.


I did not beg her to work. I work ten days alone. Just I organize events as I can. Without self-pity. That's right. I seek money from sponsors. Helpers are spontaneous - singers, activists, accordion player, writer, poet. And here is not my merit, my importance - there is no doer, everything is organized so itself. There are no restrictions, I did not lose nothing gained. Everything just happened.


Arriving at the restaurant we were talking with friends, telling how feasts held. Watching the game I realized that this is another hoax and took it like it is. When did showdown with one character and his former relatives, I just watched the scene and followed in accordance with the reality of not resisting the processes that take place, although it was unusual for me, I tried to drive into a sense of guilt that I was not able to resolve the situation. I just watched it happened does not happen, this game was a test of my reaction to the situation, I feel the unity and the game I took a new gift! Be! I am expecting nothing and what is not tuning.


I realized that I was standing before a choice, conflict with myself, when I saw the sign. The sign was on a poster, on which was written "Choose your way ...." Live life of an ordinary person or spiritually evolve.

1. The life of an ordinary man - the fear to get lost in their fears, unconscious fear of death.

The image: I saw a little girl who does not want to take responsibility for their lives. He stays in dreams and waits for the prince on a "white horse."

2. The spiritual path - the path singles. Fear of losing loved ones.

Image: sad and senseless.

In the process of observation I noticed the fading away the illusion of solitude. And consciousness is an external motion and change: the cat came to eat the son began to move in bed. Everything is a game. Everything will be as it is. I have everything what I need, and the choice was made long ago.

And being in dreams, real life passes by.


What caught yourself now? I write not for yourself, and do not even Rama! And for those who can still read ... That is to blog and write!


In general, I somehow everything is clear now I understand who is in me all the dialogue and how to distinguish between: Soul Body Spirit.

And I'm beginning to doubt his name before the game It started Winter Games - I have a new name ...


For the third day, I have a very strong weakness in the body, dizziness.

I caught myself that resist this weakness. I begin to actively meditate, to call ilahinur energy, move, to do something that it does not feel. From this, at some point it became even worse. He said sebe- Stop what you're doing?

I began to explore: came to the fear of loneliness.

What's my joke? - To accept and live this weakness and allow it to be.

I ceased to force yourself, relax. She went to bed and lived weakness, took it and allowed it to be.

Exploring, I understand that inside, I do not accept his weakness. What am I even hate it. Behind this is a very strong belief: Weak hate reject them.

Papa was weak.

 Mum, his hated it, because he could not protect his family, afraid of everything, he was indecisive, his neighbors and sometimes humiliated rejected.

-And I do not accept it this weakness in himself too.

-prozhivayu event, and let it be, let the father be weak, let him be what he is.

- The image became calm. It's his life and he is the way he is.

I accept it with love.

-My Soul has come to this body with a sense of weakness, to live this weakness and take.

-Now, There is no resistance. Peace, acceptance.


I see a huge resistance to this scenario .. do not want to take care of it, "buzyu" angry at her, she never wanted to even come close to understanding their problems ... it -velikaya victim. And I do not accept. Just sacrifice a soul .. and this sacrifice through the mother climbs and smiling ... I understand that I am just as she resisted, just different scenery ... and the strength and power of our ogogo .. so again, looking at his reflection and weep ...


This stage is very difficult given.

Many draws and losing everything BUT! through these losses very well, I see its negative aspects, just feel their confidence, their disgusting traits in their entirety.

For example, I go to work - have secured the car with the two sides (the second ryadom- stood in the courtyard of a problem with parking), not to leave. One that closed me stronger, not even a phone for communication, call another machine on the glass, but not sure I could go out there, cold, snow coming down, I'm tired terribly, boils ...... Comes guy cleans snow from his car and I voiced to him my thoughts: "I want to take, and glass break so goats which are locked and the phone do not write!" He looked at me, smiled and said: "Well, it's vandalism of some sort, I would did not do so, now I will leave quietly and help, do not worry! " To drive away his car, he helped me, and I went home again considering his exaggerated sense of self-importance, arrogance and selfishness ...


4 (do not miss any of meditation - this for me has superdostizhenie!


And yet - I am not sure until the end, it is, but note here on a moment: I was missed a lot less time for a night's rest, t. E. I get enough sleep for fewer hours than usual. I do Sonia and my dream 7:00 always been inadequate, and recent enough!


I think that one possible way for me is to slow response. I always give out instant reaction to events spontaneously, so she decided to try all the time is now to realize first, step back, and only then respond. Unfortunately, there is difficult, I understand that this is the hardest, probably, the case. I do not despair, thinking constantly about what happened sweepstakes, but do not scold yourself and (again!) Accept their inability to razotozhdestvitsya as the initial stage of development.

In general, treat yourself with loving kindness)))


This time the "strike" was to him a strong awareness of trends in the so powerful that the first time in 15 years, I saw how my little boy crying huge tears ...

I went to work and was surprised my feelings ... On the one hand I was overjoyed on how skillfully and patiently consciousness leads each to the desired result, the joy of being born a man, and painful to watch him pain ...

but the quality of this pain is quite different, the pain is not destroyed, and the host ... in childbirth, are you crying from physical pain, but happy about the result of this process.


ARTICLE IS STATUS game passed.

What is illusion and what is real?

Play it!



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